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I just bought a 12 pack off the largest "forest like" online mall in the world. With "subscribe and save" it came out to $14.72 with free shipping. Then I just cancel the subscribe and save after the box arrives. It comes out to $1.23 per stick, shipped. I should be good to go for the next 5 years! I actually don't mind the soapy smell. It really subsides after a few days left out. The lather and cushion is unreal.
It has been a while since I have been on B&B. Arko comes in a bowl now!!! Darn, I have a crap load of sticks to go through before I can justify getting the bowl.
Well, I did it. I finally ordered some Arko and I used it immediately. I had read so much about it that I found I was expecting what I'd read. The smell was not as urinal cake smelling, actually I liked it. It's very slick and glides well with my razor. I love the packaging, it looks like something out of the 50's. The guy on the packaging has a hella lather and a huge smile. Arko is definitely working for him.
Anyway, looks like I've found my new shaving soap!

Another convert.
I still have 14 sticks of Arko left from an Amazon buy. I grate them up into a bowl to lather them.

Can anyone tell me from experience how.long 14 sticks last a guy that shaves 7 days.a week????

I am thinking i should start trading some of these.
I smell Ivory... I guess I can see where the "urinal puck" comparison stems from - but that's utter hogwash. It's just a soapy-type smell with a dash of lemon. I just got/used my first stick today and I had braced myself for the worst when I unwrapped the package, but chuckled to myself when I realized what a bunch of over-exaggerators some Arko-haters are.
For such a cheap soap, I was pleasantly surprised how slick it was.
For such a cheap soap, I was pleasantly surprised how slick it was.

Yeah, I certainly won't try to claim that Arko is the best soap on the market. But it might very well be the best value on the market.

Folks rave about how a $30 puck of "Insert-Favorite-Luxury-Brand" soap works, and I have no doubt some of that is true. But from the utilitarian perspective, another equally valid world view, plain old Arko is a really tough act to follow.
To all those on this thread who have made the conversion to Arko, the cult leader (the guy in the picture on the wrapper) welcomes you with open arms into the fold! All Hail Arko!
If you started with our mennen stick anything, even a stick of butter will lather better!

You're not wrong there.
I found our mennen sticks to be better than canned goo, but at least butter is slick.
Seinfeld reference?

But I too am an arvo fan. Great for having a superb shave while traveling

I agree completely.
I generally compress it into a bowl and use it most days,
You really can't beat Arko used as intended while travelling.


Loves a smelly brush
Yeah, I certainly won't try to claim that Arko is the best soap on the market. But it might very well be the best value on the market.

Folks rave about how a $30 puck of "Insert-Favorite-Luxury-Brand" soap works, and I have no doubt some of that is true. But from the utilitarian perspective, another equally valid world view, plain old Arko is a really tough act to follow.

I'm willing to claim that it's among the best, but not THE best. For me it has outperformed a lot of top shelf products and has been on par with many others.
I've used Arko to bump up the lather quality of Ogallala Bay Rum soap. I had some samples that I didn't feel gave quality lather so I tried cutting a disk off the arko and pressed it onto one side of the OBR. Probably 1/4" thick. Lather was greatly improved. And I do mean greatly. I can't speak to the quality of the shave since I was doing a test lather to break in a new brush but the feel when hand lathering was pretty good.
I gave my neighbor a stick of arko and told him people think its smells like a urinal cake. He smelled it and said, yeah I can see why people say that.

I gave my coworker a stick of arko, but didnt tell him anything about what people say it smells like. I handed it to him, he smelled it and he said, "it smells fresh and soapy". He didnt say anything about urinal cakes.

I love arko, it builds incredible lather and I got my 12 pack off amazon for only $14.72. I wont be using anything else. Nothing else matches it for price and performance. Does a $20 puck of hoity toity soap perform 15 times better than arko? No way.
Does a $20 puck of hoity toity soap perform 15 times better than arko? No way.

Very very true. Folks think that by necessarily spending high dollars for a puck of soap in a wooden container they get the best. There are those out there who think that just because they spend a lot for something they are getting the best of whatever it may be.

I'll take a stick of Arko, Palmolive or a puck of Williams any day.
Share the wealth. Hook me up. Got a link?

if you go to amazon and search for arko, the 12 pack comes up. amazon changes their pricing all the time, right now it isnt that cheap. so check frequently. they fluctuate their prices all the time. it looks like right now the 12 pack is $18.
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