I would respectfully disagree.I feel this thread encapsulates the changes that have occurred on B&B. If this thread was posted 10 years ago and you didn't like a bolo tie people would have either a) not commented, or b) simply commented "They're not for me but look great on you!". Now this thread has people dumping on those who do want like them and gatekeeping who can or cannot wear one.
I never thought I'd see this attitude come to B&B, but here we are. What a shame.
We are getting some interesting responses, which are providing personal recollections and geographical information on the wearing of the bolo, and it's usage and decline.
There are a couple of some quite mild sartorial criticisms, but I have found it informative, as a non bolo wearing Londoner, although I have seen them worn by Rockabillies including a close work colleague from a coulple of decades ago who actually 'lived' in the US of 1955, with his wife, including clothes, furniture and even a car.
I hope you take this comment in the spirit in which it was intended!