Thank you for your replies. Of course it makes sense that any oil can affect the lather, so maybe there is something to it.
Yes oils can and do affect the lather in different ways. But it should also be noted that comparing cold process made soap with a glycerin (melt and pour) soap base are very different soaps and can't be compared.
With melt and pour soaps (depending on what they are made of) are already made into soap and the user has no control over the ingredients or how much is used. So many crafters add additional oils to the base to make it more moisturizing but if to much is added it will affect the lather. With melt and pour even adding too much fragrance will affect the lather. It's very sensitive to what is added to it and the type of oils that are added.
Making cold process soap is a lot different the soaper can pick and choose what ingredients will go into the finished product. And while they can affect the lather in different ways, but more importantly the soaper can control other aspects of the final products. Not just the type of lather or how much it lathers but how much of the natural oils it will strip off your skin to clean it or how moisturizing it will be. Plus by choosing oils higher in Oleic acid will make a better soap for older skin while choosing oils high in Linoleic acid will make a better soap for younger skin. Cold process soap isn't made just by throwing oils into a pot, but rather they are carefully calculated and various percents are added to give the desired outcome in the final bar of soap. And if too much fragrance is added to cold process soap it isn't as sensitive to affecting the lather. And I've also experimented with adding oils to the soap after it has turned into soap before it was poured into the soap and it didn't affect the lather like I thought it would. I still have some of that batch and it's EXTREMELY moisturizing and an awesome bar of soap.
Slip is a term that is used often it's an extra slickness that allows the razor to glide over the skin easier.
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