What's new

age of DE razor users ?

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I'm 43. After starting with disposables and enduring a brief stint of Norelco hell, I decided to purchase a "proper" razor when I was about 20. I was perfectly content using what had to have been one of the last Gillette Super Speeds ever made (this was about 1986), until Gillette discontinued their "Spoiler" blades in the late 1980's, then I migrated to cartridges.

About a year ago, I discovered that good DE blades were available on the internet. Amazingly enough, I had kept my old safety razor, so it wasn't hard getting back into the swing of things.
Yep, 26 here. I have been using a DE for 2 years now, but that was back in the dark days when I thought the best DE blades came from Walgreens.
33...been using a cream and brush for almost 10 years and added a DE 5 years ago or so...haven't ever really looked back.
Turning 21 this year. It's interesting to see how most people are in my age group. I was expected more in the 30-50 range. I guess single/two blade catridges weren't so bad, but 5 blades are just sending people back to the good ol' DE/Straight.
26 here and been at it for 2 years or so..... I wish Gillette's pole they did recently resembled this one.

In fact, we may have gotten lucky because I don't here anyone ranting about their 18 bladed expensive as all hell cartridge razors so they would probably be less likely to answer? :confused:

On the other hand.... mayb it's just wishful thinking :biggrin::wink2:
I for one am surprised at the number of young people here. Like one poster earlier I am a Z-3 baby--in a few more weeks I'll be 55. I started off with a DE a long time ago and stopped. I just picked it up again three months ago and from my recent experience I won't be going back. I must note, though, that I never got beyond the Atra--two blades were more than enough for me.
I'm 20 as of januari.

Found out about DE shaving last year, when I was 19. I was wondering if there were any good videos on wetshaving that could improve my shaving techniques. Bet there were... I thought Mantic's videos were the most professional and educative so I subscribed and got into wetshaving after a while.
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