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Anybody still using and loving their Karve Christopher Bradley?


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So I now have both my Overlander and my Karve CB with a mild OC plate. For me there is no contest - the CB is the winner.

Even though the gap / exposure specs are milder than the Overlander the CB is gently efficient and gives me the flexibility to adjust my angles for a comfortable and effective shave on all parts of my face. The flat contact area on the Overlander limits the effective angle and makes it so mild that I struggle to remove whiskers and end up with irritation because of too many passes / too much pressure. I am getting better with it, but it is a struggle. The CB was instant shave nirvana.

My CB is brass, but I think when GRUYERE is over I might order one in stainless steel. It's early days, but I think this has the potential to be my number 1 razor.


Cool and slimy
Cant stand the cb, rough rough rough. Maybe if I polished it. I'm really not a fan of karves finish face feel wise
You might like the Overlander, which shaves steep. The CB likes it shallow. The other method would be to shave shallow with the CB. But if it is then still rough, well. Guess polishing wouldn't help in that case.
I see this is a thread where CB users hang. I have a brass open comb C plate doing nothing, I prefer the straight bar A plate. If anyone here is looking for an oc C plate, feel free to PM me. I would happily trade it for a B plate, or even just a good soap.
What cb plate are you using?
I've used em all. Literally a-f. Also tried the overlander, which was better but too draggy. I exclusively use a blackland osprey now which, not to be a shill, is better than any razor ive ever used.SS on the head, TI on the face. For me my searching is over. A shame though because aesthetically karve is beautiful. Geometrically it just does not suit my face. Perhapsnif I have some standing funds for a plated overlander I'll change my tune
What cb plate are you using?


If I had to nit-pick, it is just a teeny, tiny bit on the mild side, but going to the next plate is a step up from neutral exposure to 0.09mm exposure, which is actually quite a jump. I suspect something of around 0.03mm exposure would be absolute perfection for me.

But I am already thinking that if I do eventually go for stainless too, I will get both the B an C open comb plates, just to see what that step up is like - I am sure I will be able to handle it, and it is not impossible that I would prefer it since I am not a stranger to more aggressive fare.

Geometrically it just does not suit my face.

It can be that way with some razors.

But, have you seen the plated Overlander? Very sexy. If you are fan of the razor then it's definitely got to be a RAD trigger.
Guess I look at it differently. I have quite a bit of razors in my two dens. If I did not like them nor use them , they would be gone. Honestly, if others don't like/love the ones I use it certaibly would not impact me. It is about finding the best tool(s)for you and enjoy it.

Different Faces..Different Cases.

As for CB razors, they are of high quailty and a lot of bang for the buck, great tools. Solid offerings...
I had the Overlander, beautiful razor..was just to mild for my gorilla stubble. Gone..
CB brass, had and liked. Obtained 8 (4/4) of the higher level plates in both SB and OC
My brother like it and give it to him.
Couple months later, I order another kit for a replacement. I guess I just ran into some really bad luck & timing because he was on vacation. After a month plus of waiting, I decided to cancelled the large order .
When you like many, one loss is much easier to get throu.....
Plus my skin really appriecates a variety of different exfoliating tools used for stubble execution especially as a old daily traditional wet shaver.

Oh, I love my wife and the kids( young adults now)...& our families/ great friends.
No objectophilia here.
The flat contact area on the Overlander limits the effective angle and makes it so mild that I struggle to remove whiskers and end up with irritation because of too many passes / too much pressure. I am getting better with it, but it is a struggle.

I have to say that after posting this I tried again with the Overlander using a Feather. The CB is still the favourite, but I have to wind in some of that negativity about the Overlander as the Feather really made quite a significant difference (previous outings were with GSB and Permasharp). I guess just as with other mild razors like Techs, the very sharpest blades really can elevate the experience and the efficiency in a positive and noticeable way.
Now it seems that most of the buzz is centered on the Overlander and, more recently, the Bison. I pulled out my aluminum CB D safety bar plate this evening and had a wonderful shave.

It made me wonder whether everybody had pretty much moved on to the newer razor designs, or whether there were others like me who were still enjoying the OG Christopher Bradley design.

For me this razor is fantastic. It is impeccably made. Granted, I am a shallow-angle shaving enthusiast, so that aspect of the razor for me is a feature, not a bug.

So let's hear it! Do you still love your CB? If so, which metal and which plate is your favorite?
getting ready to use my Brass, E SB plate tomorrow morning. I love the build quality as well as the heft of this razor. I increased the heft by using a WCS brass handly, different alloy but close, that resembles the Maggard MR5, kinda like a large bamboo handle design. I try to keep mine in the shiny state, rather than letting it get that aged look. Never gave it a thought to move on to another model from Karve, when the one i have, along with an assortment of plates, like having 5 razors in one, and times two with the two different brass handles.
getting ready to use my Brass, E SB plate tomorrow morning. I love the build quality as well as the heft of this razor. I increased the heft by using a WCS brass handly, different alloy but close, that resembles the Maggard MR5, kinda like a large bamboo handle design. I try to keep mine in the shiny state, rather than letting it get that aged look. Never gave it a thought to move on to another model from Karve, when the one i have, along with an assortment of plates, like having 5 razors in one, and times two with the two different brass handles.
I only have the B and C plates, and have often wondered about the rest of the alphabet of plates. I’m in the 2025 sabbatical, so no interest in buying until the restock period. However, do you know how the D or E plates compare to the C plate?
I only have the B and C plates, and have often wondered about the rest of the alphabet of plates. I’m in the 2025 sabbatical, so no interest in buying until the restock period. However, do you know how the D or E plates compare to the C plate?
I used the E plate this morning for a nice shave. Some blade feel, not as smooth as the C or D. I would skip the D plate myself since it seems very close to the C.
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