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Audemus, Tedalus

A brotherhood for lovers of all things Tedalus.


Beautiful shave with the V1 today. Just the right amount of growl while still remaining comfortable. Like the TiBird and R41 GS it reaches deep into you and leaves you feeling cleansed and renewed. B&M’s Le Grand Cheypre is a masterwork and in my opinion sets the bar for the Cheypre scent family. BBS+
I've done side by side shaves against the R41 and the Blutt. Next up is the Stando Mokosz. So far, the Tedalus has been performing beautifully, though it does appear to like medium sharp blades. It has shaved closer and more smoothly with the Wizamet than with the Lab Blue, at least so far. Lots of blades to try!

I wonder if it prefers milder blades generally, Or, it that it just prefers the Wizamet over the AccuTek? Have any of you tried enough blades in the V1 to have a definitive ranking?
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It’s such a cliche but I had one of the best shaves of my life today. I think as time passes, and the emotion and excitement of getting the V1 subside, my shaves with it are getting better. Today was just a sumptuous, drama-free, outing from beginning to end. When I looked in the mirror I could actually see a difference. My face looked smoother than normal. I always ask my wife to feel my shaves and she’s coined a new category she calls Newborn Baby Butt Smooth (NB-BBS) a title so far only won by the V1. Today she again pronounced my shave an NB-BBS. All hail! BBS+

Did you guys see the email from Manuel on the Helios brushes? They did not sell well and he is liquidating them with stands for $339. Buy 2 and shipping is free.

Serious BAD setting in. Must. Not. Press. Pay Now button...

Star Trek Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
A friend of mine drove up to my house many years ago, gratuitously presenting his new love; a bright red Porsche that he bought himself the day his divorce papers were executed. It had vanity plates: "BigStv"

After showing me BigStv in detail (that didn't come out right. I meant "the car"), he turned to me and said, with a completely strait face, as though he believed what he was about to say:

"Do you know why I bought this car?"

He stared at me, almost daring me to respond.

"The safety features. I bought it for the safety features. This car is the safest car on the road. Seriously. Look, it actually has dual airbags! DUAL AIRBAGS! Let me show you how they did it!"

I waved away the offer to hear more with a brief hand gesture and full-out laughed in his face. Then I asked him to throw me the keys.


I bought the two brushes. One in purple and one in silver. I bought them because of how sturdy the brush holders were. Really.
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