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Amakuni - first Tatara single-edge razor

Had my second shave and conclude that the pro supers are better on the Spirit. Also, how are you guys getting along with the handle? It's the most slipperiest handle I have and the only one where I need the alum for help. Being a handle-heavy razor doesn't help.
Well, I am going to have to correct myself. I paid particular attention to the handle today. I had no issues with a slippery hold until I got to the ATG pass. I did notice the handle started to slip in my hand and I had to readjust my grip. So, I stand corrected, there is a bit of an issue with the handle being slippery, especially if you hold it on the non-dimpled part.
Also, I found that the Feather Super Pro was not as kind on the 4th use as it was on the 1st. I will try the Feather Pro tomorrow and hope for a better result than I got today.
SS Vector Lite on the way (when Shane ships), and I ordered a Standard plate as well, so I'll be able to do a personal comparison. Less efficient (aggressive) than the Vector is a positive for me though with the Amakuni, because - for me - the ProGuard hits the sweet spot, and I can step it up with the Super if I want. Will be interested in seeing how the Lite compares to the Standard Vector given the Standard's reputation for aggressiveness, deserved or not, but I'm assuming that's the reason for the Lite in the first place. And how you can modify it with different blades.
Well after 4 shaves with the Amakuni and the Feather Pro I can tell you that IMHO, the Amakuni is no where near as efficient as the Vector. It is a very clever design but the shave is not as good as the La Faulx Classic or the Vector SS when it comes to efficiency. As for comfort, the Amakuni and the La Faulx are more comfortable than the Vector. I haven't tried the Vector Lite or the Vector Ti.
A perfect example of the individuality of our faces. I found the SS Vector too aggressive, and the titanium version didn't tame it enough for me. A friend in another neighborhood said he didn't notice as big a difference going to titanium with the Vector as he did with the Blackbird. The Yaqi Romulus was my best, closer than the Hawk v3, and the Amakuni beats them both. For me. I hope you aren't too disappointed, Wally, as I know that yucky feeling after all the hype and anticipation, and then the performance isn't what you'd hoped for. I had it with a custom brush once. Almost made me sick, you know, given what I paid for the custom color and style.

SS Vector Lite on the way (when Shane ships), and I ordered a Standard plate as well, so I'll be able to do a personal comparison. Less efficient (aggressive) than the Vector is a positive for me though with the Amakuni, because - for me - the ProGuard hits the sweet spot, and I can step it up with the Super if I want. Will be interested in seeing how the Lite compares to the Standard Vector given the Standard's reputation for aggressiveness, deserved or not, but I'm assuming that's the reason for the Lite in the first place. And how you can modify it with different blades.
I have often wondered if a titanium Lite would have worked out for me. Shane makes wonderful razors. Well, maybe not that boxy thing. Too odd for my plebian tastes!
Well after 4 shaves with the Amakuni and the Feather Pro I can tell you that IMHO, the Amakuni is no where near as efficient as the Vector. It is a very clever design but the shave is not as good as the La Faulx Classic or the Vector SS when it comes to efficiency. As for comfort, the Amakuni and the La Faulx are more comfortable than the Vector. I haven't tried the Vector Lite or the Vector Ti.
Such a YMMV sport … I find the Amakuni shave every bit as good as the La Faulx Classic 🤷🏼‍♂️
Such a YMMV sport … I find the Amakuni shave every bit as good as the La Faulx Classic 🤷🏼‍♂️
You are so right. Again, it has only been 4 shaves with one blade. I am hoping that my experience changes. I love the ingenuity of the design and the simplicity of blade loading and removal. I had the La Faulx in the Classic and the ++ plates. I sold them and bought the Amakuni. Even though i am still getting used to the Amakuni, I don't regret my decision. I should have prefaced my prior review by saying "at this time with only 4 shaves in". I am certain my future shaves will give me better input on the attributes of the Amakuni. I do wonder if the Ti version would give me different views on the razor than the SS version.
Well, I am going to have to correct myself. I paid particular attention to the handle today. I had no issues with a slippery hold until I got to the ATG pass. I did notice the handle started to slip in my hand and I had to readjust my grip. So, I stand corrected, there is a bit of an issue with the handle being slippery, especially if you hold it on the non-dimpled part.
Also, I found that the Feather Super Pro was not as kind on the 4th use as it was on the 1st. I will try the Feather Pro tomorrow and hope for a better result than I got today.
It is a good AC razor nonetheless. Just need to add a step to my prep which is to rub some alum on my fingers. No big deal. As long as the shave is great, everything else can be mitigated. I moved on to the Prolines and boy are they move forgiving to the skin. The Super's shave lasted way longer but irritation is unavoidable. Hope everyone is having fun figuring/enjoying this unique razor!

