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B&B's Blade Bonanza - 2025 - Top-Tier Blades Edition

Yesterday’s shave 3/11/25:

Pre-Shave: Hot Water
Soap: B&M Seville
Brush: RazoRock 400 Synthetic
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Cobalt Ceramic
Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Gillette Nacet
After-Shave: Green Freeze

Song of the Shave: How Long by Ace

Rating: 9.5 (Almost BBS)

Nacet pulled through today! Not a bad shave at all.
Shave #3 - Gillette Perma-Sharp
Yaqi Mellon
Shaving Revolution Puck "Tobacco"

A two pass shave ended without event and as I rub my face after applying aftershave and lotion, it feels pretty d*mn good.

Permasharp Blade One Shave Two


A quick, easy, and simple BBS. I kept the blade in the SLOC since I think it forces the blade to do a little more work, and it rewarded me today. This was a much better shave than the hurried one from Monday morning. This could have been the best shave of the entire event from all the blades so far.

This combo could be a no-brainer every day shaver for me. Smooth, comfy, and efficient.
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