Looking for advice. My family is planning our first trip to Arizona in a couple of weeks. We're very excited about it, but this will also be a VERY different trip than we typically take. We will be doing a fair amount of hiking (for us...we do have a 10 year old), and I'm curious about what the "essential" gear would be. A few notes:

- We will be doing mostly "short" hikes. ~2 miles. Hoping the trip is 2 hrs max at a time.
- We will be hitting trails in Sedona as well as Antelope Canyon Tour ahead of spending time at GC.
- We have backpacks/flashlights/first aid/clothing items mostly figured out.
- Any insight regarding how "cool/cold" it is on trails would be appreciated though!
- We aren't super early risers, and don't intend to be doing any late night hikes.
- Specific Question - Hiking Poles? Are those really needed for short day hikes?
- Specific Question 2 - Water Bottles - how "big" should we look for?
- Hydration pack is not something I'm really interested in for this, but open to feedback if I should reconsider.