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Anyone try the new Coate's yet?

I received mine on Saturday; I've used it four times, and I am really pleased with it. I really like the scent - it's very light and pleasant. The cream is dense, and very little gives a thick, abundant and slick lather! I shave my head daily, and the amount the brush-tips picked up was enough for 3 passes on my face and two on my head.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with it, and I'd both buy it again, and recommend it!
What type of razor is shown in the first picture of this thead?

Looks like a Jagger de89l.

i received my Coate's last week and have used it twice so far. i must say that i really enjoy this cream. It's very slick with good cushioning and like others have mentioned, it lathers like a fiend. The general almond size drop gave me enough lather for at least 6-7 passes.
The smell seems a bit more of a rosemary and lemon with a bit of tea tree in the background to me. It was surprisingly nice for something with tea tree in it.
i prefer soap for making lather, but i like this enough that i'd buy another tub if it's still in stock anywhere when i finish it and i will definitely try any and all future Coate's releases.
Had my first shave with the Coates cream last night. Whipped up lather with my Ever-Ready TGN 2-band finest and mowed down whiskers with my G type schick injector with a fresh blade. DFS came easy and the little sample of Olimon a/s went on afterwards with no burn, nice scent on the a/s, a little bit sweet but very light.

The cream was absolutely amazing performance wise but I am not in love with the scent right now. My face felt super soft and moisturized afterwards though.
I received a jar of this today along with my Eucris shave soap order from QED. The Eucris comes first but this stuff looks mighty good in the container. I know Robert of TGS stated elsewhere he aped AOS shave cream for this and I think it was a good choice. If it performs anything like I hope it does it will be a winner. BTW, no need to worry aobut the tea tree scent. I can barely discern it and the rosemary is the major player to my nose. And no, it is not overdone at all. Very tastefully scented like all the grand old British creams used to be.

Regards, Todd
I just tried it for the first time. And very nice it was too. The scent is very mild. More than I expected, but that's fine. 3+ passes with a vintage Wilk in a Flair-tip Rocket and I can honestly say, I've haven't had many better shaves. I'm looking forward to the straight-up tea tree.
I sure hope I'm not allergic to it because I seriously don't have the money to throw away on creams that I can't use. I bought some Proraso pre/post cream too and I've yet to be convinced that that was a good purchase.

You're holding onto a tub of one of the most highly anticipated shaving products to come out in a long time, and you're thinking about tossing it out? Anything you don't use will get bought on the B.S.T in about 10 seconds.:thumbup1:
I just shaved with it about an hour ago for the fist time thank's to a sample I received from gaj and my face feels fantastic. :w00t: I had 3 days of growth and loaded up my merkur slant with a brand new Gillette Super Thin and face lathered with my C&E BBB (I use this as my test brush with new products) It lathered up quickly and was slick with a great cushion. Not sure how I feel about the smell and I did feel the tingle that others have mentioned. I also get the same tingle when I use tea tree oil alone.

I got a DFS and finished with some Royall Lyme and my face feels amazing. I'm not sure if it was just the cream or a combination of it with new blade and the growth. I will try again tomorrow and see what happens. So far this seems like a top notch cream to me. I like the density of it also.

You're holding onto a tub of one of the most highly anticipated shaving products to come out in a long time, and you're thinking about tossing it out? Anything you don't use will get bought on the B.S.T in about 10 seconds.:thumbup1:

+1 No need to put this on the BST just PM me.:001_cool:
All of these posts, yet I see nothing in the Reviews section yet? Tsk, tsk. Perhaps I'll take steps to rectify that once I get around to trying mine. :001_rolle

I'm nearly done with a Provence Santé Verlaine puck. Once that is done, I will drop in one of the Green Tea versions so I have it available as a point of comparison.
All of these posts, yet I see nothing in the Reviews section yet? Tsk, tsk. Perhaps I'll take steps to rectify that once I get around to trying mine.

Laziness, really.

It is a great cream, one of my favorites. Up there with Trumpers and T&H as my favorite three. And I really like the scent; delicate and quite pleasing at 7 AM.

You'll like it, I'm sure.
After a few more uses, I've decided that there is a bit too much burn after the first pass. And I don't have sensitive skin. Hope this gets sorted for the other scents.
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