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ATT New Open Combs first Photos.

Uh oh, looks like my wallet is going to be a little lighter soon. I just received an Atlas handle with the R and H heads this week. This is definitely the finest build quality set that I own. I shaved with the R head this morning, and I can't say enough about how impressed I was. I'm thinking now that the H head may turn out to be a bit much, but I'll be looking forward to trying it next anyway. Since I have a hopeless case of RAD that seems to be unquenchable, (is that a word?), I will certainly have an order in for an open comb with a Kronos handle in the next couple of days. Thanks Stan!
Are there any discounts available? Or is $185 the only price available?

I cant afford three plates, so I'm taking a guess at the R2.
i also would love to buy the whole oc set but its a bit steep for me right now. i know they are great quality wise but im still being a bit cautious because of the bills from an accident i had im still paying i will be buying them as soon as i can if not right now. i would rather just get the full set than end up buying a piece at a time.
Wow. Just wow. Need I say more?

I'm new here, so I realize I need to get in line in the proper place; however, if you're interested in a "new guy's" opinion then send one my way.


I've been waiting for this, but I want to see some reviews. I'm not sure of the teeth. I'm used to New, iKon OC, Fatip.
I have no clues about the OC heads, but whats great here is that I can send it back and exchange it. Or sell it? Any ATT pieces I've seen on B/S/T were sold within minutes. I went for the R1-M1-M2.
They do look great, but I will wait for a couple of reviews before I decide which head to buy. I've got the R1 and M1 plates, and hardly ever use the M1. I think it would be wise to read some opinions before I choose.
Could we by chance get a close up on the head with a blade in the razor? I've wondered if the OC design might aid in getting a good view of the hair being cut by the blade? (note: I shave with a 7x magnifying mirror ... but I've found that the bar in SB razors usually blocks the actual cutting from my view)
As an "upgrade path" for those of us who already own a 5 piece set ... I'd love to see a special price if you buy all 3 open comb baseplates :)
As an "upgrade path" for those of us who already own a 5 piece set ... I'd love to see a special price if you buy all 3 open comb baseplates :)
I don't think there is a big margin on the ATT stainless line so while a discount package would be nice it may not be workable due to the built quality and finishing involved with producing them
I don't think there is a big margin on the ATT stainless line so while a discount package would be nice it may not be workable due to the built quality and finishing involved with producing them

Good point. I have thought about buying a Kronos 5 piece OC set to complement my Atlas 5 piece SB set ... but gosh that's a lot of money for razors. Maybe I'll just get the M1 OC baseplate and go from there.....
Good point. I have thought about buying a Kronos 5 piece OC set to complement my Atlas 5 piece SB set ... but gosh that's a lot of money for razors. Maybe I'll just get the M1 OC baseplate and go from there.....
Thats the beauty of the ATT system, the cap is common to both OC & SB so if you have one you just need the base plate I really love my 'R' sb but I am very excited about the new OC's Have a 5 piece set on pre order..
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