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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving


Is it swell time?

365 daily shaves

Goodfella OC
Souplex OC
7 OC Yellow (14)Zenith Manchurian Copper XXL
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool Fat (82)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Last of the triad from Glenn @megamac. Until he mentioned it I had never heard of this brand of razors - Goodfella. At first I even thought he misspelled it and that it should read Goodfellas, but no! It’s an open comb razor from New Zealand with a likeness to the Souplex of yesteryear. The differences being that the head is made from Zamak (the Souplex is brass) and the head is wider than the Souplex therefore covering the blade tabs completely. Souplex’ handle is hollow and the Goodfella’s is stainless and solid. But as you can see from the picture they come very close in terms of head design. Blade bend is about equal and so is the thickness of the baseplate with the Souplex looking more solid overall. Shave wise the two razors are very different though. (Much) More blade feel with the Souplex compared to the Goodfella. Effectiveness seems to be on par though with a small nod to the Souplex for that little more edge. But the Goodfella delivers a great shave with comfort and smoothness for sure.

I went back to Hampshire Wool Fat today as I wanted to see what would happen if I loaded that too with more soap using gentle pressure. Worked like a charm for the first two passes. Lather hogged a bit more for the final pass.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
365 daily shaves

Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
DSCosmetic AX/‘WR2’
7 OC Yellow (13)Zenith Manchurian Copper XXL
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Proraso Green (11)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


On to the second razor head Glenn @megamac send over. This time I am setting it up against the competition (but who knows, maybe they are from the same factory), the Poleaxe. Blade gap is slightly higher (1.55) and exposure perhaps too (.06mm versus .05mm), but the latter is not entirely clear from their website. That is, however, not the whole story with these razors. Blade feel was more present with the Sentinel although that should be the milder of the two. It also felt a little more effective than the AX. My theory is that the combination of gap and exposure also has its optimal point. Atelier Durdan takes a fully different approach proving me wrong in my theory (to the extent that I read those razors are amazing - haven’t tried these myself), but with these two clone razors I think the effectiveness of 1.50/.05 is higher than 1.55/.06 - provided of course that the information on the DSC website is accurate. Either way, both razors performed admirably and even though obviously based on the Wolfman WR2 might actually have a place on their own. What I was read and understood is that the actual Wolfman at 1.55 has a blade exposure of .22mm which is vastly different from both clones and on paper makes it a completely different razor for me.

I had a wonderful shave to say the least. Stubble wasn’t less because of yesterday’s shave with the Tek, but somehow I have the feeling that my beard is softer. Blades performed very well too without any signs of decreasing effectiveness or efficiency.

Using some of the techniques used in the video that was posted about lathering in the Zenith Brush Chronicle thread I build a very nice lather today. What I did was load Proraso with a dry brush. I then proceeded to the bowl and added drippings of water - that lead to copious amounts of lather! In fact, so much so that I decided to continue shaving and do my head as well (I usually separate the two due to time). I felt courageous today so I took the 7 O’Clock blade and loaded the Ikon Tek. Spectacular shave! Head shaving is vastly different from face shaving and razors that do not work on my face are excellent on my head or vice versa. Angles are different, directions are different. Most interesting finding: the Tek is way less aggressive on my head than on my face. There is blade feel for sure, but the Tek was simply amazing on my head. One pass almost BBS and certainly DFS. Second pass ATG brought home the bacon. Wow! That certainly calls for a repeat! :thumbup1:

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
I'm on the same page as you Guido-San, the more I use the Tek, the more I like it. This comparison between the Yaqi Sentinel and the DS AX was much needed, terrific stuff.

