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Badger & Blade Bingo Survivors Club

Don't know if it is your thing or not but a pic with Bocephus and a Hurricane would be awesome.

Bocephus..... The Storm Chaser!


Don't know if it is your thing or not but a pic with Bocephus and a Hurricane would be awesome. Or eating a seafood platter.

Hah! I don't venture to the Quarter much, though I'll likely go down there when my inlaws are in town. Never been to Pat O's though.

Yeah you right!

Bocephus..... The Storm Chaser!




I was thinking more along the lines of a Pat O'Brian variety.

Will a Hand Grenade do?

Enough jibber-jabber!

While Bocephus is en route, we might as well get things started!!

3BSC Bingo – Round 3

Greeting Bingo Survivors! It’s time to get ready for the next Bingo round of the Badger & Blade Bingo Survivor’s Club. The next round will start on 14 Dec 2015. In order to play you must meet all the requirements and agree to all the rules below. These are the rules that will be followed for future 3BSC Bingo games.

3BSC Bingo Rules
(There is no rush to sign up, so please read them carefully)

1. Have Fun – This is a simple game intended to satisfy the “Bingo Itch” in between regular B&B Bingo games.

2. Standard bingo numbers will be called (B-1 through O-75). Numbers will only be called in the 3BSC Club thread (this thread, the one you are currently reading). Three numbers will be called each day. (Please understand, though, I am not able to be on the forum much on the weekends, so I'll let you know if fewer numbers will be called on Saturdays or Sundays. In the event the game runs through Christmas, no numbers will be called from Christmas Eve through the following Sunday.)

3. A winning Bingo is 5 squares in a row: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Winner will announce “3BSC BINGO” in this forum thread and post a pic of their card. Once verified, the game will end.

4. The winner agrees to be the caller of the next game and provide a small prize (a small trinket from your local area) for the winner to keep, in addition to the Pass around prize: “Bocephus”. 3BSC Bingo will have a new games running continuously, as long as a normal B&B Forum Bingo game is not occurring. The winner may start sign ups as soon as they win, and will start calling numbers within 3-5 days after receiving Bocephus. (You should have Bocephus in your possession for an average of 10-14 days.) This round of 3BSC Bingo games (with the travelling Bocephus) will continue through September 2016. The winner of the final game will send Bocephus back to skypsyd at the beginning of October so he can be prepped for donation to the 2016 Sue Moore Auction. Please feel free to use any bingo software, online number generator, or bingo card generator at your disposal, for your game. Here are samples you can use:
Bingo Cards: http://print-bingo.com/
Bingo Number Generator: http://www.bingoadvantage.com/online/bingo_caller.cfm

5. Bocephus wants to tour the world and see as much as possible in the next year. Therefore you may only win 3BSC Bingo and receive a visit from Bocephus one time (but feel free to continue playing as much as you want, just for fun). The winner agrees to post a photo (at least one) of Bocephus with them, or in their local area (at some landmark that shows where he is). Winner will also provide a souvenir for Bocephus to take with him, as proof of this travels. This can be something like a pin, button, charm or keychain attached to his collar.

6. All B&B TOU rules apply, however this is NOT an official B&B event, just a Clubs & Brotherhoods event.

BINGO will start Tuesday December 14st, 2015 sometime after 0800 Central Time

How to sign up

1. To be eligible, you must be a 3BSC Member. (i.e. you have played at least one regular B&B Bingo game in the past, and you have posted in this thread) And, it wouldn’t hurt to add 3BSC to your signature!

2. Add your name to the list below.

3. PM me (jzuzphreek) with your email address, so I can send you your Bingo card. Cards will be sent out December 11.

These rules will be linked in TheVez2’s signature, so if you need to review them in the future, just look for one of his posts.
__________________________________________________ _______________________________

Sign Up List:

1) jzuzphreek (Caller)


Here I am, 1st again.
1) jzuzphreek (Caller)
2) skypsyd
3) gagi
4) TheVez2
5) Badger babe
6) dangerousdon
7) rockero
8) Billski
1) jzuzphreek (Caller)
2) skypsyd
3) gagi
4) TheVez2
5) Badger babe
6) dangerousdon
7) rockero
8) Billski

9) Heysi
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