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A Sad Departure with an Expected Happy Return

No chunks...just loose strands that get loose, rise above and then come out.

I'll give it some more combings. I guess I can keep coming the heck out of it at this point.

I just some heavy combing here...and lost about 20 more hairs and then I kept going and going and going until it stopped. I then whipped up an aggressive test lather, hand lathered, rinsed and dried and no hairs came loose. I often find them when shaving but also during cleanup and the towel dry.

Maybe there is hope after all.

I think I know the problem. You see, the soaps are watching as you mercilessly shred them in your 3017 wrath and they have begun to rise up against your brush in self-defense! Vive la savon revolution! --- or something like that. Maybe it's just time to clean it. :lol:


System Generated
There are so many hairs in that brush, even the odd bit of shedding would take a long time to have any appreciable effect on appearance, let alone performance. Used in rotation, multiply that by 10.

That's my hope. I use it with 10 or so other brushes so should last a while even it continues to shed a couple hairs each shave....but I sure hope it stops.

Maybe it's just time to clean it. :lol:

I have, a few times actually.
My Rover LE loses a few hairs per shave, but my brush rotation takes so long to get through, I'm not worrying about it. If hair starts coming out 10-20 at a time, then I get worried.


System Generated
My Rover LE loses a few hairs per shave, but my brush rotation takes so long to get through, I'm not worrying about it. If hair starts coming out 10-20 at a time, then I get worried.

Thanks Bob.

I have yet to see any clumps, so we're good there.
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