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Ahh, Summer Shaving

I may just have to pick up some AV Ice Blue or some Osage Rub. Lathered up with my CO Bigelow this morning and loved it (as usual). A menthol AS could only make it better, right?
It's going to be 100 F here today, so I went menthol all the way: Proraso Pre-shave, Proraso Green (soap), followed up by a mixture of 444 and Superior 70 Bay Rum. Bring on the heat!

444 is excellent if you are wishing your favorite menthol-free AS had a menthol kick. Mix some AS with 444, or apply the 444 first and the AS second and you get your favorite AS plus a little kick of menthol.
Soaps: RazoRock Boston Tea Party (Green Tea, light and crisp scent) and AoS Ocean Kelp (goes without saying)
AS: Osage for those hot days, Floid Blue has a nice kick of menthol, and Dominica Lime Bay Rum is nice and refreshing as well as tropical in nature.

Truth be told i use other combos but i favor those when it's hot.
I keep Proraso Green and MB Grapefruit Ice for the summer...along with a Menthol Additive so I can ice just about any aftershave. I was skeptical about the grapefruit ice (got it in a PIF) but when I tried it I was blown away with how well it worked and how cool it kept me. Sue does great work - nuff said.
I'm all about the lime, citrus and coconut soaps(Mike's, RR, Haslinger) and bay rum now - like a cocktail on the beach - for my face :cool1: Oh and Proraso goodies too!
Ballistic Burrito:

Automobile assembly plant. 12 hours? Hope you had a nice cold shave or beer later.

I had a small summer job here in Norway making parts for the auto industry, allways so hot inside. And we are happy if we get weather beyond 20-25+ celsius outside. But inside with the aluminium cooking and the robots working it was insane and the summer I worked there it was a great summer. I saw people I know was working night shifts and I kind of understood it after 3 days at that place.
I dont know how hot we had it in there but I dont think we had (104)40c and you said you had 40c outside. I can not imagine how hot it would be inside your factory.
106 in Huntsville Al today. Could I interest anyone in cold water shaving?

AHHH Huntsville (wishing i was back in sweet home alabama) at least theres an excuse for 100+ down there, around DC theres no reason we should be at 100+ gahhh. Anywho, really need to get back down south.
Hot as blazes here in ChicAgo! Funny my parents left for Hollywood Fla (near miami And Ft lauderdale) on Monday... Its been cooler there than Chi-town. All in all my shaves have been awesome rotating between poraso, barbos pacific rush/nivea cool kick balm.... Tonight i am putting my poraso balm on the fridge and see how it feels!

I just got a 1956 flare tip... Gonna have my first shave with it in the AM.. Wish me luck!
A little sandalwood ToBS and Bay Rum for me. Perfect for that after-beach shower and shave. Even better for the after-beach BBQ with friends.
I live in SW Fla, much cooler here than where you're at in Chicagoland :)

Hot as blazes here in ChicAgo! Funny my parents left for Hollywood Fla (near miami And Ft lauderdale) on Monday... Its been cooler there than Chi-town. All in all my shaves have been awesome rotating between poraso, barbos pacific rush/nivea cool kick balm.... Tonight i am putting my poraso balm on the fridge and see how it feels!

I just got a 1956 flare tip... Gonna have my first shave with it in the AM.. Wish me luck!


The Lather Maestro
Razor burn in summer is the worst. Have to shave very, very carefully or else it feels like an inferno on your face the whole day.

I can't remember the last case of razor burn I've had. But I don't rotate razors, so I'm an expert with mine. Summer shaving with canned goo and carts used to be awful. Now with Proraso soap, Aqua Velva AS splash, cold (tap, no ice) water shaving, summer shaves are perfectly comfortable for me. Every day. I'm in the Chicago heat, too, by the way!
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