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😬 Brace rule


The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
So here is a question for y'all...
Saw this "Form 1" posted over on Reddit (I know, I know) and something caught my eye. So it has been approved and signed but what is missing? I'll wait...

Yep! NO Tax Stamp in the upper left hand corner! This begs a question and opens a can of worms in my mind. Above individual got an approved Form1 but all my forms (real or digital) have a tax stamp on them. The thing that bugs me is this. I get the feeling the "free" tax stamp ain't a tax stamp but a permission slip to continue to use your brace (even though that makes it an SBR per AFT) and if you were to put a real stock on and get caught the repercussions could be really bad. "You have an SBR, citizen!"... "Here is my tax stamp, sir"... "Yeah, I see a Form 1 but there ain't not Tax Stamp on it" There is something even sketchier than I imagined going on and it is going to bite someone in the butt... HARD! What do you all think?

P.S. I have not seen the "Approved with Conditions" page and I would very much like to!


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
As long as a bare buffer tube remains legal as an AR pistol, that's the route I'm taking. I've removed one of two braces that I have and will remove the other as soon as I get a new upper's optics sighted in. I don't trust this whole tax stamp amnesty thing, too fraught with potential "gottcha" traps. Given the ATFs new no tolerance policy of shutting down FFLs for the most minor infractions in paperwork, I see this as another trap to eliminate gun ownership on a wide scale. If you get busted over a technicality, you now lose ALL of your guns and the right to to have any forever, at least potentially.
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Honestly, with the limitations placed on AR pistols as far as accessories go if they allow me to register mine as an SBR for free and with expedited paperwork I might take them up on it. I’ve got an extra brace that’s not currently on a lower. I wonder if id have to register the brace or attach it to a lower.
At the SHOT Show a guy from I think GOA directly asked an ATF Agent about the "free" tax stamps, specifically since part of the "free" process involves giving them a picture of the weapon. His question was "If an application is denied what happens?" The answer was you are then subject to enforcement action - and they have a picture as probable cause.

No thanks!
I've been playing with the concept. Definately like the idea of getting the sight higher up instead of craning the neck over to accquire a dot. It honestly feels more natural and target accquistion is fast! If you are looking at it you are on it!
I got tall mounts awhile back for my carbine, accomplishes a similar goal, getting your head up. Much easier to pick up the dot with NVGs.


The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
I hate to say I told you so......
Didn't tell me so. Not gettting a "free" tax stamp. Just gonna bide my time (and this will take a while minus some emergency injunctions.) but Heller will rule the day! As many braces are in circulation "common use" is easy and it takes the unusual out of "Dangerous AND Unusual". My pie in the sky dream... SCOTUS says "ATF? You say 40 million in circulation? AND they are SBRs? Well... By your own admission SBRs are in common use and not unusual. They really need to come off the register. Oh and there are HOW many suppressors out there? Hmmmm..." I know but it's fun to pretend! :lol: And maybe it won't be pretend someday!
I sold my brace to a gentleman who does not own an AR. I sold it for the princely sum of one dollar. Then, I found a recoil tube assembly that is three inches long and swapped it for the original pistol tube. The gun is less than 21 inches long, functions perfectly, and is ridiculously fun to shoot. I also installed a green laser and will be at the range today sighting it in.
I do not trust ANY government agency to do anything unless it is to my detriment. I'm not fooling with this. It will all be sorted in the courts, one way or another. In the mean time, I like what I have and pay no attention to their deadlines.
I'm old, fat, and decrepit. I find it immensely satisfying to know that the government fears me enough to do things like this in an effort to change my status to 'felon'. I sent a check to the second amendment foundation. Now, we wait.



The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
Well boys! The numbers are out! According to The Reload (who queried the ATF) 255,162 braced pistols were registered. Based on 40 million that .6%. Based on the ATFs 3 million estimate that is 8.5%. Not exactly mass compliance.


The "Peter Hathaway Capstick" of small game
The only guys bummed are those that followed the rules and registered their pistols as SBR’s. Seems now they need ATF approval to carry them over state lines
Nah... Just send a letter and tell them you want it removed from the registry. Easy peasy! And I am SURE the AFT will destroy the paper work and completely forget about your pistol. <cough>
The only guys bummed are those that followed the rules and registered their pistols as SBR’s. Seems now they need ATF approval to carry them over state lines
Same with stamped items except silencers.

" If a person would be transporting his firearm(s) to the same location on a continual basis, ATF will approve a transportation request for up to 1 year. "

You would refile every year if you frequently cross state lines. Inconvenient but that way you don't have to file each trip.
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