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B&B's Blade Bonanza - 2025 - Top-Tier Blades Edition

8/10 CCS in the KCG today. It felt like a Wizamet on the fourth shave.

Its like anything else, our skin and stubble differs, add different razors, soap and technique and its a roll of the dice, i find with Nacets i need to put a bit more effort in to get a result, Feathers burn me pretty bad so right in my Goldilocks zone is Perma Sharp.
You always need to find your blade in this game, but really quite fun to do so and with a group of folk who share the same interest, well i think thats pretty cool.
Had a good shave today with the Diamondback on one side and the Konsul on the other. While both shaves were solid BBS/BBS-, the Nacet was just right for the Konsul. The Konsul shave got me to BBS with just a touch of alum feel. The Diamondback performed similarly, with almost no alum feedback, but could have done the job a bit more expeditiously with a sharper blade. The Hensons are up tomorrow:

First shave today with the Nacet blade.
As in my expectations, a superb blade, close shave and equally gentle.
The smoothness during shaving seemed good to me and also decidedly sharp but not at the levels of a GSB. Everything perfect, Not a cut or redness. I'll see about the durability, but it was really pleasant for me, the blade did its job without any complaints on my part.

I had an excellent pair of shaves with the two Hensons. The +++ was more efficient than the ++, reflected by less facial impact to get to the same result. The Nacet is an Excellent choice for both of these razors, particularly for the +++, which got to a BBS- face more quickly and with less facial impact than the ++.

I used a lovely ShaveMac brush that @Rudy Vey worked some magic on recently

Nacet blade #3 / shave #1


The second Nacet isn't done yet, but for the debut shave of the rather mild Feather AS-D2 I wanted to shave with a fresh blade.
So expect Nacet blade #2 to be back for the next shave.

A fresh Nacet was a well chosen pairing. I did three passes, all of which were comfortable. Two days worth of growth were gone afterwards. Almost BBS.
A super solid Sunday shave 👍
Many of your results match with my blade experiences. However the Nacet does not. On my face it feels much, much more sharp than the Astra SP. The Astra SP is way too tuggy and uncomfortable, while the Nacet slices through everything smoothly. Curious.
True for me as well (Russian ASP vs Russian Nacet). I haven't tried the Indian ASP, but I already bought some ... will give them a try once Bonanza is over...😅
Shave #2 - Gillette Nacet
Baili BD 176

I placed the Nacet into a very mild razor for me, the BD176, and had a pretty good Sunday shave. I took three leisurely passes, being careful to take my time and not have any accidents. The shave is DFS level. I probably can't do better at my current skill level with the BD176 - it's just too mild.

Nonetheless I'm pleased with the session.
Nacet Blade #2 Shave #2

So it the Nacet going into its second use against three days of growth. Chose the RR GC 76P as my instrument of choice. The Nacet prevailed in spectacular fashion! So close to BBS, no irritation at all, a great shave. If this Bonanza was a contest the Nacet would be winning.

No resistance to cutting on my 3 days worth of stubble, the blade felt soft and smooth against my skin.


Today’s shave 3/2/25:

Pre-Shave: Hot Water
Soap: MSS #4
Brush: Omega 48 Boar
Bowl: Captain’s Choice Cobalt Ceramic
Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Gillette Nacet
After-Shave: PAA Sun Down
Post-Shave: Nivea Sensitive Balm

Song of the Shave: One Beer by MF DOOM

Rating: 9.5 (Almost BBS)

The Tech wasn’t as good as the Slim with the Nacet, felt like it took some more attention and left some stubble after 3 passes. Some problem spots where I have stubble XTG.



Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

iKon Shavecraft Tek
Mühle Rocca R94
Nacet (1)Abe’s Brush Works G5C
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (2)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Perhaps a little too much with these two giants. Stil a smooth end result.

Seeing where Nacet will take me. This morning started on the harsher side of comfortable - which is rather usual for me when using Nacet.

Click here for today’s highlights.

Enjoy your shave today!
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