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Blade Biter's Tasting Notes

All this for a Generic Standard Blade. Seems like a lot of work.
Many years ago, I used to dine at the smokers sushi bar, downstairs at Hatsuhana restaurant. Not because I was a smoker, but because the chef at that 6-person bar was a master. “Yasuda” later went on to great acclaim with Sushi Yasuda and ended up on Anthony Bordain’s show. In my 62 years, the finest sushi I ever had was his.

The rice taste was perfectly balanced. The temperature of the rice was just a bit warm. The textures and flavors he would present to me were the epitome of Japanese traditional style.

On many occasion, I would laud his skill, telling him his Sushi was exemplary. He would smile at me and respond: “I try not to make outstanding sushi; I try to make ‘standard’ sushi”

I’ll take standards like his, and the GSB, every time.

Until I get intestinal worms. Then, I’m out.


Not made for these times.
As an "Active Recruit" Boris is certainly invited to our next feast. He can sit next to me in the great dining hall at the GSB Temple. We can talk about ABBA.



Born to häckla
As an "Active Recruit" Boris is certainly invited to our next feast. He can sit next to me in the great dining hall at the GSB Temple. We can talk about ABBA.

View attachment 2006175
Not even ABBA will pull me into that wicked place. You will have to use a better bait to get me there. You are trying to ambush me to take me out. I know what you are up to. Just to let you know.......I'm packin' and I will not go down easy...


Born to häckla
I’ll make the invite. Still deciding which text I want to go with:

Time to eat, heretics.

Time to eat heretics.

Commas save lives.
That reminded me on my dear wife. she is our church administrator(what that really means is boss lady) and she sends out emails and communication every week. Well last week she had something in there about a camp for youth that we have, but that it would be hosted at a nearby church. The youth would meet at our church and then BEHEADED to the other church.

Spaces saves lives as well. Needless to say we were laughing pretty hard about that one.


Collecting wife bonus parts
That reminded me on my dear wife. she is our church administrator(what that really means is boss lady) and she sends out emails and communication every week. Well last week she had something in there about a camp for youth that we have, but that it would be hosted at a nearby church. The youth would meet at our church and then BEHEADED to the other church.

Spaces saves lives as well. Needless to say we were laughing pretty hard about that one.
Your wife seems to a member of our cult and has experience beheading heretics. You better sleep with one eye open.
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