Tatara hit it out of the park with the Amakuni. First inaugural shave was a huge success with a Proline p-30 blade. I love the engineering that went behind the design of the razor, with the magnet head, the angle of the head and the perfect handle imo keeping with the Tatara dimple design. It’s brilliant design just aids in giving you the perfect angle every time, you can even go steep. It’s so maneuverable, shocked how well that worked out. The slim head design like my Vector Ti is a pleasure to use. It shaves very similar to Colonial General v2 imo but just a tad more efficient and manuevarable. I’m surprised it’s that good, to be in that category. For me the gold standard for any razor is ATG pass, and the Amakuni performed flawless. It’s definitely top 3 SE razors I have ever tried and it absolutely competes with LaFaulx Ti++ and Vector Ti in the SE category. Efficiency, is what surprised me most as I didn’t think by looking at it to be as smooth as my other razors, but I was proven wrong and it’s up there. Like the LaFaulx pedigree : efficiency to smoothness factor is extremely high. For the amount of blade feel, to have that type of efficiency from 0.06 mm blade exposure is astounding, most likely the design of the razor contributes to that assessment, but it’s still very early to draw a real conclusion. So far, I’m impressed.
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Tatara hit it out of the park with the Amakuni. First inaugural shave was a huge success with a Proline p-30 blade. I love the engineering that went behind the design of the razor, with the magnet head, the angle of the head and the perfect handle imo keeping with the Tatara dimple design. It’s brilliant design just aids in giving you the perfect angle every time, you can even go steep. It’s so maneuverable, shocked how well that worked out. The slim head design like my Vector Ti is a pleasure to use. It shaves very similar to Colonial General v2 imo but just a tad more efficient and manuevarable. I’m surprised it’s that good, to be in that category. For me the gold standard for any razor is ATG pass, and the Amakuni performed flawless. It’s definitely top 3 SE razors I have ever tried and it absolutely competes with LaFaulx Ti++ and Vector Ti in the SE category. Efficiency, is what surprised me most as I didn’t think by looking at it to be as smooth as my other razors, but I was proven wrong and it’s up there. Like the LaFaulx pedigree : efficiency to smoothness factor is extremely high. For the amount of blade feel, to have that type of efficiency from 0.06 mm blade exposure is astounding, most likely the design of the razor contributes to that assessment, but it’s still very early to draw a real conclusion. So far, I’m impressed.
I have to agree with you to Amakuni loves the Prolines. Just effortless efficient shaves. Looks like I have to stock up on blades.
Aaand,Titanium version on the way! What can I say? 🥴 Valentine from the Missus! SS Amakuni is actually my favorite blade holder now, so will be interesting to see if 1) lighter weight and 2) more maneuverability will surpass it (love the Ti versions of everything else in the stable - just a great metal for razors) . I might end up with a SE collection to match the in-house DEs!

Has the titanium version arrived in the meantime and do you have completed enough shaves with it to give a comparison?

Has the titanium version arrived in the meantime and do you have completed enough shaves with it to give a comparison?

A long story but I'll elaborate when I receive it - it arrived defective, returned to Tatara, and hung up in Portuguese Customs on the way back to Tatara (with their supplied label). My FedEx account says they're awaiting a response from Tatara, who have not provided it for 10 days from the date it arrived - so far - so presumably it hasn't been released to them yet. Tatara has not provided an update or reply other than essentially "We're aware," and only when I asked. Very disappointed with both their QC (how many titanium Amakunis do they make that they couldn't visually inspect it for obvious defects before shipping?), and their support. More to follow. Meantime, I ordered a Vector from Shane at Blackland that should be here Monday. I expect my next titanium razor won't speak Portuguese....:glare:
A long story but I'll elaborate when I receive it - it arrived defective, returned to Tatara, and hung up in Portuguese Customs on the way back to Tatara (with their supplied label). My FedEx account says they're awaiting a response from Tatara, who have not provided it for 10 days from the date it arrived - so far - so presumably it hasn't been released to them yet. Tatara has not provided an update or reply other than essentially "We're aware," and only when I asked. Very disappointed with both their QC (how many titanium Amakunis do they make that they couldn't visually inspect it for obvious defects before shipping?), and their support. More to follow. Meantime, I ordered a Vector from Shane at Blackland that should be here Monday. I expect my next titanium razor won't speak Portuguese....:glare:
Wow, that stinks!
Both the customer service and the fact that it was defective. Everything I've ever bought from Tatara has been flawless but I've never dealt with them. I've bought everything from stores that sell their products (Like Maggard!)
BTW, a while back, someone here had the same exact issue your having with them with the hold up in Portuguese customs. I guess though that all they can do is wait since customs is beyond their control!
And I'm guessing they won't send out a new one till they have yours in their possession?
Wow, that stinks!
Both the customer service and the fact that it was defective. Everything I've ever bought from Tatara has been flawless but I've never dealt with them. I've bought everything from stores that sell their products (Like Maggard!)
BTW, a while back, someone here had the same exact issue your having with them with the hold up in Portuguese customs. I guess though that all they can do is wait since customs is beyond their control!
And I'm guessing they won't send out a new one till they have yours in their possession?
That would be my guess, and I can understand that. My experience previously with them was like yours and uneventful, and actually very fast shipping, but again no direct dealings with them other than purchases. And undoubtedly behind-the-scenes activity of which I'm unaware. But again - no contact to say "We're waiting for Customs clearance," no "Apologies for the delay, we're on it, thank you for your patience." Until I checked directly with FedEx to see what was up, and sent a query to Tatara - actually, two. But it does occur to me that 1) they've charged my credit card and have my money, 2) it could be there for weeks, with no recourse to speed anything up, and 3) I don't have what I ordered, and when I do get it, it won't be new from the factory but repaired. For a razor approaching $500, which has got to be in the top 1% of competitive products. My minimum expectation is that they will repair or replace a product they sent to me defective out of the box, and get it to me within a couple of months at most. That's low baseline for a reputable company.

