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Acquisitions November 22 to November 29

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From The Perfumed Court
Czech & Speake No. 88
Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo Cipresso di Toscana

Mark, i wore the Toscana yesterday for the holiday. it's great juice, keep me posted on your thoughts.
Came across this at the local toko, so had to pick it up:


Florida Water is an American version of Eau de Cologne, or Cologne Water. It has the same citrus basis as Cologne Water, but shifts the emphasis to sweet orange (rather than the lemon and neroli of the original Cologne Water), and adds spicy notes including lavender and clove[1]. The name refers to the fabled Fountain of Youth, which was said to be located in Florida, as well as the "flowery" nature of the scent.

See here at the Wikipedia: read more

I like its retro look and feel!
I'm sooo happy, as I got my custom made scuttle.

This was the first time making a scuttle for the potter, so he was quite excited to give it a try.
I think the outcome is great, and can't wait to try it out - about five minutes from now :biggrin1:

And the pics:

W&B 5/8 Hollow Ground. Got it from my barber. My last visit, he asked if I could help him identify some straights that he had inherited from the shops previous owner. So, I took some pictures, and told him I'd do my best. There were a few W&B's, an ERN ATOR, and a few random razors. I went for my cut today, told him, and pointed out the current going prices. He thanked me, and on my way out, he tossed the razor to me, in its original case.

This was after a bit of brasso. No rust, not real pitting, and the scales and pins are in excellent condition. Going to have it sent out to be honed, since I like the "aged" look that the blade has.
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This week I received a Penworks 22m Finest brush, Prairie Creations Dragon's Blood soap, and 100 BlueBird blades. All purchases were made from B&B vendors :001_smile
This showed up from WCS yesterday:

Cremo Cream
Speick shave stick
Provence Sante green tea shaving soap refill
Tabac shave stick (don't mind the smell...I was worried)
Col. Conk styptic pencil
A C-Mon Blackie that looks like it just needs honed up

And from Gugi a Feather AC RG with a pack of Feather Pro blades. Wicked sharp! This will come in handy when I start barber college.

I got all this stuff the other day in the mail..... Plus a slant 37 C, and I also have a straight and a strop on the way.

The brushes and Tabac are for my starter kits.

I'm going to go try out the Musgo Real shaving cream in a few minutes....
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