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Blutt Rasur BR-1 Polished / Matte


I shaved a fortune
The Claymore the other day gave me what I'd probably consider the closest shave I've ever had and the Blutt has given me the worst! šŸ¤£
Funny how that works, though you mentioned itā€™s likely the Claymore Evo had an unannounced update and that might have bumped up the efficiency a tad. Iā€™m almost tempted to buy one to see for myself. Mine has a matte finish, though itā€™s quite nice. Are they only offered with a polished finish now?

You know me by nowā€¦ā€¦..ā€almostā€ in Phoenixkh speech means Iā€™ll have one in my cart in no time. <eg>
Funny how that works, though you mentioned itā€™s likely the Claymore Evo had an unannounced update and that might have bumped up the efficiency a tad. Iā€™m almost tempted to buy one to see for myself. Mine has a matte finish, though itā€™s quite nice. Are they only offered with a polished finish now?

You know me by nowā€¦ā€¦..ā€almostā€ in Phoenixkh speech means Iā€™ll have one in my cart in no time. <eg>
As far as I can tell, it's only offered in the polished finish (Alpha). I think the Executive shaving one I used to have was matte.
Alpha has it on their website on sale for $149.99. I was gonna buy it there but it ended up being more expensive than thru The Razor Companies Black Friday sale.
Alpha charges shipping and you've gotta wait till it arrives from Hong Kong!


I shaved a fortune
I would love to buy just the razor head. I donā€™t care for SS handles, though I could get one of the carbon fiber ones they have.
I would love to buy just the razor head. I donā€™t care for SS handles, though I could get one of the carbon fiber ones they have.
Email Alpha (I forgot the owners name) and see if he'll make a special request for a head only purchase. And while you're at it, you can ask him if the head really changed as compared to your Executive head. Maybe it didn't and my results might just be Psychological! šŸ¤£
It might save you from purchasing in vain!


I shaved a fortune
Email Alpha (I forgot the owners name) and see if he'll make a special request for a head only purchase. And while you're at it, you can ask him if the head really changed as compared to your Executive head. Maybe it didn't and my results might just be Psychological! šŸ¤£
It might save you from purchasing in vain!
Steve Tinter is his name.... I've chatted with him via email a few times over the years.
Back on topic šŸ˜‰


Debut shave with the .86 baseplate. As we've learned, we're deep in YMMV territory with this razor, but honestly, I love it.
Today's shave was just as nice as the recent shaves with the other two baseplates I have. One day worth of growth. Three passes meant for an effortless BBS result (the third pass was dine just for kicks and giggles).

I'll do some side by side shaves next with my baseplates (read: .67 vs .86 / .86 vs 1.20 / .67 vs 1.20) when the rotation calls the Blutt again...

Happy shaves!
Back on topic šŸ˜‰

View attachment 1957574

Debut shave with the .86 baseplate. As we've learned, we're deep in YMMV territory with this razor, but honestly, I love it.
Today's shave was just as nice as the recent shaves with the other two baseplates I have. One day worth of growth. Three passes meant for an effortless BBS result (the third pass was dine just for kicks and giggles).

I'll do some side by side shaves next with my baseplates (read: .67 vs .86 / .86 vs 1.20 / .67 vs 1.20) when the rotation calls the Blutt again...

Happy shaves!

Have you come to any conclusions regarding the various baseplates? Iā€™m most curious about two things:

1. Is there any difference in how close the three baseplates you own shave (.67, .86, and 1.20)?

2. Have you noticed any differences in comfort if you use each baseplate several days in a row? In other words, after 5 consecutive shaves, do you notice the 1.2 causing more irritation than the .67 or .86?
Have you come to any conclusions regarding the various baseplates? Iā€™m most curious about two things:

1. Is there any difference in how close the three baseplates you own shave (.67, .86, and 1.20)?

2. Have you noticed any differences in comfort if you use each baseplate several days in a row? In other words, after 5 consecutive shaves, do you notice the 1.2 causing more irritation than the .67 or .86?

As for your #2, I understand the point and why it might be of interest to you and others.
But unfortunately I rarely shave with just one razor/choice of baseplate for an extended period of time in a row, so perhaps others can chime in who have had this experience.

Just for a better understanding: do you have a "borderline" razor? What I mean is: is there a razor in your range that is "almost" too much for you when it comes to these long periods of use? And: what is your blade of choice for this razor?

As for your #1, I haven't had the opportunity to do these side-by-side shaves. That's the "burden" of a big rotation, I guess.... šŸ™ˆ But hey, you're right about recalling my announcement.
I've recently started my own journal and I've already decided to establish some sort of "side by side shaves" on the weekend as part of perhaps a small series.

So... I'd like you to choose the two Blutt baseplates for my upcoming Sunday shave. Just let me know! šŸ˜€

Yes, @Wgg2017, what are your favorite razors? If we knew that we might be able to focus our advice for your context.