Exceeding my expectations would be sending me a new titanium Amakuni as soon as an excessive delay became apparent, apologizing for the delay, and sorting out the Customs glitch on their end, however long that takes. Which could have been avoided in the first place by trying a blade in the razor before they sent it (one of the magnets wasn't seated, and the cap wouldn't lay flat in contact with the baseplate - something I realized as soon as I put a blade in it). Hence QC. Which you would think would be routine for a company that claims engineering excellence. Having a superior product, well-engineered and finely designed and fitted, isn't the only requirement for legitimately claiming you are a top tier company, and charging for it, in today's business market. And lost customer loyalty isn't something you can buy back, at any price.
That would be my guess, and I can understand that. My experience previously with them was like yours and uneventful, and actually very fast shipping, but again no direct dealings with them other than purchases. And undoubtedly behind-the-scenes activity of which I'm unaware. But again - no contact to say "We're waiting for Customs clearance," no "Apologies for the delay, we're on it, thank you for your patience." Until I checked directly with FedEx to see what was up, and sent a query to Tatara - actually, two. But it does occur to me that 1) they've charged my credit card and have my money, 2) it could be there for weeks, with no recourse to speed anything up, and 3) I don't have what I ordered, and when I do get it, it won't be new from the factory but repaired. For a razor approaching $500, which has got to be in the top 1% of competitive products. My minimum expectation is that they will repair or replace a product they sent to me defective out of the box, and get it to me within a couple of months at most. That's low baseline for a reputable company.

Exceeding my expectations would be sending me a new titanium Amakuni as soon as an excessive delay became apparent, apologizing for the delay, and sorting out the Customs glitch on their end, however long that takes. Which could have been avoided in the first place by trying a blade in the razor before they sent it (one of the magnets wasn't seated, and the cap wouldn't lay flat in contact with the baseplate - something I realized as soon as I put a blade in it). Hence QC. Which you would think would be routine for a company that claims engineering excellence. Having a superior product, well-engineered and finely designed and fitted, isn't the only requirement for legitimately claiming you are a top tier company, and charging for it, in today's business market. And lost customer loyalty isn't something you can buy back, at any price.
The QC issue happens with the best of the best since stuff can occasionally slip through. But the lack of communication is definitely frustrating and can tarnish repeat business.
Well, here's hoping that it gets worked out ASAP so you can get back to actually enjoying the razor (for the first time!)
Odds are looking pretty good I'll have a titanium Vector before then, when Shane gets a Lite plate for them, and I'll certainly have had several shaves with the SS Vector with both plates by then! About 10g lighter in stainless than the Amakuni, so the contrast will be interesting. I did get a wake-up call this morning when, for nostalgia, I broke out my Rockwell 6S with a security-blanket Personna Lab DE. It felt like a brick - clumsy, heavy, bulky, not very comfortable or maneuverable. Not what I recall from my DE origins, and I even had to go a plate up (3) to get a reasonably good shave, still not as good as an AC shave. I realized then that I'm probably done with DE razors, although I'm still looking at more than a half-dozen various adjustables still on my counter, and again for nostalgia will break one out occasionally. A sad and happy development.... :crying:
Odds are looking pretty good I'll have a titanium Vector before then, when Shane gets a Lite plate for them, and I'll certainly have had several shaves with the SS Vector with both plates by then! About 10g lighter in stainless than the Amakuni, so the contrast will be interesting. I did get a wake-up call this morning when, for nostalgia, I broke out my Rockwell 6S with a security-blanket Personna Lab DE. It felt like a brick - clumsy, heavy, bulky, not very comfortable or maneuverable. Not what I recall from my DE origins, and I even had to go a plate up (3) to get a reasonably good shave, still not as good as an AC shave. I realized then that I'm probably done with DE razors, although I'm still looking at more than a half-dozen various adjustables still on my counter, and again for nostalgia will break one out occasionally. A sad and happy development.... :crying:
I would say you won't drop DE altogether but it would make you be more selective about DE purchases.
A long story but I'll elaborate when I receive it - it arrived defective, returned to Tatara, and hung up in Portuguese Customs on the way back to Tatara (with their supplied label). My FedEx account says they're awaiting a response from Tatara, who have not provided it for 10 days from the date it arrived - so far - so presumably it hasn't been released to them yet. Tatara has not provided an update or reply other than essentially "We're aware," and only when I asked. Very disappointed with both their QC (how many titanium Amakunis do they make that they couldn't visually inspect it for obvious defects before shipping?), and their support. More to follow. Meantime, I ordered a Vector from Shane at Blackland that should be here Monday. I expect my next titanium razor won't speak Portuguese....:glare:

