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B&B screennames where did your's come from?

If this kind of thread has been done before i know where a corner in this room is i will go hide myself in shame for not finding it on B&B...

My screenname i haven't figured where it came from, yet. I know throughout my life i had/have a lot of losing references...

There are 2 internet screennames i have had, 1 since i started on the internet back in the 90s and was the screenname purerockfury i tapped about and asked if anyone was familiar with. The other one is a funny one 2 of my nephews 22 years ago called me 1 time and the different families and a few of my friends still reference me by it and not my name tommy... but 1 of the words is evil to companies and websites so i can't always use it... a few times that name was tried on customizing gifts to me but companies think of it as illegal or evil.

uncle something (not a curse word or anything like that) is evil coming from a 1 year old and 2 year old kids.

So any stories you all have and want to share with me/us about your screenname? Let me/us have it...
The day before I signed up for B&B I was cooking for some friends. I was in the kitchen taste testing the dish and was so delighted with the outcome I broke out into spontaneous noises of satisfaction accompanied by a huge, wide-eyed grin.

One of my friends thought my reaction was amusing and said, "You look like a happy little goblin."

Many people would be insulted by that. I decided to own it!

Wombat, a cute furry creature that does square 💩


Waste Of Money Brains And Time :w00t: The Esq is just to look posh spice. :D
My screen name on this forum comes from when my wife and I bought our very first computer in 1998. Just prior to that we got a bloodhound puppy, and we already had a 2-year-old bullmastiff. We always joked that our house really belonged to the dogs, and they just let us live there because we served the food. When we set up our first email address, doghouse at bellatlantic dot net was already taken, so we found a misspelling that worked. Then that became my screen name for some stuff as well.

The screen name I use most often, though, is Brick Pig, which is a fictitious band name a buddy and I made up many years prior to the dawghows email address. Not long after getting that first computer, I joined an online songwriting forum and I remembered Brick Pig from back in the day, so that's the screen name I used for that group. Several of the people in that group became good friends in the real world, and that name somehow stuck to me, so I have sort of adopted it as an alter-ego.
My face is shaved now, hence the shaved. Felt forum appropriate. Peeps is a shortened version of my last name, also a nickname in some circles.

Combined, you get the screen name before you.

Shooting Star GIF


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One time, when I was in a tough spot, a friend and mentor got me a job as a helicopter mechanic building custom Seahawks. I knew a few things about electronics, computers, and mechanical stuff, but had never touched an aircraft with tools. The job included 6 months of paid training. I went on to be an inspector on Blackhawks, and later ran a line overhauling commercial airliner engine nacelle components at another division. The parent company UTC, now Raytheon, also paid for me to complete my bachelor's and master's degrees.

They also laid me off, with one year to finish my education, and by the time I got the MBA, I was managing a team of experts in financial services. I am an independent household financial planner and 401k advisor now, but it was an important formative time in my life. In my office, I display the leadership awards I earned in aerospace, and keep all of the professional certifications and the diplomas in the filing cabinet.
Mine came from growing up as a fan of the Star Wars franchise, and then introducing my oldest to it... we both became increasingly disillusioned by the writing and execution but we watched every new movie in the theater when it came out, usually it was around his birthday. Anyway, we were laughing at the truly ridiculous and lazy bad-guy names one day (Darth Sidious, General Grievous, and the like) and I said "if I was a Sith I'd be Darth Scandalous." At the time I'd made a lot of mostly positive changes in my life that managed to scandalize some of the more reserved and conservative (socially, not necessarily politically) people in my family and social circle, so it fit.
Well many years ago then Internet, and death of print media killed my business. So after a few months of looking for real job, and finding out I was not wanted most places. I went and got CDL. Did OTR Trucking for a few years.

Back then every truck had a Citizen Band Radio for communication, traffic info, driving direction, and to pointing out where the local, county or state law was working. Truckers exchange information on place to eat, safe truck stops, directs, etc. Even the Ladies in Legal Entertainment Business all over Nevada would talk to lonely truckers. Shall we say promoting their service industry.

Over by where George Paton Trained his troop for World War Two on I-10 was place called Coachella California. There was a guy with a big powerful C/B who was some place out in that desert. The handle he used, alias was The Desert Iguana, fitting as he was in the desert. He was totally illegal with Big Radio, and God only knows how many Amp’s of power he was running. My guess 300 plus, 5 being legal. When he was on the airwaves, no one else could talk. He big radio was like an Echo Machine. Think he might have liked adult beverages, as he slurred a lot. Always sounding like he was drunk or under influence.

Truckers who want to talk to another Trucker, get Directions, were always SOL when the Desert Iguana was hogging the air. Recall one time I was down in Port of Long Beach, and heard that scoundrel & pirate loud & clear. Most C/B’s are good for a few mile, but he was putting out his message over 100 plus miles away.

I live in a place the railroad called Lizard Acres, back before building homes in area, it was a Cattle Feed Lot, nothing but Cows, and Railroad Tracks that pass through the area. Railroad still passes through area, and one point close to my home there is a sign along railroad tracks that saying, LIZARD ACRES.

Just decided to call self Desert Iguana, and where is better place for desert creature to live? Lizard Acres.
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