365 daily shaves

Goodfella OC
Souplex OC
7 OC Yellow (14)Zenith Manchurian Copper XXL
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool Fat (82)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Last of the triad from Glenn @megamac. Until he mentioned it I had never heard of this brand of razors - Goodfella. At first I even thought he misspelled it and that it should read Goodfellas, but no! It’s an open comb razor from New Zealand with a likeness to the Souplex of yesteryear. The differences being that the head is made from Zamak (the Souplex is brass) and the head is wider than the Souplex therefore covering the blade tabs completely. Souplex’ handle is hollow and the Goodfella’s is stainless and solid. But as you can see from the picture they come very close in terms of head design. Blade bend is about equal and so is the thickness of the baseplate with the Souplex looking more solid overall. Shave wise the two razors are very different though. (Much) More blade feel with the Souplex compared to the Goodfella. Effectiveness seems to be on par though with a small nod to the Souplex for that little more edge. But the Goodfella delivers a great shave with comfort and smoothness for sure.

I went back to Hampshire Wool Fat today as I wanted to see what would happen if I loaded that too with more soap using gentle pressure. Worked like a charm for the first two passes. Lather hogged a bit more for the final pass.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
The head designs are so similar. the Souplex is one amazing razor too. I wish the NZ company had continued making the Goodfella Razor, probably in a full SS version but they just fell off the grid. I think it's a joy when Artisans from different countries put out a product that is different in build quality, design and character.

Lovely Razor comparison and a top read as always Guido.
@Iridian, thanks to your influence on the slants, I had the joy of shaving with many in 2024 including every RR Slant, the Fine Aluminum Slant, the PAA Slants, the Parker semi slant, the ATT Slants and even the Konsul. But the two I have come to love the most and cherish are the Ikon B1 Slant and the Hoffritz Slant (made by Merkur). These two are keepers in my den and in rotation.


Is it swell time?

365 daily shaves

Karve CB OC-C
Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
7 OC Yellow (15)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Boris Shaving Soap #1 (39)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


“Only one way to find out” James @Goblin said when mentioning the difference between the OC-B and OC-C plates of the Christopher Bradley razor. Well, maybe this is another way. I don’t have the B plate nor do I have razors with neutral exposure with a similar gap as the B plate. The only razors I have with zero exposure are the Lambda razors. Closest I may have is the Outlaw which is the same gap, but with positive exposure. Even my Tech razors have positive exposure!

So let me just try to explain how this razor works for me. I shave on the steeper side of life, but I know James is more shallow. So I gave both angles a try and found the Karve works at both angles while the blade feel remains - for me - relatively constant. How would this by different from a neutral baseplate? Blade feel is definitely there and I would place it on par with the Blackbird (which according to sources it actually is as well). Combined with the cap the Karve is a super effective razor, but I have to be careful not to get careless. Because if I do the Karve will bite me. Aftershave sting was much less than anticipated which does corroborate with my sense that the Karve is also a smooth and comfortable razor. Provided I used a sharp blade, but also a blade that has seen some mileage making it milder perhaps. One who can definitely chime in is Guido @JAHE - he has just about the entire Karve alphabet and both SB and OC plates. You also might want to read up on Guido’s thread from last year on interchangeable razors with lots of Karve action.

Comparing that to the Sentinel (which has more gap and less exposure) I cannot help but notice that the Sentinel is smoother and feeling safer on my face. Super effective with that huge gap while staying comfortable. Here too I need to pay attention to sloppiness to prevent damage. The DSC AX somehow is slightly more autopilot for me. The Karve and the Sentinel are a solid match and can go head to head if needed delivering a very smooth shave between the both of them. My cheeks feel marble-ish. The Karve has a slight edge in effectiveness judging by my trouble spot which I shaved with the Senitel.

Using one of my favourite soaps this morning: BSS#1 in shave stick format. Easy application and easy lathering. The 2BED generated a luxurious lather fit for the razors at hand.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Thank you! I feel like your SOTD today was almost entirely for my benefit, and I appreciate your thoughts.

Of course, it's all academic for the time being as we need to be loyal to the restraint commitments, but it is certainly interesting reading nonetheless. From your description, it does sound as though the leap from B to C plates is significant, which is what I would predict based on the exposure specs. However, I shall definitely read the thread you linked to as well.

