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Anyone turning over most of their shaves to one particular razor?

I've tried multiple razors at this point in my DE shaving adventure and have found myself shaving with my Merkur 180 on days that I feel I should look my best. I am still experimenting with just about anything I can get my hands on, though. I do know that I could get rid of all of the razors but the 180 and be perfectly happy, I'm just not done playing yet.
I have been using a frankenrazor hybrid of an Ikon bamboo handle with a 2nd-generation Ikon open comb head and have been getting pretty much ccs on one pass.
Not these days. I'm having fun playing with Gillettes, which have suddenly become usable for me.
Previously, the HD was the razor of choice for over four years and the EJs for a little under a year.
I'm also starting to accept and enjoy milder shaves.
Only have one razor and one brush (so far :001_rolle ) but I've narrowed down to one blade and a small selection of soaps and creams. I like knowing that it will just work.
Merkur Progress is my only razor now. However, I may switch between the gold and silver ones I have now. IMHO the Progress just does everything right.
Seems like I've been using my Slim or Fatboy more often than not. Which is a shame, because I've got a couple of Flare-Tips and a Krona that produce nothing but fine shaves without fail every time.

But, once you find something that works, it's hard to quit using it.
For most of my DE days I have been bouncing around. I would use a razor for about a month and then switch to a different one. I had picked up a pre-war tech at an antique shop early on, but had never used it. In April I decided to try it and have not used anything else since. I am now actually considering selling off the rest of my razors.
R41 seems to be getting roughly 2/3 of the daily use. The Dovo Palisander comes out if I have the proper amount of time to use it. Feather SS gets the call if time is an issue.
My Red Tip gets the most usage. My slim, slant may need to hit the BST. Keeping my Fatboy and Gillette Travel.
I usually Rotate a given Razor for a full month before switching to the next- sticking something for a while seems to give me enough time to understand and appreciate it the most.
I still own a few, and have given away a few, because when I got my slim about 6 months ago there was nothing else that has compared. I've went back to my Merkur HD once, and probably won't do it again.

Still want to try an r41 some day. But other then that I'm pretty content.
... The only one I had problems with was the Tradere OC, which gave me the worst razor burn since I started DE shaving. However, the Tradere just felt "right" somehow (I think it is a combination of weight & balance), so I kept going back to it. Three weeks ago, my patience finally paid off & I found the angle that the Tradere likes (very steep) & I haven't used anything else since. ...

I had a similar experience with the Fatip in the beginning. I was getting nicks, seemingly out of nowhere, and, frankly, I'm still not sure why. But I kept going back to it and my patience finally paid off, just as you say. If the motivation is there, learning happens over time, in a somewhat mysterious way. Or, to put it simply, practice makes perfect.
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