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Balin's Brushes, Blades and Assorted Baloney!


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
It looks like I have 1 SG of blades. :eek2:

If I estimate 3 months per tub of soap and tube of cream, that would put me at I think I have 10.25 SY.

Now I have to add Tabac to that total, which I get 6 months of shaves per puck which would be 8 SY for a grand total of 18.25 SY.
Hmm, that's not too bad 🤣.

Edited to add: @rockviper that includes the 3 MWFs that I have neglected to try!


I shaved a fortune
If I'm still able to shave adequately when I'm 85.... I have enough blades and soaps to extend to my exit from the planet, I think.... Blades, for sure... Soaps? I think so. I just counted... I only have 12 unscented soaps... and only have multiples of a couple...Mike's and Grooming Department.... Still, I still have 4 unopened tubs of Canada Shaving Soap.. I've only 3017ed one tub... and it lasted 2 years. I probably used it for over 80% of my shaves during those two years.... So, let's say, I have a 7 year supply of that one soap alone.... The softer soaps won't last as long.... I don't shave every day... so that's a huge factor.... I can't see running out of soap in the next 10 years, for sure... I'll be 81 then... well, almost 82.

All I know is... if I am short of soaps... I'll gladly pay Boris or Mark the postage needed to cover one of their soaps showing up... and I'd gladly pay for the soap as well.... though for the sake of B&B's policy of selling stuff here without being a vendor, I'll avoid offering that. <eg>

Their soaps are as good as any I've used... and I include my favorite: the aforementioned Canada Shaving Soap.... I did just talk to someone at Pasteur Pharmacy and got the email of the "boss" as the pharmacist phrased it.... I asked him if they'd consider adding Canada Shaving Soap to their product line... Who knows?
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