Good shaves to you, Sir! 🍻

365 daily shaves

Karve CB OC-C
Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
7 OC Yellow (15)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Boris Shaving Soap #1 (39)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


“Only one way to find out” James @Goblin said when mentioning the difference between the OC-B and OC-C plates of the Christopher Bradley razor. Well, maybe this is another way. I don’t have the B plate nor do I have razors with neutral exposure with a similar gap as the B plate. The only razors I have with zero exposure are the Lambda razors. Closest I may have is the Outlaw which is the same gap, but with positive exposure. Even my Tech razors have positive exposure!

So let me just try to explain how this razor works for me. I shave on the steeper side of life, but I know James is more shallow. So I gave both angles a try and found the Karve works at both angles while the blade feel remains - for me - relatively constant. How would this by different from a neutral baseplate? Blade feel is definitely there and I would place it on par with the Blackbird (which according to sources it actually is as well). Combined with the cap the Karve is a super effective razor, but I have to be careful not to get careless. Because if I do the Karve will bite me. Aftershave sting was much less than anticipated which does corroborate with my sense that the Karve is also a smooth and comfortable razor. Provided I used a sharp blade, but also a blade that has seen some mileage making it milder perhaps. One who can definitely chime in is Guido @JAHE - he has just about the entire Karve alphabet and both SB and OC plates. You also might want to read up on Guido’s thread from last year on interchangeable razors with lots of Karve action.

Comparing that to the Sentinel (which has more gap and less exposure) I cannot help but notice that the Sentinel is smoother and feeling safer on my face. Super effective with that huge gap while staying comfortable. Here too I need to pay attention to sloppiness to prevent damage. The DSC AX somehow is slightly more autopilot for me. The Karve and the Sentinel are a solid match and can go head to head if needed delivering a very smooth shave between the both of them. My cheeks feel marble-ish. The Karve has a slight edge in effectiveness judging by my trouble spot which I shaved with the Senitel.

Using one of my favourite soaps this morning: BSS#1 in shave stick format. Easy application and easy lathering. The 2BED generated a luxurious lather fit for the razors at hand.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
@Guido75 Shaves faster than the Eye Can See - Old Jungle Saying. :thumbup:

Another terrific comparison and as Jim put it, I think most of us were keen to find out about how these two razors went up against each other. And that pic is priceless :a14:


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Gillette Lady Starburst
Razorock Game Changer .84SB
7 OC Yellow (16)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mudder Focker (5)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Special shave today celebrating overcoming something the LOTH had to go through last year. So I brought out the birth quarter Gillette and the Game Changer I received from @butch waxx last year to commemorate the occasion. I don’t give my razors names nor do I dress them up (looking at Lee, Mark, Larry, Kim and Tim here! :pipe: But I will be silent because I sniff brushes - Brush Sniffers Brotherhood :blush:), but I do have several razors linked to special occasions. Both razors were wonderful of course.

Used Mudder Focker (graciously send by @blethenstrom) with my Bill’s Bowl and worked up an excellent lather with the 2BED. Wonderful scent which lingers on and on. I like it very much.

I had so much lather that I followed up with a generous and excellent head shave. The GC is very capable as head shaver with a slight tendency of clogging up, but overall BBS levels. Joy!

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Last edited:
365 daily shaves

Gillette Lady Starburst
Razorock Game Changer .84SB
7 OC Yellow (16)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mudder Focker (5)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Special shave today celebrating overcoming something the LOTH had to go through last year. So I brought out the birth quarter Gillette and the Game Changer I received from @butch waxx last year to commemorate the occasion. I don’t give my razors names nor do I dress them up (looking at Lee, Mark, Larry, Kim and Tim here! :pipe: But I will be silent because I sniff brushes - Brush Sniffers Brotherhood :blush:), but I do have several razors linked to special occasions. Both razors were wonderful of course.

