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Blackbird Lite Titanium

I've never owned/tried a blackland razor, but this milder titanium has me very intrigued... I'm guessing no as it doesn't exist for the other titanium razor, but will a longer titanium handle eventually be available?
In the meantime you can do this:

But yeah I do like the aesthetics and balance of original Blackbird Titanium handle better.
My new blackbird ti lite arrived earlier this afternoon and it was love at first shave. The blackbird hype is real and deserved.
I’ve been a wet shaver for more than 10 years, and I consider myself a very unskilled shaver, or poor shaver. With very sensitive skin, and never mastering DE shaving. I used a oneblade stainless steel exclusively for years, getting decent shaves consistently but always missing DEs.
My first shave was incredibly comfortable and smooth, without irritation. And I went all in with 3 passes and buffing to achieve bbs.
The razor is beautiful, and well made. The weight, balance feels just right.
Blackland has won a new fan.
I think I’m about to sell a few that someone who knows me would say, isn’t that the 3rd time you’ve listed that razor… no actually it’s the 3rd time I’ve sold almost the exact same thing.

But back on topic, the BB Ti’s little brother, the lite, I have 2 love them.

Hi, can anyone compare the Lite plate to the regular plate for titanium and stainless steel? I've heard that the Lite plate is not efficient on stainless steel but it is on titanium and I'm confused.
Hi, can anyone compare the Lite plate to the regular plate for titanium and stainless steel? I've heard that the Lite plate is not efficient on stainless steel but it is on titanium and I'm confused.
I can only say of brass and titanium Lite plates, that both have similar efficiency to original plates, with lower facial impact.

I would expect that if the material were that important, the stainless would gall between titanium and the denser brass.

You could put a lite ti plate with a stainless cap and handle.
Hi, can anyone compare the Lite plate to the regular plate for titanium and stainless steel? I've heard that the Lite plate is not efficient on stainless steel but it is on titanium and I'm confused.
I have the stainless steel lite. Its very efficient for my needs 1-2 days growth. I would assume the titanium is just a material difference. Maybe a weight difference. Titanium is lighter than steel but also more durable. But I don't forsee any issues with the Stainless steel. I break it down rinse and let it dry everytime I use it just like any of my other razors.
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