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AutoStrop/Valet Razors: A Typology in 13 Parts

Razor: Autostrop Valet - VB1
Blade: Feather Seikan FAS-10 Carbon
Brush: Simpsons: Special 1 Best Badger 20mm
Pre-Shave: Face Scrub, Thayers, Hyaluronic Acid
Lather: Taylor of Old Bond Street: Jermyn Street (sensitive skin)
Aftershave: Wholly Kaw Man From Mayfair (toner)
Additional Care:
Taylor of Old Bond Street - Sandalwood Luxury Gel

Shave Rating: 8.5/10
Feather Seikan Carbon...Take Three...Action!
Attn: This VB1 and strop are not the same as the ones pictured in my above post.

I installed the blade in its third Valet razor. This time it’s a VB1. Seven strops per side...and let’s get this show on the road.
The first pass seemed to be a little smoother than the other two shaves, maybe the stropping is mellowing it out. Angle is very important with the Valets and it’s easy to lose it when changing hands or pass directions. The second and third pass were smooth. BBS everywhere except under my jaw which needs a jury to decide if it’s a true BBS or not.

So far i can’t truthfully say I’m impressed with these Carbon Feather blades, but I have thirty of them so I’ll keep experimenting. I’ll give this blade another stropping and shave.
Even though these blades haven’t provided a wondrous shave, I haven’t been left with any kind of discomfort or razor burn. Post shave feeling has been as good as it gets.

This blade still needs some time, then I’m going to be trying the carbon GEM and PAL blades. I kind like playing with the strop. I’m just not sure how often and how many strops are needed.
Post some photos once you have the strop loosened up.
I tried taking a picture, but cant get the detail. Its 90 years old so I gave it a bit of moisture. I rubbed it with mink oil with a hair dryer. Soaked it right up. The strop is now nice and supple, soft and flexible.
Razor: Autostrop Valet VC1 (1922-1929?)
Blade: Gem Blue STAR (carbon) (6)
Brush: Spiffo D'rargo (Manchurian Two-Band SHD Fan)
Pre-Shave: Face Scrub, Thayers, Hyaluronic Acid
Lather: Henri et Victoria - Cognac & Cuban Cigars
Aftershave: Henri et Victoria - Cognac & Cuban Cigars (Splash)
Additional Care:
Henri et Victoria - Cognac & Cuban Cigars (Balm)
Henri et Victoria - Cognac & Cuban Cigars (EDP)


Shave Rating: 9.8/10
Carbon blade shootout! Feather Seikan (FAS-10) vs GEM Blue STAR.
I’ve been using various Autostrop razors for my last three shaves with a Feather FAS-10 carbon blade. I’ve found that on the first pass where my whiskers are hardiest, the Seikan felt like it was tugging at them. It did cleanly shave them, but wasn’t the most comfortable feeling shave. Post was always smooth and irritation free.

Today, I’m going to use my VC1 Autostrop with a GEM blue STAR Carbon blade that has already performed five shaves and has been marinating in my GEM razors. I’m going to strop it ten times on both sides and slot it in for shave number six, but first I’ll have to modify it to fit in an Autostrop.
Ignore the black stains. That’s just the nature of carbon.
This blade has five shaves already


...and here it is. Customized To fit in my Autostrop

Here we go...strop, strop, strop...x ten per side.

As smooth as butter! After only one stroke I could tell this blade is going to blow the Seikan out of the water in the smoothness and comfort scale. No tugging and a nice even glide with a smooth humming feeling. Like tires on wet pavement. The entire shave was enjoyable, and as always the Henri et Victoria soap performed as expected. Post shave face feel...wonderful. Cognac & Cuban Cigars...mmmmmmm.

I like to keep an open mind, so on my next shave I’m going to use this exact same VC1 razor, soap and brush along with the Seikan with ten stroppings. Who knows? Maybe it will improve with more uses as some blades do. It’s only fair that I continue with it and get the big picture.