Sorry to hear that.

After retirement, we moved to Portugal and now shuttle between our remaining condo in Canada and our new (1870 vintage) home in Portugal.

That has given us a taste of Portuguese (Mediterranean style) bureaucracy, where everything takes time, but will eventually happen.
Like the vintage car that I had brought tax-free with me, where it took 1½ years (during Covid) to get the required customs certificates for a Portuguese license plate.

As the bureaucracy here does not promptly reply to update requests (to put it mildly), the delay may not be Tatara’s fault, as neither Fedex nor Tatara themselves may know how much longer the customs clearance will take.
Generally, I found that I the three amigos from Tatara are on the ball and respond fairly quickly.

They sell their titanium razors in much smaller quantities (e.g. 20 Masamunes per year), so yours may still be one of the first titanium Amakunis and I had noticed earlier that the first steel Amakunis had QC showed some issues until everything was eventually smoothed out.

But of course, that does not help much when one waits for an item that one has paid for, does it?

Lived in Spain for a half-decade, and visited Portugal many times - hearing and understanding! :laugh: Mañana ≠ "tomorrow." Mañana = "not today." I actually admire and agree with that outlook on life. And agree that Tatara isn't at fault for the delay in Customs (assuming their label didn't cause it). I do fault them for not communicating with me along the way, and for sending a defective razor in the first place, causing us to be where we are now. Small production batches - which is likely - coupled with "expensive," means even more of an obligation to inspect before going out the door. In the case of a razor: does a blade fit in it, and does it look OK? Something even my wife - who is not remotely familiar with razors except for the cart she uses in the shower - observed when I took it out of the box.

Tatara will make it right, they're a reputable company. And in fairness João had a FedEx pickup scheduled the day after I contacted him, and was very helpful. He offered instructions on how to repair it myself (push the magnet in with pliers) or ship it back. Self-repair was a non-starter on a matte finish, $500 razor, so back to Tatara. And I did tell him I was willing to wait for a proper resolution - though I see I should have been more specific on the timeframe for my patience: more than a week, less than a year for example. But this is a miss, from sending it out broken (Tatara's responsibility), to a Customs delay (luck of the postal gods), to failing to communicate until I contacted (Tatara's responsibility).

And the trend is not good - when I received my first Tatara (a Masamune), it was wrapped and packed with the precision and care of a Japanese okurimono (gift). My first - stainless - Amakuni was thrown together with the stand in a box with a few peanuts - with the box for the stand crushed because of the stand rattling around in shipment. The titanium arrived in much the same state.

When I buy a Ford, I anticipate Ford service. When I buy a BMW, I expect BMW service (well, maybe not BMW lately). A first-world whine, but a company doesn't get better - and stay better - without hearing from customers. I didn't hesitate to give my employees and clients the same feedback, way back when. And I'm sure Tatara will listen if they are who they say they are, but all things considered, my future purchases will include stronger consideration for closer-to-home companies, although that can change with changing reputations and performance. Guarded optimism. :001_smile
Just adding two cents - and much admiration - to this thread. Have had my Amakuni for about three weeks now. Simply the easiest, smoothest shaves I’ve ever had. Period. It’s in danger of replacing my DEs. And on a comparative basis, it has soundly beaten out the (standard) Vector Ti I purchased and then sold last year - I found that raspy and harsh. From my first Amakuni shave, it’s been proverbially smooth sailing. So far, and admittedly with doing may comparisons as yet, my blade giving this comfort has been the Kai Premium Guard. I also tried both the Feather Proguard and Professional but they weren’t close in comfort compared to the Kai (which was interesting to me since I don’t like Kai DE blades at all).
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