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Bigfoot Found!(umm...maybe)

Just hope that Bigfoot's family & friends don't come crashing the conference wanting to give their buddy a proper burial...which sounds like a plot to one of those horrid Sci-Fi channel movies like Mansquito or Night of the Poodles.:em2300:

Nah. I'm thinking they are going to show up with lawyers. Demanding fair compensation and residuals for all those Jack Link jerky commercials. Remember; no messin' with Sasquatch.

Regards, Todd
I agree it would be big news, but it would also be anti-climactic. Half the fun of these legends, myths and tales is NOT knowing what the answer is. Sort of like finding out there's no Santa... you can still enjoy Christmas, but somehow, it just ain't the same!


Except in this case, it would be more like finding out there really IS a Santa.

There is some speculation that this Sasquatch find along with the Montauk Monster that washed up on shore not long ago are part of a viral ad campaign for a new TV series called Fringe
I'm pretty sure this is real... And in fact, I'm confused as to why it took this long... It's obvious how they caught him...

The giant squid was seen over and over again for centuries without any hard physical evidence to support the far fetched claims of sailors. Much of the scientific world dismissed those claims until in the last decade when they have been caught on video and physically captured. Now there have been hundreds of verifiable sightings and there is no doubt that the species exists.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." ~Socrates.

Indeed. The ocean is a little different than land, though.

If this really checks out, which I doubt, you've got to tip your hat to the animal's ability to be elusive.

And where are our in-house scientists: How many bigfoots would have to exist to maintain a healthy gene pool?
I'm just a few minutes from the hotel where the press conference is being held and was going to go for fun, but it's press only. Don't know where I can get some press credentials at the last minute.

So... did you get hold of any press credentials? :smile:

Would be nice to have man on the inside.
I'm just a few minutes from the hotel where the press conference is being held and was going to go for fun, but it's press only. Don't know where I can get some press credentials at the last minute.

Not like you can't make them.

That .gif is rad!
Not to be a spoil sport, but these guys have done some sleuthing and created a pretty strong argument for this being a fraudulent scam involving a police officer from Georgia and his brother.

You decide, YMMV

Of course, it may actually be real. Who knows. Weirder things have happened!

I watched that old Penn & Teller episode on the Netflix VOD box awhile back. Classic stuff. Those two boobs out there on Loch Ness with their digital cams throwing chum in the water hoping to snap a pic of the monster. All the while the boat captain is rolling his eyes just hoping he gets paid. Like I said, classic.
The old Crap-o-meter is almost pegged. It will be fun to watch these jazbos pull a Fred Astaire trying to get around this one. On second thought, maybe more like Gene Kelly. Singing and dancing in the rain. The rain of the national media coming down on their heads like a bucket of ****e. Still, just to jinx the naysayers, it may all be true!

Regards, Todd
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