I’ll try anything twice!
Razor: Autostrop Valet VC1 (1922-1929?)
Blade: Feather Seikan FAS-10 Carbon (4)
Brush: Henri et Victoria: Karma (synthetic) 25mm
Pre-Shave: Face Scrub, Thayers, Hyaluronic Acid
Lather: Henri et Victoria - Cognac & Cuban Cigars
Aftershave: Taconic - Lavender Lime Splash


Feather Seikan FAS-10 CARBON Rematch
Okay, I felt the last shave with this razor (VC1) and the GEM Blue STAR Carbon blade really showed up the Seikan, so I felt it only fair for a rematch. Same razor...same soap...ten strops per side.

The Seikan was much easier and smoother on the first pass this time around. Really loud feedback, like scraping toast, but that sound has no connection to comfort. Don’t let the sound play with your imagination and make you think you’re feeling something you’re not. Blade didn’t feel tuggy today, but I could feel the edge hewing down whiskers to surface level. As before, passes two and three were smooth and efficient. Post shave face feel...excellent. No irritation of any kind.

To be totally fair to this blade, even though my first few shaves felt a bit tuggy and uncomfortable during the first pass, my post shave face feel was always wonderful. I’d say...as good as it gets.

So here I am, still confused on the status of this blade. I will continue to put the Seikans through their paces until I unlock their secret. It’s hard, since it really only fits in my Autostrops, but I think for its next shave I’m going to attach the spine I pulled off the modified blue STAR to it, and give it a go in one of my GEMS.

CoVid bad/Stropping good!
Hi guys brand new to collecting razors and I just found this auto strop valet at my local antique store. And had to have it. I read the article it's amazing the amount of information. Thank you, I was wonder is this a vc4? It's made in Montreal and has an engraving on the inside of the leaf with dates.


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Hi guys brand new to collecting razors and I just found this auto strop valet at my local antique store. And had to have it. I read the article it's amazing the amount of information. Thank you, I was wonder is this a vc4? It's made in Montreal and has an engraving on the inside of the leaf with dates.
Yep, VC4. Have you got blades for it, with the cutouts?
Hello. I'm new here, but as a razor enthusiast, I'm happy to have joined.

From yesterday I'm the proud owner of a Valet autostrop, but I'd like some pointers and help identifying it, if possible.

I spent all afternoon searching forum after forum, and I found a bunch of informations, some helpful some not, most contradicting each other, so here I am with what I found out, and pics obv, looking for some answers.

This seems to be, for what I found, a rarer variant of the VC1, produced from the 1922 and the 1929(?), destined for the import in Italy (yeah, I'm pizza pasta mandolino, FYI) only for this construction Factory (S.A.P.I.L. Still existent as to date) as an omage to build loyalty among clients and (probably) workers too.

Now, some others info says this should be a later production, someone a earlier one, so I'm really confused if this is actually a VC1 (as the fixed alignment bar in the rear and the blade fixture suggest), even more since blade seems different from the ones used for those models. As it isn't enough, even the plating used seems to be dubious, someone says it's nickel, someone is chrome..

Some stains remained after a thorough clean with dishsoap suggest is silver, but I doubt it, since only a model was plates in silver, and is the VB2 if I'm not wrong.. Now, the box was SEALED so I'm sure it's a NOS, directly from the factory, never opened, never used..

I obviously attached some pics of everything, blade fixed and free too.
Has anyone a idea of the actual model, and of the plating used?

Thx in advance and sorry for the WOT
Hello. I'm new here, but as a razor enthusiast, I'm happy to have joined.

From yesterday I'm the proud owner of a Valet autostrop, but I'd like some pointers and help identifying it, if possible.

I spent all afternoon searching forum after forum, and I found a bunch of informations, some helpful some not, most contradicting each other, so here I am with what I found out, and pics obv, looking for some answers.

This seems to be, for what I found, a rarer variant of the VC1, produced from the 1922 and the 1929(?), destined for the import in Italy (yeah, I'm pizza pasta mandolino, FYI) only for this construction Factory (S.A.P.I.L. Still existent as to date) as an omage to build loyalty among clients and (probably) workers too.

