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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving

366 daily shaves

Gillette Tech 🇨🇦KCG (29)Omega 81052
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (129+130)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Inspired by @Cal I decided to bring out the Canadian Tech for a nice Sunday shave. The blade was kind of an unexpected bummer in the sense that it was less sharp than I anticipated. The shave was great nonetheless. Easy glide and slide. Nice!

Brush is not yet broken in and still feels a little prickly. Keeps shedding as well. I held Mike’s to the spotlight today and saw that I am closing in on the bottom in the middle of the soap. But it definitely has a month likely two left!

Technique was off road today as in not my regular patterns. I enjoyed it very much. Gillette Slides on WTG. Fun! I also took it slow not only because of the blade, but also to give my face a break after yesterday’s shave.

Enjoy your shave today!
366 daily shaves

Karve CB OC-CGillette 365 (1)Mühle Rocca ST
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (131)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Red dots)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
9/10 (Butterysmooth)


I thought it would be fun to start with the Canadians after yesterday’s Tech and go with the Karve for today. I am also working my way through some of the rogue blades I have stashed in my blade box so it came this Gillette 365 on what I think is it’s 1st run, but I could also be mistaken. Ah well, I put it in anyways and shaved with it. Worked well with the Karve being its usual aggressive self so some redness on the neck which sorted itself out after applying after shave.

I like the brush a lot. It’s on the smaller side knot wise but it is a joy to use. Heavy handle for sure. Soap performing as always so great. July is turning the corner to August (my God where does the time go!) and so a new month for soap choices. But I might be going back to BSS#1 - great soap last month.

Technique was back to standard strokes. I sort of calculated the Karve to be harsher with this blade and se I reverted to standard passes (N-S / E-W / S-N) with also just one pass E-W rather than going back and forth like I usually do. This definitely helped in reducing potential mishaps and errors. Close to BBS-, so I grade this one DFS+++. It reenforces my idea that I do not need a step up for the Karve razor. I might want to expand with a SB baseplate in the future, but the OC-C plate is plenty for what I need. Also rules out extensions for the Greencult 2 razor as I find this very similar to the Karve in nature. In fact - the GC2.II is kind of the Karve SB-C - so no need to expand at all in that direction! Challenge solved :thumbup1:

Enjoy your shave today!
I put a mild blade in his Slim and will had a chat later today and turn my little Sith back into a Skywalker again
Crisis averted for now! 😅 Turns out he found Titans slightly rougher. Astra SP was more to his liking. And using his Slim. So far so good. I might need to buy him a sleeve. They don’t work for me so at least my tucks will get used!

Instead of Sith I read a word that times with chit, haha. At least you didn't give him a Tiger and wish him luck. Haha.
Well, John, I ain’t gonna lie that there were times when he was full of that! I love watching them grow up and helping them develop, but puberty is not all incenses and candles.

And that Tiger blade - crossed my mind when he began shaving as a middle of the road blade. I settled on the ST300 and told him to get a Dorco. He kicked the first thing he saw which was a Titan. I thought Astra would be mild enough (which he said it was) while also having some sharpness to it.


366 daily shaves

Timeless Ti95 SCLGillette 365 (2)Razorock Big Bruce
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (132+133)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
8/10 (Alum feedback)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


There is no other razor that makes me smile as much as the Ti95 does. :001_wub: I absolutely love it even though I have more effective razors. The blade has seen more than 2 shaves for sure, but I cannot recall if I am in double digits or what. It performed very well, but there are unwanted surprise bites here and there.

My Big Bruce is a favourite since it arrived earlier this year. Amazing brush and fantastic Plissoft knot. Great lather. I let the lather sit longer on my face before finishing my face lathering. I cleaned some gear and brushed my teeth first. More soaking time I thought. No idea if it was actually that, but the first pass was very effective!

In the techniques department I decided to go full beard growth map today. I started on my chin and went from chin to ear across the jaw lines. Proceeded to do the moustache area and in a diagonal movement went across the cheeks. XTG was more or less horizontal both ways. ATG was diagonal across in the other direction with some touch up. Straight strokes so no advanced techniques like Slides or Slants. Very very nice. I think diagonal from top to bottom on XTG might be even more effective. I am doing this again tomorrow!

