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Brotherhood of the Shaven Head ?

I'm losing the male pattern baldness battle, so I might be joining this brotherhood at some point. I might try something like a Trac II or Atra the first time I do it. Seems like the angle might be a little difficult to master using a DE on the old melon.

Ironically - shaving my head with a DE has been hands down the largest technique improvement method I've found. re: since I shave the back of my head completely by feel, my eyes don't get in the way of muscle memory and scalp feel. IMHO far easier than peering out the bottom of my eyes while attempting to stretch the skin by my adam's apple!
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Normally I use the Mach3 on the noggin, primarily for speed and ease.
If I've had a few days off and "let myself go" for more than 3 nights, then to prevent clogging of the Mach3, I'll mow everything down with the straight razor and then go in and do the final buffing with the Mach3.

No pics, but I have a soft, smooth dome this morning and thought I'd post.

Prep - Ran sink full of HOT tap water. Put about a tablespoon of the same in a plastic tub of Van der Hagen Deluxe soap & placed that in the scuttle. Added more of the same water to the scuttle - to just below the rim of the soap tub. Floated scuttle (with soap in container) in the hot water to warm while I showered.

Following the shower, took the soap out of the scuttle, emptied water from the scuttle and replaced it with the water from the soap into it (about a tablespoon). Loaded a Woods of Windsor pure bristle brush with water (forgot to soak it - this may have actually helped my lather), shook it a few times and swirled on the warmed soap cake a few times. Started to make a really soupy watery lather, so I loaded the brush in the soap again. After about 30 seconds the consistency grew thicker, and a thick meringue seemed to explode in the scuttle!

Shave - Decided on using a 1955 Flare Tip SS that had a three shave Gillette Platinum in it. After a three pass BBS face shave, I re-wet and lathered my head with the VDH since I still had more than enough. First pass was front to back - mostly WTG on my head. Re lathered and went ATG with zero irritation. Finally, dipped my fingers in the soapy sink water and used them to find the spots that needed clean up. There are a few spots where I know the hair grows in odd directions - base of my neck, cowlick on top, etc. I left the water in the sink for just this purpose - It's soapy enough to provide some lubrication, but thin enough to let my fingers find the remains of my hair.

Post Shave - Used warm water to rinse off soap residue, then cold to start closing the pores. Using a white wash towel (reveals weepers I can't see), patted face & scalp dry. Applied Avon Skin So Soft oil to scalp - I use about half of a US dime sized pour to moisturize. Applied Clubman Pinaud AS with minimal tingling. Scalp (and face) are completely BBS for the office Christmas party with no weepers, irritation, or dried out feeling.

I've really concentrated on making a better lather lately, and it really seems to be a key factor in improving my shaves. My RAD kicked in hard yesterday and I ordered two different scents of Mama Bear's soaps based on reviews - I'm excited to see if this further improves results!
I'm new to the forum but been shaving my head with a DE razor for the last 10 years with a Parker razor (dunno the model) and recently with a Gillette fatboy.

I use shaving cream for face shaving, but I use baby oil for the head - use one hand to feel the head as I shave. Shaving cream is not as lubricating for my razor to glide over the head as oil (IMHO). I only use one razor and never like making allowances for different razors. With the Fatboy I'm on level 4 for head shaving and for my face I'm on 7. If I'm in a rush or run out of blades I've used a Gillette proglide which is actually quite good for a fast head shave but my skin is better with a DE razor.

I head shave in the bath/shower thus I can lay on oil quite liberally and once you develop your touch with the razor you dont really need a mirror (my razor free hand feels over my head and where to go with the razor). I apply the oil with only one hand and with the other hand razor shaving with the whole head. If the head gets dry as I shave I dab the oily hand in water and run it out the dry area and feeling as I go where next to shave. Head shave every 3-4 days. Clean and with no stubble (visible or by touch). I've used other oils over the years - olive oil and even massage oil. The key (for me) is to keep the head lubricated as you shave. Don't worry about mirrors - get to know your head and use your hand to guide.

Rinse your head with water and rub in a drop (or two) of olive oil or Palmers cocoa butter oil to the head.

Well, it works for me.

PS: Does this mean I can put BOSH in my signature? lol
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I'm a DE head shaver, been doing it for a few years. I have used various products, but at this moment I shave 6x/week with cella and either my weber or 39c loaded with a derby, feather or Astra (yeah I'm not too picky). It really is a great way to take the hairs off. One word of warning though, the slant really separates the good technique from the bad. My weber is much more forgiving.
I occasionally use my 37C with whatever soap I'm using on my face that day, but for me it's slower and no smoother (on my head) than my usual disposable razor, so it's not something I do often.
I'm new to the forum but been shaving my head with a DE razor for the last 10 years with a Parker razor (dunno the model) and recently with a Gillette fatboy.

