I've been a fan of English Leather for 20 years or so...
That must be why I like it!
i voted for av musk...my real answer is both! Why only one!
So I don't know the prices exatly but I can get AV Musk at Walmart in a plastic container for $3.19 and $3.69 at publix in a glass jar. Is there a reason to buy the glass for 50 cents more?
av musk for me.
Aqua Velva in the glass container has been discontinued. Apparently the product just doesn't move as fast at Publix. I would expect to see plastic containers there as well within a month, or so.
The product is not $.50 more because it is in a glass container, it is $.50 more because the smaller store can't compete with WalMart in terms of pricing.
If you like the look of glass, this may be your last opportunity to pick up a glass bottled Aqua Velva without resorting to Ebay (and paying the associated price premium).