For reference, I like relatively mild razors, low end of medium at most. I do not like aggressive razors at all and I do not enjoy bladefeel. I found the 1.20 to be too mild for me, so I moved it on. I completely disagree with the description on the Blutt site, the 1.20 is a daily shaver, imho.
Just for a better understanding: do you have a "borderline" razor? What I mean is: is there a razor in your range that is "almost" too much for you when it comes to these long periods of use? And: what is your blade of choice for this razor?

Yes, @Wgg2017, what are your favorite razors? If we knew that we might be able to focus our advice for your context.

I really enjoy the two Timeless open comb razors, the .68 and .95. The .95 is the ā€œborderlineā€ razor to use JAHEā€™s term. I can use it once with absolutely no problems. But if I use it more than 3-4 times in a row I get a little irritation and discomfort on both sides of my Adamā€™s apple along with an ingrown or two. I donā€™t have that problem with the .68 oc Timeless. I can use it over and over with no irritation developing. Personna lab blues are the blade of choice.

A few other favorites are the Lambda Athena, Gillette New short comb and Fatip Piccolo.

Razors that didnā€™t work so well: Blackbird (too aggressive), Massamune and Nodachi (too many unexplainable weepers), Gillette Techs and clones (just didnā€™t seem as easy to use as the Timeless razors).

Iā€™m one shave in with the Blutt 1.2 and itā€™s off to a great start. So smooth and just a close, easy, pleasant shave. Iā€™m mostly just curious what can be gained or lost by using the other plates.

So... I'd like you to choose the two Blutt baseplates for my upcoming Sunday shave. Just let me know! šŸ˜€

Iā€™d say go with the .67 and 1.2. Any differences between the plates will hopefully be more apparent by comparing the two Blutts that are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Looking forward to the results!


I shaved a fortune
Yes, @Wgg2017, what are your favorite razors? If we knew that we might be able to focus our advice for your context.

For reference, I like relatively mild razors, low end of medium at most. I do not like aggressive razors at all and I do not enjoy bladefeel. I found the 1.20 to be too mild for me, so I moved it on. I completely disagree with the description on the Blutt site, the 1.20 is a daily shaver, imho.
Iā€™m a bit surprised that the Blutt BR-1 1.20 was too mild for you. I got mine pretty early on. I ended up having 2 razors, but only one OEM handle. The 0.86 plate worked well for me, but thatā€™s the one I found to be mild. The 1.20 has been excellent for me. Compared to my other razors, Iā€™d say itā€™s lower medium efficiency. This stuff is so subjective, all of us have different results, or at least results vary. I do find it interesting to read about which razors work for whom. It really helps when comparing them and then planning a future purchase.
Here's a little spiel regarding the .86, .99, and 1.20:

The link is at the 13:11 mark. The whole video is worth a watch. His video on the 1.20 is worth a watch as well.

Notice that he using the Blutt at a steeper angle and mentions that he likes it more than the Karve CB due to the less shallow angle.

I found all he had to say very interesting.
Iā€™m a bit surprised that the Blutt BR-1 1.20 was too mild for you.

I was very surprised too! I thought it was going to immediately be top tier, as it has a lot of the attributes I like most. Used with my normal technique, it was smooth but not efficient and left a lot behind. When used on the steep side and with a sharp blade, it did pretty well. That is what the Blutt 1.20 wants, but that is not natural for me. My top razors, like the Athena and Henson +++ work much better for me.

It is a beautiful and incredibly well-made razor though and works well for many!
Iā€™m a bit surprised that the Blutt BR-1 1.20 was too mild for you.
I find it super mild Kim!
I can't imagine ever going to a lower gap than the 1.20. I also wouldn't agree with how Blutt ranks it. I guess they rank it vs. the other Blutt gaps but it's definitely super mild as compared to other razors that are out there.
Big gap, positive blade exposure but little blade reveal. I guess that's the combo that gives it it's feel. And also why it's very efficient (for some) despite it's numb characteristics!
Yeah to me the Blutt 1.20 is very smooth especially looking at Gap only.
I really hated to pass mine on I did.
In my difficult area to shave I just couldn't make enough passes to satisfy my want.
On the good facial areas it was a pretty good shave with a few extra passes over but extra working at it though so smooth.
Second shave with the Blutt 1.2 last night. Another very smooth, close, comfortable shave. I had a small bump just below my jawline and the razor didnā€™t irritate it or cause it to bleed when I know other aggressive razors Iā€™ve used would have. Very happy with the Blutt so far.

Soap: MdC Nature
Blade: Personna lab blue
Does anyone know the size & type of washer that the Blutt brings (the red one)?
And is the size M5x10mmx1mm?
I can't seem to find them anywhere and I'd like to buy spares. And I'd actually like to add them to my other razors too. They're better than the hard plastic nylon ones that I've got.
If I'd know the exact size and what they're made of, I'd then be able to find them. They feel like some type of fiber paper!
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