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Another site at the gym.facial hair melting

I'll cop to having attempted the Nair treatment on my dome once, and only once. It didn't really do the job. I still had to shave afterward because one does not simply walk into work with a scalp that looks like it belongs in a burn ward.

I tried it once and had the worst chemical burns on the back of my neck that took about 2 weeks to heal.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Take a minute to think about all the women who use this kind of stuff all over their legs, or an Epilady. All in the name if smooth legs, which I'm guessing is an idea that came from a man. Not everyone enjoys their shave like most of us do here.

Same with underwires and high heels.
I've used shave magic on my head before, in fact i still have an almost new tube, didn't work well enough for me, a buddy uses nair on his nethers, says he loves that fresh feeling, whatever, i keep hazardous material away from there!
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