Enjoy your shave today!
366 daily shaves

Gillette Single Ring StandardGillette 365 (3)Razorock Beehive
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (134)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Alum feedback)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Fantastic shave with this majestic razor. Absolutely superb. Blade still reasonably performing, although I have noticed it tends to deliver fleabites of blood here and there. But other than that extremely close and smooth. Perhaps even too close as I need to be careful of ingrown hairs - which are a rarity for me.

Big Beehive brush produced outstanding lather this morning. I let the building up lather sit on my face for some extended time again. Cleaned some parts up and brushed my teeth. Dipped the brush in the water again to finish my face lather. At least it feels nice, but I have the illusion it adds to the softening of my beard as well...maybe...who knows.

Started on the chin again and went sideways from chin to ear on the jawline. WTG was diagonal from nose/moustache area to neck. XTG was more Barberstyle so diagonal from ear to mouth/chin. ATG in the straight opposite direction of WTG with touch ups. Just two shaves in, but I have to say this is really working well. Maybe too well as I mentioned so I will be monitoring developing ingrown hairs yes/no. Other than that this is an efficient pattern as well - at least it was over before I knew it. Enjoyable for sure!

Enjoy your shave today!
366 daily shaves

Blackland Blackbird SSGillette 365 (4)Omega 10108
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (135)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Alum feedback)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Just a wonderful wonderful shave today with the Blackbird. Everything fell into place with this one. Pairing with the blade was awesome. The 365 blade is somewhat thinner than other DE blades and so audio feedback was louder with the BB today.

I adore the design of this Omega brush. I think it is awesome especially in the red colour I received mine in. Very happy with this boar brush. I made it to the bottom of the tub today (or extremely close, but I can see white coming through) !! Yeah! Still plenty of soap left for at least another month and more likely two months. Boars are hogging and so I had just enough for three passes.

Went for that diagonal pattern again and it is just wonderful! Nice and smooth. I think ATG could be amped in effectiveness, but WTG and XTG are pretty okay in my book! Using the Blackbird today made for a magnificent shave. Close and smooth. No drama. I thought about revisiting some of my effectiveness scores from this week in comparison, because I think all were very good and the difference between BBS and BBS- is quite small. But I kept them as is. The law of large numbers helps me to average out anyway!

Enjoy your shave today!
I have some catching up to do!

366 daily shaves

Lambda AthenaGillette 365 (5)Yaqi Lucky Dice
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (136+137)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)4/10 (Sharp Edge)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Spectacular shave with the Athena. Smoothness (always to some degree of course - I am rarely dolphinic for hours and hours) latest until the next day. Would not have expected that with a 365 blade on 5 shaves. Amazing.

Whenever I want great lather and hold something super pretty I reach for my Lucky Dice. An absolute favourite! The process of the ring of dispair has begun with Mike’s. A superb soap!

Technique same a last few shaves and I have more or less come to the conclusion this current pattern might be my forever pattern. More testing is needed especially with milder razors.

Enjoy your shave!
366 daily shaves

Mühle R89Dorco Titan (1)Simpson T3
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (138))Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9/10 (Superficial red spots)6/10 (Razor sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


First use of a Titan in this razor. And it was a very fine shave. I absolutely love Titans :001_wub: They just work for me. First shave usually slightly bity or tougher but then it smooths out and is excellent. But today was just gliding like I wondered if I actually loaded a blade. Some very minor redness to remind me of the fact I did, but other than that really effective shave.

Using the T3 and the bottom ring became larger and larger in one loading. Nice face lather today. Could improve on the slickness.

Good technique! Pattern held fine with the R89 today. Could have been a better result hadn’t I forgotten to do my jaw line pass on the right side and leave my trouble spot hanging!

Enjoy your shave!
366 daily shaves

Mühle R89Dorco Titan (2)Simpson T3
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (139)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)6/10 (Razor sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


The pairing of this blade and this razor is fantastic! Silky smooth and very comfortable while also being an effective combination. I could have been more effective, but then again I could have also stopped at two passes and have a great presentable face (well shave wise anyways!). Let nobody fool you or fool yourself into thinking that the R89 is an entry level razor. It can be a really effective razor! Not so than my KCG actually. I need to revisit that one some time soon.

