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Ballantine's blended scotch

Years ago I tried Ballantine's Blended, back then I thought it had a funny aftertaste that I didn't enjoy. I'm considering giving this another try, what are some thoughts, is it a good blended scotch or just ok? I have to say, back then I always drank my whisky "on the rocks", I now always drink it neat, if that matters.


The Lather Maestro
I'm not a fan. When I was a kid, my dad drank Cutty Sark, I think it's kind of in that class of scotch. Maybe also J&B. Economical, but not great.

You don't have to spend a lot on a scotch, but I think you'd do better off with Famous Grouse, also not going to break the bank. Buy a bottle of each of those and see which you prefer.
Not a fan. When I had to clean out my father's house after he moved to assisted living, I found an unopened 1.75L bottle of it. I only used it for my golf flask. I didn't care for it as an evening sipper. There are much better bottles of relatively inexpensive blended scotch to keep on my bar.


Ditto, ditto
There was a time where I would drink almost anything. I've spilled more booze than most guys ever drink. I'll be ten years sober on 2 May 2025.

Even then, I never drank Ballantine. Or, for that matter, Johnnie Walker Red or Clan McGregor. Or anything in a plastic bottle.

Bad Scotch is an abomination before the eyes of God.
I understand the cost of shipping (glass increases this), potential breakage, etc... However, any hooch in a plastic bottle is suspect right off the bat as far as I'm concerned. That said, there are plenty of glass bottle examples that are equally suspect, if not out right furniture polish.

If you're looking for value I'd suggest doing a bit of poking around on the web, read a few blog reviews and go to your favorite local purveyor and ask for a recommendation. Having been in and out of the restaurant/bar world since I'm 18, I can count on one hand how many times I've gotten something not to my liking. The selections were still quality, just not exactly to my expectation flavor wise.

These less than ideal choices became the basis for something mixed as opposed to something sipped neat, my preference overall.

Bottom line: drink what you like, no one else need have an opinion on that except you. I'd have guests sit at the bar and say, "I'm not a connoisseur," "I can't tell the difference." My response was always simple and truthful, "You are the EXPERT regarding what you like and don't like and that is good enough."

I did a quick look using the search terms "best value blended scotch" and came up with the following interesting possibilities:

And for fun: best small batch value scotch

Thanks for all your input, actually my blended scotch of choice is Famous Grouse. Think I'll pass on the Ballantines and stick with that!
I just wanted to say Famous Grouse for a mellow budget sipper. They have added a couple of Flankers that you can try. I’m especially fond of the Naked Grouse (Sherry forward) as the 12y Pure Malt seems to be discontinued.
I used to drink Ballantine’s. It was ok, in the Cutty Sark, J&B class. A much better deal is McClelland's Blue, a fantastic Islay single malt.

I noticed some guy above dissing Johnnie Red. I think it’s a fabulous whiskey. If it was good enough for Churchill, it’s good enough for me.


Fussy Evil Genius
I have a hard time dissing Johnny Walker Red. It has a special place in my heart. A great-aunt and great-uncle whom I absolutely adored (especially my great-aunt) used to keep a huge bottle of the stuff on their console TV. It was mounted in some swivel mechanism so they could just pull down the neck of the bottle to pour it the whisky into their glasses. We'd sit around watching TV after dinner, and they would fill up at commercials.

My first taste of Scotch whisky was JW Red, but I don't tend to drink it these days.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
JW Red was my dad's go-to back in the day, and my first whisky. We're talking the 80s.

We've both moved on decades ago. I saw a recent Ralfy video where he compared the current Red with an old bottle from auction, and the old stuff was so much better.
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