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Because of shaving, has anyone had a frying pan whizz by, courtesy of the wife?!

No pans headed my way! :thumbup:

I did get a "it's nice you've got a hobby" at the start :lol:

The en-suite is "my" bathroom (she's got the big bathroom) but she did get me a couple of sets of drawers to put everything in....I've still got space so the AD's don't have to stop just yet.

SWMBO also gets the double benefit of me being clean shaven and smelling better than I used to, plus she now has smoother legs courtesy of a DE :001_smile

Every now and then I'll show her your dens and some of the Huuuuuge collections here and she realises that I've not become an obsessive collector (yet!) :w00t:

Plus, my "hobby" is a LOT cheaper than her's (dolls' house stuff)! :thumbup:
My wife was not too happy when my 3 year-old got hold of my used razor blade repository and figured out how to shake most of them out all over the house. Luckily, no injuries, but I had to quickly design a new protection strategy for the blades (new and used) or be forced to use cartridges/electric/grow beard.
No frying pans wizzing past me, I did get slapped pretty hard though. Long story short I dropped the "faceterbate" term on her while we were getting ready for bed!
No, but then again I don't have 70 safety razors, 16 straights, 82 creams, 14 soaps, 77 aftershaves, 13 balms, 42 pre shave oils, and 17,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 blades.

Before you get pissed, know that YMMV
On the contrary!

My smooth visage and wonderful array of manly scents has made the wife a willing slave to my every whim and desire!

At first I got the eye-rolls and knowing grins. Then it was the patronizing head-pats and the that's-great-honeys.

18 months later, it's become apparent that this isn't a passing fad. At this point she really appreciates the qualities of the process and especially the results. Now she rubs her cheek against mine every morning just to test the results. Hang in there. Make her a believer.

Still an acceptable diversion as long as my kit stays in its place and doesn't try a land grab for more bathroom real estate. However, I think I may my need to rationalize my kit after some recent eBay acquisitions.

Definitely got extra points for getting a free shave brush travel case rather than buying one (I asked for an empty pill container/pot thing from the local CVS - my brush fits inside just right)
Got the eyerolling for a while and the mocking, until she tried it on the side...lost a tech and a slim as well as a brush and some soap.... she is now as converted as I am.... I just hope she doesn't take up str8's...I refuse to part with any of mine
My last AD was silent films. My wife is quite happy wetshaving came along and (at least temporarily) replaced it. She finally has the TV room back.
My last AD was silent films. My wife is quite happy wetshaving came along and (at least temporarily) replaced it. She finally has the TV room back.

I know that everything under the sun is collectable, but I never in my mind thought about silent films. Is it like music trading - trading legal audience recordings - or really obtaining the actual roll of film?

I'm enlisted and the wife is currently unemployed, consequently money is very tight in our home. When I told her that blades would cost only 10-30 cents I got a big green light. She wasn't too happy about dropping $40 on a 34C, $18 on some AOS cream, and $13 on a tweezerman brush. I told her to think long term, these things will pay for themselves in a matter of weeks. I then reminded her that her haircut/color every two months is $180.
It's funny this should pop up.
Just the other day I was talking about hobbies and I told my wife that shaving has become a hobby for me and appropriate money will be spent on what I need.
I assured her that I won't go crazy, but a few things will pop up here and there.

She was understanding, but I know now that i've put myself out in the open that she will be keeping mental note of what appears and disappears from the shelf.

But that's OK, she's got enough scrapbooking supplies to make pages for half the city. I turn a blind eye to it unless i'm tripping over it.

Wait until she sees the display rack i'm building for my razors.:001_tongu
SWMBO was dusting a curio shelf just outside our bathroom yesterday, when she came to the full realization that a Gillette Executive Adjustable has joined the Slim Aristocrat on display . . .

She claims that I:

1. Spend more time in the bathroom shaving than she does on her hair and makeup.

2. Spend more time "talking" with my "buddies" (B&B) than I do talking to her.

3. Smell nice when I use Clubman.

4. Feel like I "just shaved" at supper time.

5. Need to get a life.​

Of course, a few hours later, she asked me to give her legs a shave with the Lady Gillette that I picked up for her . . . and finally conceded that the two gold-plated adjustables "looked nice" on the shelf . . . :001_tongu
SWMBO was dusting a curio shelf just outside our bathroom yesterday, when she came to the full realization that a Gillette Executive Adjustable has joined the Slim Aristocrat on display . . .

She claims that I:

1. Spend more time in the bathroom shaving than she does on her hair and makeup.

2. Spend more time "talking" with my "buddies" (B&B) than I do talking to her.

3. Smell nice when I use Clubman.

4. Feel like I "just shaved" at supper time.

5. Need to get a life.​

Of course, a few hours later, she asked me to give her legs a shave with the Lady Gillette that I picked up for her . . . and finally conceded that the two gold-plated adjustables "looked nice" on the shelf . . . :001_tongu

Well it sounds that you are lucky to have someone to like your hobby just as much as you.

At the end of the day I just have a DFS, empty wallet and something nice to stare at :mellow:
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