I sometimes argue with my son over what can be expected of a barbershop haircut. So I thought I'd tap into the collective wisdom of B&B for insight. All this stems from a haircut he got a couple of years back. We went to a "sport cuts" place in a strip mall out of convenience. We had just moved and hadn't found a good barber near our house so that's where we found ourselves. It was certainly on the expensive side, as far as I'm concerned, at $25 base price, on top of which they seem to expect a tip (which I easily resist). Anyway, we went in and he got his hair cut. Nothing special or fancy, a typical "boy cut". Well in the end he got what I would asses to be a mere trim, and the girl who did it didn't even comb his hair when she finished! When I questioned it, her reply was "You didn't ask me to style it." So combing after a haircut is considered "styling"?!! I was ready to push the point but son insists on avoiding confrontation at ALL costs regardless of the circumstances, so out we walked. I gave him a comb in the car. Seriously?!!