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Breaking news- 6 year old floats away in balloon-NOT

It's a scam and the family are nutjobs.

Again, it's good news that a 6 year old child was not whipped through the air in a makeshift spaceship balloon but I'm inclined to agree here with the Nid Hog. Wife Swap not only once? I'm going with publicity stunt; another 15 minutes of fame for the amateur scientist.

Jeez, make me feel worse for buying into it. Note to self: don't watch non-national emergency news stories when sleep-deprived!

On that note, good night all!
"It's a scam and the family are nutjobs."

Who wrote that truth? The Nid did.

One of the kids says they "did it for a show" in an interview....:lol:\

Mom and Dad should get a nice fat bill for the rescue efforts.
Dude. Grounded forever!
Again, it's good news that a 6 year old child was not whipped through the air in a makeshift spaceship balloon but I'm inclined to agree here with the Nid Hog. Wife Swap not only once? I'm going with publicity stunt; another 15 minutes of fame for the amateur scientist.

EDIT: There will probably be another 15 minutes when they go on Dr. Phil to talk about it.

I agree, this made me feel sick to my stomach all afternoon thinking about that poor kid. Then I started seeing stuff about the reality show history and thought, "this is probably a bunch of crap." Then I felt bad for thinking that until I saw the end result. It's 100% B.S., a pure pub. stunt. Any Mythbusters fans out there saw the episode where they lifted a kid with helium filled balloons. It took a crazy amount of balloons to get him off the ground, alot more helium than that makeshift flying saucer prank gone wrong could have held. They'll probably sell their story to the highest bidder, National Enquirer, et al. Pathetic
I agree, this made me feel sick to my stomach all afternoon thinking about that poor kid. Then I started seeing stuff about the reality show history and thought, "this is probably a bunch of crap." Then I felt bad for thinking that until I saw the end result.

This exactly. I try not to jump to cynical conclusions, but geez.
Lessons learned:

Don't build experimental aircraft in your backyard.
If lesson one is disregarded, do not build experimental aircraft in your backyard where children roam unsupervised.
If said experimental aircraft has already taken off while you are reading this and aforementioned children are nowhere to be found, check the whole house before chasing a balloon for two hours.

Also, shouldn't someone, somewhere, have thought: this is a giant party balloon full of helium, I've never seen anyone get carried away by a bundle of balloons, this is probably BS.
I heard an expert state on a radio show (while the event was unfolding) that due to the volume of helium contained in the balloon, it couldn't possibly lift more than 6 to 8 pounds, so there was no way that a 6 year old child could have been lifted off the ground by the contraption.

He was summarily dismissed pretty quickly as everyone seemed to love talking about how tragic it is, while it was happening.

Pretty sad if it was just a stunt put on by the parents.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Remember that episode when Bart Simpson put the walkie talkie down the well? That was my first thought when I woke up to this story. I LOVE it! I want to start a collection to raise money to buy enough helium to send this kids parents into a low earth orbit. That should make a good media event! :biggrin:
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I turned on CNN news this morning and these psychos were on TV again. It's too bad that this idiot's flying saucer didn't get hung up in the tree in his yard so that they were never inflicted on us. The father is one of the most thoroughly unlikeable people that I've ever seen and his wife acts like she's completely under his spell. The world is at war, the global economy is staggering, and CNN devotes five or ten minutes to talking with this scumbag. Ugh.
It's a scam and the family are nutjobs.

I'm with Nid Hog on this one. As to the punishment the kid may get, I'm not sure what flakes like this would do, if anything. I read, and I realize the press may not be accurate, that the father took the kids on storm chases. This may have been a bona fide attempt of the kid to get away from the asylum.
On CNN the kid blew the family's cover and admitted that the whole stunt was done for show. The parents need jail time over this as well as a hefty bill for the emergency services used. Despicable.
If the father and mother did this as some type of publicity stunt, one word:


Yes, or AT LEAST a bill for the helicoptors, services and resources they WASTED.

It's really looking this way though, sadly.

Again, I say, poor kid...he doesn't have a chance with parents like this.
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