OOhhhh! And you haven't even mentioned the AD for 'birth year' razors...yet!
Stop! I'm bidding on the same Flare Tips . . . Bidding War . . . . aaaaargggh!I am currently bidding on two flare tips and a blue tip... sigh....
ok... I think I'm done for the month.
But there's still two-thirds of this month to go. Here's hoping you don't get dope sick.
ok... I think I'm done for the month. so far I've bought four Vintage razors:
1. GEM Jr. Gold in package = $11.10
2. Gillette Fatboy = $27.00
3. Vintage Ever Ready Razor Gold in package = $7.50
4. Gillette Flare TTO F-2 = $15.49
You're going to love the GEMS. You're going to wonder what all the fuss is with the Fat Boys, and you'll wonder how the heck Gillette ever won out in the razor & blade wars with the Flare TTO.
my ADs are coming in waves...creams and soaps came first...currently it's RAD...hopefully i'll be done after that...
Ah Young Skywalker, you have much to learn yet...
All that does is start them up all over again, as well as providing guys like you with free razors.