Now, some others info says this should be a later production, someone a earlier one, so I'm really confused if this is actually a VC1 (as the fixed alignment bar in the rear and the blade fixture suggest), even more since blade seems different from the ones used for those models. As it isn't enough, even the plating used seems to be dubious, someone says it's nickel, someone is chrome..

Some stains remained after a thorough clean with dishsoap suggest is silver, but I doubt it, since only a model was plates in silver, and is the VB2 if I'm not wrong.. Now, the box was SEALED so I'm sure it's a NOS, directly from the factory, never opened, never used..

I obviously attached some pics of everything, blade fixed and free too.
Has anyone a idea of the actual model, and of the plating used?

Thx in advance and sorry for the WOT View attachment 2009064View attachment 2009065View attachment 2009066View attachment 2009067View attachment 2009075View attachment 2009069View attachment 2009070View attachment 2009072View attachment 2009073View attachment 2009074
Also, I was browsing some markets and found this one at a ridiculous low price , but for how much I'm trying to identify it, I'm not able to. Seems has some characteristics of the VB2, but I'm not sure.. It has a nice box, seems silver, and I'm tempted to buy it even if it hasn't a strap cause it's basically gifted, and I like to restore them


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Hello. I'm new here, but as a razor enthusiast, I'm happy to have joined.

From yesterday I'm the proud owner of a Valet autostrop, but I'd like some pointers and help identifying it, if possible.

I spent all afternoon searching forum after forum, and I found a bunch of informations, some helpful some not, most contradicting each other, so here I am with what I found out, and pics obv, looking for some answers.

This seems to be, for what I found, a rarer variant of the VC1, produced from the 1922 and the 1929(?), destined for the import in Italy (yeah, I'm pizza pasta mandolino, FYI) only for this construction Factory (S.A.P.I.L. Still existent as to date) as an omage to build loyalty among clients and (probably) workers too.

Now, some others info says this should be a later production, someone a earlier one, so I'm really confused if this is actually a VC1 (as the fixed alignment bar in the rear and the blade fixture suggest), even more since blade seems different from the ones used for those models. As it isn't enough, even the plating used seems to be dubious, someone says it's nickel, someone is chrome..

Some stains remained after a thorough clean with dishsoap suggest is silver, but I doubt it, since only a model was plates in silver, and is the VB2 if I'm not wrong.. Now, the box was SEALED so I'm sure it's a NOS, directly from the factory, never opened, never used..

I obviously attached some pics of everything, blade fixed and free too.
Has anyone a idea of the actual model, and of the plating used?

Thx in advance and sorry for the WOT View attachment 2009064View attachment 2009065View attachment 2009066View attachment 2009067View attachment 2009075View attachment 2009069View attachment 2009070View attachment 2009072View attachment 2009073View attachment 2009074
That is a great find. It would not be unusual for there to be differences between English models and USA models, especially in plating and handle details.

To me, it is clearly a VC1. Yes, the blade does not look like the USA blades. Again, differences between English (Italian?) blades and USA blades are not surprising.

I have had good results shaving with original blades that are not corroded. Just strop it well. Normally, I use a de-spined and tweaked Gem blade in a VC1.

This thread is pretty quiet, but it is worth reading:

Also, I was browsing some markets and found this one at a ridiculous low price , but for how much I'm trying to identify it, I'm not able to. Seems has some characteristics of the VB2, but I'm not sure.. It has a nice box, seems silver, and I'm tempted to buy it even if it hasn't a strap cause it's basically gifted, and I like to restore them

I would identify that as a VC2. If it is inexpensive and you enjoy restoration, buy it. You already have a strop.

The issue will be fitting blades into it. AutoStrop invented their punched blades to keep competing blade makers at bay. There are Japanese blades that are punched to fit these razors.

AutoStrop razors in that condition are usually very inexpensive here.
That is a great find. It would not be unusual for there to be differences between English models and USA models, especially in plating and handle details.

To me, it is clearly a VC1. Yes, the blade does not look like the USA blades. Again, differences between English (Italian?) blades and USA blades are not surprising.

