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Any need for cartridge razor, even with DE/straight?

I shave my face & head with a DE razor (been into it for about 2 months now). I did take my old fusion razor on my last weekend trip away. Primarily it was convenience but also as it was a drinking trip I thought I'd be safer using a cartridge considering the drunken states I knew I'd be in & using a DE blade while intoxicated would only lead to blood loss!!
Ask me in a year from now. I am currently enjoying my affair/honeymoon with my newly acquired taste for DE. I am in no big hurry to dump my Trac II's. I am feeling an affection to DE that I never had with the twin blades, but when the new wears off (does it?), we'll see what happens then.

Haven't used cartridge razor after "converting" to DE (only about a month). But probably will use it and canned gel when travelling.
I use the Wilkinson version of Trac IIs on a Bump Fighter razor handle for travel.I can use my other DE for my ..um..other shaving needs.=D
All out of Atra Plus carts. They cost about $16 for 10 of the original Gillette version and $11 or $12 for a generic version locally, so I keep walking when I see them in the local drugstore. I've found my DE can do everything the carts can do for a fraction of the price.
I use swivel cartridges all the time for the back of neck where I can't see what I'm doing, and the top my shoulders get slightly hairy every so often. I mainly use 2 blade cartridges for that.

When I damage my face with a DE razor, as I did last week with a Merkur 25C, it was back to electric and then to Fusion while it recovered.

Also, there are the two blade non-swivel cartridges for the Schick Plus 2 and another travel razor I have, which are pretty much the same as DE shaving, since without the swivelling cartridge, one has to do all the careful manoeuvres by one's self.
I will occasionally use a trac II cartridge from time to time but always use my regular routine of brush soap/cream. I have a number of nice aftermarket handles that I enjoy using...but I have not used them in quite a while now that I think about it...perhaps it is time to give one a whirl. I find that I can get quite a nice close shave with them.


Caveat: I have a full beard. I have had a full beard for decades. Consequently, I shave only my neck and cheeks. As a further consequence, I cannot shave all over against the grain, which means I rarely am able to achieve (or even trying to achieve) a BBS shave.

With that in mind, I still occasionally use a Gillette ProGlide for fun, if I am in a hurry, or if I just feel like it (sometimes the plain kind without batteries, and sometimes the vibrating kind with batteries). I still use my nice wet shaving soaps or creams and brushes or a top quality brushless cream such as Avalon Organics lavender.

When I do use a ProGlide, I always get a very close, irritation-free shave. I never use a cartridge more than three or four times before tossing it. I never get ingrown hairs (because I never shave against the grain), I never have irritation, and I never experience any of the problems others here have noted with cartridges.

As far as the expense of modern cartridges, really? Are you kidding me? I have recently spent more than $500 on DE shaving gear. Do you know how many cartridges one can buy for $500? I have seen the pictures many of you have posted of your DE, SE, or straight shaving gear, and many of you have spent many thousands on it. The expense argument is a non-starter for me.

Also, the ProGlide is very useful for the back shave that my wife kindly inflicts upon me from time to time. ;)
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When I do use a ProGlide, I always get a very close, irritation-free shave. I never use a cartridge more than three or four times before tossing it. I never get ingrown hairs (because I never shave against the grain), I never have irritation, and I never experience any of the problems others here have noted with cartridges.

Same here, but the shadow at 5 o'clock after a cart shave is more stubble than I see the next morning after a DE shave. And the cheapest cartridge is ten times more expensive, at least, than a ten cent Astra blade that I can get 5-7 shaves from. That is a substantial savings to me.
I keep a Gillette Sensor and a can of Barbasol around b/c I travel for work a lot. Offers a quick presentable shave when that's all I have time for in a hotel.
Short answer - no.

I straight-shave but see how federal transportation folks might say that straight razors don't meet their criteria - rude! I'll be taking a DE on my next trip out of town.
I have a goatee and a straight edges it. A cart was always horrible at that due to clogging, inaccuracy as you never know where the blade is, etc. Since I only use straights, a DE is now a "cart" to me. I have only 1 DE around that I use to do the fastest possible 3 min one pass shave.
When I am rushed, the Mach 3 gets a use. I always hate the shave. By noon I have the stubble I usually have when going to bed. But if you only have a few minutes, the cart is your only option sometimes.
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