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Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers (BATTS)



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Monday 20250106
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 1, Passes: 2)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

The ATT X1 Slant is as good as it gets. :001_wub:

Superb 2-Pass DFS :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.


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Tuesday 20250107
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 2, Passes: 4)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Same kit as yesterday. The ATT X1 Slant is as good as it gets. :001_wub:

Superb 2-Pass DFS :cool:


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Wednesday 20250108
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 3, Passes: 6)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Same kit as yesterday. The ATT X1 Slant provides extraordinary performance. The more I use it, the more I want to use it. :001_wub:

Superb 2-Pass DFS+ :cool:


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Thursday 20250109
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 4, Passes: 8)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Same kit as yesterday. The more I use the ATT X1 Slant, the more I want to use it. :001_wub:

Superb 2-Pass DFS :cool:
Last edited:


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Friday 20250110
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (TiBam Antique Ti Handle)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 5, Passes: 10)

Brush: AP Shave Co Purple Haze (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Shave Nation
Lather: RazoRock The Dead Sea
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: RazoRock The Dead Sea

Same kit as yesterday. Outstanding performance and results! :001_wub:

Superb 2-Pass DFS :cool:


Ditto, ditto
New ATT S1 Titanium delivered last night, got my first shave in this afternoon.

I've got to say, this is a mild-feeling razor. Blade feel is akin to my Blackbird Titanium Lite, hopefully once I get used to it, I'll notice improved efficiency. For my first shave, it didn't do anything my TiBird Lite doesn't do. I'm sure there's a learning curve, so, the next several shaves will be interesting.

Workmanship is top-notch; the standard finish is a near-polished on the cap. Thread engagement is precise and the two wee locating pins do a great job of positioning the blade. Overall, its a beauty.

Truth be told, I would have preferred a smaller head and exposed tabs, or, cutouts in the head if the tabs had to be covered (RR Lupo, anyone?). Getting around the nose is a bit of a challenge.

I intended to take a side-by-side picture with my TiBird.... this is a BIG razor. It must weigh as much a pony in stainless.



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Thursday 20250213
Friday 20250214

Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie Windsor CH1, Copper Calypso Handle
Blade: Perma-Sharp (Shaves: 5, Passes: 15)

Brush: Rudy Vey B&B 2020 Contributors Brush (TNS 24mm Original BOSS)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Proraso Red Cream
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Musk

Same kit as yesterday. Outstanding. :001_wub:

Superb 3-Pass DFS++ :cool:


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Saturday 20250215
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie Windsor CH1, Copper Calypso Handle
Blade: Perma-Sharp (Shaves: 6, Passes: 18)

Brush: Rudy Vey B&B 2020 Contributors Brush (TNS 24mm Original BOSS)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Proraso Red Cream
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Clubman Pinaud Musk

Same kit as yesterday. Outstanding. :001_wub:

Superb 3-Pass DFS++ :cool:


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Sunday 20250302
Monday 20250303

Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (Custom Emerald Green handle crafted by @GAW9576)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 9, Passes: 20)

Brush: Rudy Vey Emerald Green AS3M Brush (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Lavanda Cream
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Lavanda

Superb 3-Pass DFS++ :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.
Sunday 20250302
Monday 20250303

Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers
View attachment 2006028
Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (Custom Emerald Green handle crafted by @GAW9576)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 9, Passes: 20)
View attachment 2006029
Brush: Rudy Vey Emerald Green AS3M Brush (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Lavanda Cream
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Lavanda

Superb 3-Pass DFS++ :cool:

Please visit My Journal for shave notes.

I'm glad you are still enjoying the handle.


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Tuesday 20250304
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers
Wednesday 20250305
Brotherhood of Above The Tie Shavers

Razor: Above The Tie X1 Slant (Custom Emerald Green handle crafted by @GAW9576)
Blade: Schick Proline P (Shaves: 11, Passes: 26)

Brush: Rudy Vey Emerald Green AS3M Brush (Mühle 25mm STF)
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Lather: Lavanda Cream
Post-shave Balm: Nivea
Aftershave: Lavanda

Same kit since Sunday. The X1 Slant is an extraordinary daily driver! :001_wub:

Superb 3-Pass DFS++ :cool:
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