I have had good results shaving with original blades that are not corroded. Just strop it well. Normally, I use a de-spined and tweaked Gem blade in a VC1.

This thread is pretty quiet, but it is worth reading:

Tysm for your reply!! I still have to try it cause I'm a little bit reclutant, honestly, about the strop. Is literally untouched but a little stiff, it has some years you know.. So I would need some leather cream for nourish it and maybe later some stropping compound, and that mean more money that, I don't really need to spend right now haha.. So maybe in a month I'll try tien the fhs-10 feather blades and hope to have a good shave.. Idk, I really like the autostrop feature but at the same time, as for now, it requires lot of cure and I'm kinda scared bout it
I would identify that as a VC2. If it is inexpensive and you enjoy restoration, buy it. You already have a strop.

The issue will be fitting blades into it. AutoStrop invented their punched blades to keep competing blade makers at bay. There are Japanese blades that are punched to fit these razors.

AutoStrop razors in that condition are usually very inexpensive here.
Thx again. Yeah It's inexpensive, like 14 bucks + shipping, basically 20 bucks ( I've bought the nos for 25+ shipping).
Still I'm dubious, conditions seems OK , not marvelous nor nos, but neither terrible, so maybe with a lil work can become great. Still.. It's work, and in the end idk if it's worth it for and incomplete one ( can't find a vb2 in pristine condition, or at a decent price, I've seen them 100+ and it's imho a joke), nevertheless I thank you again for taking the time to help me, very much appreciated ^^
So I would need some leather cream for nourish it and maybe later some stropping compound
When nourishing a strop, many small applications of leather cream are much better than one or two large doses. Put a minimal amount on both sides, then wait at least three days before the next application.

If you are thinking of using an abrasive/sharpening strop compound, I recommend against it. The abrasive will wear the razor plating and underlying metal. Check out post #30 in the thread I mentioned above.

Posts 55 and 59 in that thread illustrate snipping a single edge blade to fit an AutoStop VC1.
If you are thinking of using an abrasive/sharpening strop compound, I recommend against it. The abrasive will wear the razor plating and underlying metal. Check out post #30 in the thread I mentioned above.
Ok thx, I've read everything, so you suggest just to using the strop without anything on it? To just "restore" it and then pass the blade in the naked leather?
Ok thx, I've read everything, so you suggest just to using the strop without anything on it? To just "restore" it and then pass the blade in the naked leather?
Yes, absolutely. If I remember correctly, the AutoStrop instructions warn against applying abrasive pastes to the strop.

At least in the USA, most current straight razor users keep their leather strops clean. If a pasted strop is desired, a fabric or balsa strop is used. I personally use diamond pasted balsa strops for my straight razors.
Yes, absolutely. If I remember correctly, the AutoStrop instructions warn against applying abrasive pastes to the strop.

At least in the USA, most current straight razor users keep their leather strops clean. If a pasted strop is desired, a fabric or balsa strop is used. I personally use diamond pasted balsa strops for my straight razors.
That's very interesting, thx!

IYO can I use some neutral leather shoes cream for nourishing the strop?
IYO can I use some neutral leather shoes cream for nourishing the strop?

The products I have used on strops are:

>Fromm 1907 strop dressing (a white oily specialty compound from a USA brand name that still sells many strops). This is my main product.

>pure neatsfoot oil

>neatsfoot compound (a leather restorative with additions to the pure oil)

>saddle soap, which is sold for cleaning saddles, other tack, and boots/shoes. It usually is sold in a can as a large yellowish soaplike puck. It contains leather restorative as well as soap. Use lightly, with as little water as possible, while producing a bit of lather. Wipe dry without rinsing.

The more 'liquid' your shoe cream is, the more likely it will soften the strop. Work in a small amount on the back side of the strop. If that helps, over the course of a couple weeks work in more in small amounts each time, still from the back. If the strop seems to be getting supple, then you might switch to treating the front side.

My main advice is to be patient and proceed in small steps.

My experience is that the folds in the strop will be the most critical areas, the driest and most likely to crack. So be careful when straightening the strop. I store my revived AutoStrop strops hanging and never refold them.
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