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Blade Size

I started straight shaving a couple months ago and bought two new Dovo carbon blades, a 5/8" and a 6/8" from the same vendor and they came shave ready.

I started out with the 6/8" and in a reasonable amount of time I was getting pretty decent shaves and the edge seemed to be staying sharp with stropping. I decided to get the razor rescaled because while I liked the blade I didn't care for the scales. I probably had about 20 shaves on it when I sent it out.

After sending the 6/8" to get rescaled, I started using the 5/8". I got some ok shaves with it, but I am finding that it drags on my skin and on my neck I have to go over certain areas 4-5 times to get a smooth shave. This wasn't the case with the 6/8".

No pun intended, but does size really matter that much? I didn't think there would be that much difference between the blades.
If the razor is honed properly it should not make difference, it ether shaves well or it does not, no matter size or grind. Now if you do not like certain sizes and grinds that is another thing, but it does nothing to do with the actual blade condition.
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Could it be a difference in weight between the two? I've found lighter razors require more user input while heavy blades do much of the work for you.
Could it be a difference in weight between the two? I've found lighter razors require more user input while heavy blades do much of the work for you.

+1 I believe that is why many guys with course, thick beards prefer larger, half-hollows or wedges over smaller full hollows. Less flex and more weight make the blade more inclined to go through, rather than over, the hairs.

Of course, as mainaman pointed out, any blade size will shave hair and much can be dependent on the condition of the edge...

However, in this case I'm inclined to believe it isn't so much a matter of blade condition (e.g. sharpness and keeness) as it is the effect the different sizes are having on your stroke (grip, angle, motion) - particularly if the vendor you purchased them from is one of the well-known shave-ready straight vendors (such as Classic Shaving, Straight Razor Designs, etc.) - who typically use the same honemiester to prepare their most of their blade.

Blade size and weight can have a significant impact on how much care, effort, precision your strokes need - just as it will have an effect on how hard or easy it is to get into tight places such as right under the nose, chin dimples, neck hollows to either side of the Adam's apple etc. So it may well take more strokes with a 5/8 for you to get the same results you more easily get from a 6/8.

Bottom line: Yes, because of the effect these other variables have, blade size, weight, and grind can make a significant difference in your results even if one blade is practically as sharp as another. If they didn't, there wouldn't be much point in manufacturers creating and providing such a variety of sizes and grinds to choose from.
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Could it be a difference in weight between the two? I've found lighter razors require more user input while heavy blades do much of the work for you.

+1 - I believe that is why many guys with course, thick beards prefer larger, half-hollows or wedges over smaller full hollows. Less flex and more weight make the blade more inclined to go through, rather than over, the hairs.

Of course, as Stefan pointed out, any blade size will shave hair and much is dependent on the condition of the edge...

At the same time though, blade size and weight can have a significant impact on how much care, effort, precision your strokes do or don't need - just as it will have an effect on how hard or easy it is to get into tight places such as right under the nose, chin dimples, neck hollows to either side of the Adam's apple etc.

Bottom line: Yes, because of the effect these other variables have, blade size, weight, and grind can make a significant difference in your results even if one blade is exactly as sharp as another. If they didn't, there wouldn't be much point in manufacturers creating and providing such a variety of sizes and grinds to choose from.
Blade size is interesting. Some prefer big, heavy, blades, and others like lighter, smaller blades. Or some prefer large full hollows and small wedges! It all comes down to personal preference, I think.

Myself, I prefer 6/8 full hollow blades.
Blade size is interesting. Some prefer big, heavy, blades, and others like lighter, smaller blades. Or some prefer large full hollows and small wedges! It all comes down to personal preference, I think.

Myself, I prefer 6/8 full hollow blades.

Not that I've tried that many, but so far it appears the 6/8" full hollow is my preference as well.

Antique Hoosier

3 of my all time favorite straight razors have been 5/8 blades. Thiers Issard Super "Gnome", Mappin & Webb Nulli Secundus, and an Abercrombie & Fitch. Having said that, the 13/16 blade I used today was quite nice and it is largest blade Ive tried. Experiment and find your personal best.
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