Used Mudder Focker (graciously send by @blethenstrom) with my Bill’s Bowl and worked up an excellent lather with the 2BED. Wonderful scent which lingers on and on. I like it very much.

I had so much lather that I followed up with a generous and excellent head shave. The GC is very capable as head shaver with a slight tendency of clogging up, but overall BBS levels. Joy!

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!
Glad to hear the good news, Guido. May you never suffer hard times again!


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic
Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
7 OC Yellow (17)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Proraso GreenCold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Just an amazing shave with my best suited razor for my face: the Outlaw Classic. What a feast it is to use this razor!:thumbup:. The Sentinel was equally joyful and similarly effective I have to admit. I experienced a very similar feeling despite the Sentinel have twice the gap of the Outlaw. The Sentinel surprises me in its gentle nature compared to its effectiveness. It definitely flirts with the label autopilot. It’s now roughly 12 hours past my shave and I still feel presentable. Very nice. The Outlaw was just wonderful. I cannot find any flaws with this razor. It is just so nice and gentle yet so effective. The blades are still holding up well too. I might challenge them to 10 shaves per blade so a double count of 20 or I might even push them to the end of January before we embark on the one blade saga for February.

Took a dry brush to the Proraso tub for 30 counts of loading - which is both too much and the right amount to ensure a proper bowl lathering. Lovely dovely. Pillowy soft, good cushion, but I have to be careful with Proraso as residual slickness is less to close to nothing for me once an area is shaved. So overshaving is around the corner if you are not careful.

I had a father-daughter day at the office. She went along as a sort of intern / explorer to see if the job would suit her too. She needs to select her subjects by the end of the year and this is a great way for companies to give a live experience to students. Well, students, she is still in her teens so first high school and then college before she actually starts working. But it beats the way I rolled into this business. There were no company visits in my time so I went with my gut feel for a certain subject which I liked enough and knew I was able to make a living. Turned out very well as I am still with the company I started when I was 18, but the thing I got my degree in doesn’t necessarily match with what I am doing.

Wishing you a wonderful shave today!


Is it swell time?
How did she like your job? I mean, isn't it tough having to browse B&B all day?

I'll see myself out 😁
Bill Murray Shut Up GIF by Laff


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

DSCosmetic AX 1.55SB
Yaqi Sentinel 1.50SB
7 OC Yellow (18)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool FatCold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Quick shave today as I had to get to work early. Two superb razors at play with the Yaqi feeling smoother with less blade feel and the AX feeling more present and effective. The marriage between the two would make the perfect razor. I like the design of the AX more and the comfort of the Sentinel more. Both are splendid as is as well to be honest so this morning was all fun. Minor micro mishap on the Sentinel side.

Lathered HWF to a smooth and thick lather. Bliss.

Wishing you a wonderful shave!


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Blackland Blackbird SS
Gillette Aristocrat OC #15
7 OC Yellow (19)Abe’s Brush Works Slim Oak 2BED
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Hampshire Wool Fat (84)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Blissful Saturday morning shave today with two beauties. The Blackbird was wonderful with a hint of harshness which I contribute to the blades. After tomorrow they will be binned. Interestingly the Aristocrat has a similar blade feel today as the Blackbird. It has positive exposure (I think?), but of course not at the level of the Blackbird. Still it felt like it and it felt good. A minor hiccup on the Gillette side attributing to the small knock off in facial impact. Aftershave sting was enhanced, but very refreshing. Close to finishing this bottle of Proraso Green. It latest me more than a year so far. I use the 400ml bottles to clarify.

Face lathering with HWF was excellent today with a slight increase in stubble compared to yesterday. The 2BED had no problems whatsoever lathering the soap and the face feel was smooth, soft and gentle while massaging in the lather. I could have gone on and on, but of course I needed to shave too!

Wishing you a wonderful shave!
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