The T3 was slightly dryer than yesterday, but I had some initial challenges in dialling in my lather. All good nonetheless and very fun to do.

Technique a copy of yesterday. I am really enjoying this. I am experimenting with the best way to approach my XTG given the diagonal pattern of the WTG pass - but it seems that horizontal is best fitted for the job. I might even attempt a two pass tomorrow and see what results I get using this pattern. I have aimed at two pass shave before only to realise I need my three passes and touch ups to get my level of smoothness. But it’s always fun to try out new things!

Enjoy your shave today!
I am rarely dolphinic for hours and hours
Dolphin GIF
366 daily shaves

Mühle R89Dorco Titan (3)Simpson T3
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (140)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9.5/10 (Almost Clean)6/10 (Razor sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Third consecutive use of this combination. And I am really liking the team’s performance. The blade continues to shine as far as I am concerned although I concur with @Flanders that there are surprise little bites.

I need to practice some more with face lathering using my T3. It has been good, but I have had better lathers.

Technique locked in at the moment and getting excellent results. I mean I am using not even my most effective razor and the results are fabulous from my point of view. Yes, closer can be achieved. Yes, results are much less in longevity than other shaves. But an effective autopilot shave is just as awesome. This blade and razor combination is a winner for sure!
366 daily shaves

Mühle R89Dorco Titan (3)Simpson T3
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (140)Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
Blade Sharpness
9.5/10 (Almost Clean)6/10 (Razor sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
10/10 (GlideFest)


Third consecutive use of this combination. And I am really liking the team’s performance. The blade continues to shine as far as I am concerned although I concur with @Flanders that there are surprise little bites.

I need to practice some more with face lathering using my T3. It has been good, but I have had better lathers.

Technique locked in at the moment and getting excellent results. I mean I am using not even my most effective razor and the results are fabulous from my point of view. Yes, closer can be achieved. Yes, results are much less in longevity than other shaves. But an effective autopilot shave is just as awesome. This blade and razor combination is a winner for sure!
I had an Edwin Jagger as my second modern razor. It has since moved on. I still have an unused Gillette Heritage Inspired still in the cardboard shipper. I don't think it will ever be worth much, but, you never know. One of these days I might use it or breakdown and get a KCG which is more likely. I have dream razors so it is less important to me now. I have often wondered how the R89, DE89, and Gillettes with the same or close heads stack up and shave. I have heard they are all the same and that they have small differces. Between the two Gillettes, I perfer the handle on the Heritage inspired. I also liked the short handle on my DE87.


I shaved a fortune
I'm guessing the Gillette Heritage will eventually fall into the Vintage Gillette category. I looked for one a few months back but didn't find one.... But I have since decided, I have a small collection of Vintage Razors and don't need to add any... I've been experiencing an odd feeling of contentment lately as far as razors are concerned. I am still excited about the Lambda Ares that will show up in September or October and will take a close look at Theo's AC razor when it is released sometime next year, most likely...

I still the hmmmm pressure isn't exactly the right word... guilt? I don't know.. but I still have a couple razors I haven't used yet but the number is shrinking. I will get a shave in with the R41 soon and I have to get to the Schick injectors... I think that's it now.


Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
I'm guessing the Gillette Heritage will eventually fall into the Vintage Gillette category. I looked for one a few months back but didn't find one...

If you get the Edwin Jagger Kelvin, it’s head is sort of shaped like the Gillette Heritage Inspired (the EJ DE89/Mühle R89 look) and get to join the cool kids like @Alum Ladd , @Lockback , and @JCinPA

Well, John has the razor, but I think he’s onto the Henson AL13++ with a Henson shot handle these days, but I know the Kelvin is a property he owns. A commodity razor and not a fiat one. The zamack standard of razors. Though now he’s moved off zamack to aluminum to fight whisker inflation whilst warding against the specter of skin deflation.
Michael @tehnothing, you might want to check out my comparison shaves:

In my view there are differences. The Heritage head is sourced from Mühle by the way so should be equal to the R89.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Mark Michael @tehnothing, you might want to check out my comparison shaves:

In my view there are differences. The Heritage head is sourced from Mühle by the way so should be equal to the R89.
Fixed that for you, the confusion is spreading
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