I use shaving cream for face shaving, but I use baby oil for the head - use one hand to feel the head as I shave. Shaving cream is not as lubricating for my razor to glide over the head as oil (IMHO). I only use one razor and never like making allowances for different razors. With the Fatboy I'm on level 4 for head shaving and for my face I'm on 7. If I'm in a rush or run out of blades I've used a Gillette proglide which is actually quite good for a fast head shave but my skin is better with a DE razor.

I head shave in the bath/shower thus I can lay on oil quite liberally and once you develop your touch with the razor you dont really need a mirror (my razor free hand feels over my head and where to go with the razor). I apply the oil with only one hand and with the other hand razor shaving with the whole head. If the head gets dry as I shave I dab the oily hand in water and run it out the dry area and feeling as I go where next to shave. Head shave every 3-4 days. Clean and with no stubble (visible or by touch). I've used other oils over the years - olive oil and even massage oil. The key (for me) is to keep the head lubricated as you shave. Don't worry about mirrors - get to know your head and use your hand to guide.

Rinse your head with water and rub in a drop (or two) of olive oil or Palmers cocoa butter oil to the head.

Well, it works for me.

PS: Does this mean I can put BOSH in my signature? lol

I use Avon Skin So Soft or Body Shop massage oil to shave the scalp with in the summer & a Mach 3 if I'm in a hurry - scalp only; I've improved enough with my FTSS that face shaves are easier, faster & better quality than with the M3 - easier to just drag it over my head & not think about technique. I do find that my shave doesn't seem to last as long - I used the M3 this morning at 5am and I a couple rough patches already at 9:46am...

I agree with watchiekong - do we get to put BOSH in our sig? :w00t:
I've tried repeatedly to shave my head with a DE and simply can't get it down. I shave with a Fusion cart. razor. I guess I'm out. Lol!
I use Avon Skin So Soft or Body Shop massage oil to shave the scalp with in the summer & a Mach 3 if I'm in a hurry - scalp only; I've improved enough with my FTSS that face shaves are easier, faster & better quality than with the M3 - easier to just drag it over my head & not think about technique. I do find that my shave doesn't seem to last as long - I used the M3 this morning at 5am and I a couple rough patches already at 9:46am...

I agree with watchiekong - do we get to put BOSH in our sig? :w00t:

I have updated my signature.......
I have a "substantial" collection of DE razors (probably about 40). I usually use a different one every week, my go-to blade is Astra Superior Platinum. I use whatever I used that week to shave my head on Friday evening. My beard is not very coarse, so I can usually get away with using up that week's blade on my head. I have had to change blades before the head shave when using other brands (Shark, Bic, etc)

I do not shower before, I just throw a hot wet washcloth on my head while I get the lather ready.

Right now I am finishing up a tub of Proraso green on weekly head shaves. I will typically make three passes or so with the DE and then one pass with a Mach 3 to hit any rough spots. My worst cut EVER was with the Mach 3 to the top of one of my ears. It bled horribly for about 35 minutes. I have to admit that I have gotten fairly good at this DE stuff and routinely get nick free shaves of my noggin with an R41.

I am stopping at DE and won't be trying to shave anything with a straight. :biggrin1:
Switched up a couple things this morning:

Shaved my head in the shower with Trader Joe's shave cream, and used a Merkur 1904 Open Comb with a shim under the blade (it seemed VERY mild on my first try).

The 1904 really mowed the stubble down efficiently with the shim, and I really liked shaving the dome in the shower (I used waaaaay too much water, so I won't be doing that again). With the TJ's cream & the shower water, I felt OK doing one ATG pass and some touch ups for completely BBS results!

(Face shave worked a treat too - but that's OT on this thread! :wink2:)
I made a few changes also.

I've spent the last week using a vintage Hoffritz Slant for my head. Used Derby blades.
Pre shave with Proraso Pre Shave Cream.
I've been using Cella soap with a Boar brush.
Rotating through some new AS.

I've also been cold shaving.

So far, these changes have all been positive!
I soak my brush in a mug of cold water and put about a tablespoon of cold water onto my soap before hopping into the shower.

When I'm done with the shower, I get out and take down the shower spout handle. I stick my head back into the shower and give it a rinse with cold water.

Then I proceed as normal. I only use cold water to rinse my razor.

Results were great. No irritation at all.
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