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INFO! B&B's new BST guidelines (updated November 17th, 2022)

BST guidelines:
By using the BST you're agreeing to our "Caveat Emptor" (Let the buyer beware) policy. This means the administrators, moderators and B&B are not responsible for any possible negative outcomes that may result from sale/trade agreements made in the BST forum.

01. Ongoing, regular participation in the community at Badger & Blade is a requirement to use the Buy Sell Trade Forum

02. To create a thread (once every 15 days) you must be a member for 45 days with 50 quality posts. *Does not apply to Lifetime Contributor Badge*

03. You may post a response to For Sale/Trade threads at any time after you reach 45 days and 50 posts, however best practice is to send a private conversation to arrange a sale or trade. There is no need to post interest in the thread.

04. Members who do not meet the 45 days/50 post requirement, but who have at least 10 posts can reply to ads by starting a private conversation through the members profile

05. Gift cards, store credits or reward points, tobacco, alcohol, firearms and firearms parts, and products of questionable taste or dubious legality may not be sold nor traded in the BST. Legal tobacco, alcohol and firearms accessories are acceptable.

06. Sales and Trades are limited to in hand goods. Each B/S/T sale post must contain a legible, physical note with user name and current date in the photo of each item being sold or traded, either grouped or individually. Subsequent detail photo's of the same items in the same post may have, but do not require a user name and date included. Name and date must be photographed, not photoshopped to ensure that items for sale are actual in hand goods.

07. Prices are mandatory and can not be deleted after the sale. No make me an offer type posts.

08. For buyer protection payment must be made using PayPal Goods and Services only. Anyone requesting "Friends and Family" or other payments are violating the forum rules and should be reported.

09. Do not ask potential buyers to calculate fee offsets, the price posted should be all inclusive. PayPal forbids sellers from charging buyers their selling fees.

10. On topic discussion is encouraged. Seller response to value comments is discouraged. Repeating the same comments voiced by others is discouraged.

11. The BST is not to be used as a storefront as determined at moderator discretion

12. Posting a BST ad that is not in compliance with these guidelines will result in the thread being deleted. The member must wait two weeks till he is able to post there again. Repeated posting of BST threads that are not in compliance will result in a ban from the BST area.

The Moderators of Badger & Blade reserve the right to alter and apply these guidelines on a case by case basis at anytime.
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My elbows leak
Staff member
Info Post:

Calling attention to
  • Ongoing, regular participation in the community at Badger & Blade is a requirement to use the Buy Sell Trade Forum
If you haven't posted in a year, don't expect your sudden BST thread to stay up.
Ditto if you've posted 20 times, and 15 of those are BST threads.

The purpose of requiring regular posting in order to use the BST is twofold.
1. It gives people an idea of the kind of person you are before going into a business transaction with you.
2. The BST is a benefit to the participating members here, not a storefront for drive by sellers who don't benefit the site by participating.
Info Post:

Calling attention to
  • Ongoing, regular participation in the community at Badger & Blade is a requirement to use the Buy Sell Trade Forum
If you haven't posted in a year, don't expect your sudden BST thread to stay up.
Ditto if you've posted 20 times, and 15 of those are BST threads.

The purpose of requiring regular posting in order to use the BST is twofold.
1. It gives people an idea of the kind of person you are before going into a business transaction with you.
2. The BST is a benefit to the participating members here, not a storefront for drive by sellers who don't benefit the site by participating.
To be clear, one is only able to post a thread in the BST once every 15 days?
Out of curiosity, if I make a BST post and the signed card with the date pre-dates the post by a few days, will it get removed? Just trying to figure out if I need to re-take pictures.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Out of curiosity, if I make a BST post and the signed card with the date pre-dates the post by a few days, will it get removed? Just trying to figure out if I need to re-take pictures.

Technically the date should reflect the date of sale as it is confirmation that said items for sale are in possession of the seller. You can just take a group shot of all your items with the updated note.

A hacker could use a picture with a backdated note and attempt to sell items he doesn’t have.


Dances with Wolfs
Out of curiosity, if I make a BST post and the signed card with the date pre-dates the post by a few days, will it get removed? Just trying to figure out if I need to re-take pictures.
In the past, I have taken a couple of days after picture taking to post my BST thread. So I think a few days should be fine. Any more than a few would raise eyebrows in my opinion. But I’m not a mod.
Just curious:

Has there been any consideration into permitting alternative forms of payment aside from the very problematic PayPal?
Just curious:

Has there been any consideration into permitting alternative forms of payment aside from the very problematic PayPal?
I've been a member of several forums in the past that hated PayPal and their stance on certain issues. Their solution was to send PO money orders or personal checks to the seller. The buyer then had to wait until payment cleared before shipment. As far as I knew everyone was okay with method. This required a lot of trust in the seller, but I don't think I ever read where someone got shafted.

I personally think a feedback system goes a long way towards ensuring both parties leave a deal happy.
I've been a member of several forums in the past that hated PayPal and their stance on certain issues. Their solution was to send PO money orders or personal checks to the seller. The buyer then had to wait until payment cleared before shipment. As far as I knew everyone was okay with method. This required a lot of trust in the seller, but I don't think I ever read where someone got shafted.

I personally think a feedback system goes a long way towards ensuring both parties leave a deal happy.

On another forum, I tried to buy a SureFire WML with PayPal but, he only had Zelle which I don't have. I offered a USPS Money Order and he asked what a USPS MO was? 🤪

Yeah it’s a bummer there’s still no feedback system here.

That is why if you search my name in BST, I try to always post a follow-up on my purchases so people who research a seller can see my experience if I bought from the same user. I may not have 100% follow-ups but, I try!
On another forum, I tried to buy a SureFire WML with PayPal but, he only had Zelle which I don't have. I offered a USPS Money Order and he asked what a USPS MO was? 🤪

That is why if you search my name in BST, I try to always post a follow-up on my purchases so people who research a seller can see my experience if I bought from the same user. I may not have 100% follow-ups but, I try!

It’s awesome that you take the time to do that! 👍
The setup is limiting even for that though: if someone sells their item/last item and closes the thread, a buyer doesn’t even have the option to go in and report on their experience (positive or negative) because comments are locked at that point.


My elbows leak
Staff member
There's no feedback system here, and there never will be.
Feedback is no indicator of future success, only past actions.
A feedback system provides info on someone right up to the point that they decide the money is worth getting banned.
This is a discussion site, not a sales site.
If you want a system that has feedback, use eBay.
We won't be upset if you prefer not to sell or buy here.
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