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A newbie’s journey into DE shaving


I shaved a fortune

Do to a fluke, I now have both a Timeless 0.68OC and a 0.68CL, I believe they call it... the scalloped base plate. I think that is what your 0.95 scallop is. I now know why that razor is at the top of your razor kingdom. I used it the other day... smaller gap, but same design. It's very nice... I just got the replacement 0.68OC and cap today. I have it all loaded up for a shave in a couple hours or so, as dinner is going to be very ummmm late today. I'm familiar with the 0.68OC in titanium... but I sold that one so I can enjoy the balance shift toward the SS razor head with a titanium handle.

I had a doctor's appointment early this morning and didn't get home until around 10AM... then I got the Big Green Egg ready to go after an 8 month hiatus as I've been working a bit too much. I have a pork picnic shoulder slow cooking now, but when I checked at 4PM... the internal temperature was only 130F and I need it to get to 180F, then I wrap it with in aluminum foil and add some great marinade for the last couple hours until it gets to 200 to 205F... TMI, I know... but that means, dinner will be late and I'll either shave right after or right before.

Just checked again... 158F. ;)
Correction after the editing time has passed:

I got the name wrong for the scalloped base plate...It should read 0.68SCL... SS or Ti.

Do to a fluke, I now have both a Timeless 0.68OC and a 0.68CL, I believe they call it... the scalloped base plate. I think that is what your 0.95 scallop is. I now know why that razor is at the top of your razor kingdom. I used it the other day... smaller gap, but same design. It's very nice... I just got the replacement 0.68OC and cap today. I have it all loaded up for a shave in a couple hours or so, as dinner is going to be very ummmm late today. I'm familiar with the 0.68OC in titanium... but I sold that one so I can enjoy the balance shift toward the SS razor head with a titanium handle.

I had a doctor's appointment early this morning and didn't get home until around 10AM... then I got the Big Green Egg ready to go after an 8 month hiatus as I've been working a bit too much. I have a pork picnic shoulder slow cooking now, but when I checked at 4PM... the internal temperature was only 130F and I need it to get to 180F, then I wrap it with in aluminum foil and add some great marinade for the last couple hours until it gets to 200 to 205F... TMI, I know... but that means, dinner will be late and I'll either shave right after or right before.

Just checked again... 158F. ;)
Did a brisket in my egg just before the surgery...Snake River Farms Wagyu. All gone :(. May need to fire up another one...


I shaved a fortune
Did a brisket in my egg just before the surgery...Snake River Farms Wagyu. All gone :(. May need to fire up another one...
My wife gave me the Big Green Egg one year for Father's Day... I was a bit intimidated at first, but we took a couple seminars and I now make the best tasting meat dishes I've ever eaten on that thing.... Brisket, pork shoulder, ribs (both beef and pork), chicken breasts, steaks..... even simple hamburgers are great from it.
My wife gave me the Big Green Egg one year for Father's Day... I was a bit intimidated at first, but we took a couple seminars and I now make the best tasting meat dishes I've ever eaten on that thing.... Brisket, pork shoulder, ribs (both beef and pork), chicken breasts, steaks..... even simple hamburgers are great from it.
Agreed. I do chicken, turkey, ribs, pork belly, brisket and hot smoked salmon. Love it!

I've been experimenting with a three-step process lately. Season and smoke at 225 until the inside of the meat gets up to about 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, put it in a shrink wrap bag and sous vide it, based on weight, thickness and type of meat (I did a 20 lb 3-4" thick brisket at 155 degrees for 36 hours). Let the meat repose in the bag for 30 to 60 minutes. Then, back on the smoker to put a crust on the meat and get it to temp (about 3 hours at 250)

So far, that has yielded great results with brisket and ribs.
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I shaved a fortune
Agreed. I do chicken, turkey, ribs, pork belly, brisket and hot smoked salmon. Love it!

I've been experimenting with a three-step process lately. Season and smoke at 225 until the inside of the meat gets up to about 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, put it in a shrink wrap bag and sous vide it, based on weight, thickness and type of meat (I did a 20 lb 3-4" thick brisket at 155 degrees for 36 hours). Let the meat repose in the bag for 30 to 60 minutes. Then, back on the smoker to put a crust on the meat and get it to temp (about 3 hours at 250)

So far, that has yielded great results with brisket and ribs.
I tend to use 275F. That's my default temperature. A full size brisket takes a little over 8 hours... A large pork bone-in picnic roast takes around 6 or so @ 275F.
What? It was a joke my father used to say. Didn't mean to come across as insensitive.
I removed my Canadian response thinking I was the one being insensitive 🤣
No man, I meant bad American joke for what I wrote, not what you wrote 🤣🤣
What you wrote was not insensitive at all. I was just messing with you because of
all the stories I've heard of the wait times to be seen in Canada.
My best friend from childhood is Canadian!!
I tend to use 275F. That's my default temperature. A full size brisket takes a little over 8 hours... A large pork bone-in picnic roast takes around 6 or so @ 275F.
I need to get one of those green eggs. I use the old time round Weber charcoal grill that I've been using forever. I don't know how much better the green eggs would be though. The Weber gives great results. The Green egg is mega expensive and that's why I think I've never bought one. I do like it though!


Is it swell time?
366 daily shaves

Gillette New ImprovedLord Cool (2)Abe’s Brush Works Blutt STF
Cold splash
KCG Face Wash
Mike’s Natural Soaps Barbershop (82)
Cold splash
Proraso Green

PassesWTG XTG ATG and touch up
Process Quality
(details here)
Blade Sharpness
10/10 (Clean)6/10 (Razor Sharp)
EffectivenessShave Comfort
6.5/10 (Harshishly comfortable)


Summary. Good and close shave with a fantastic razor and brush.

Razor and blade. The razor is close to 100 years of age (1928) and boy does it still deliver great shaves! Lots of blade overhang to be aware of - more than usual with vintage Gillettes. Hard to identify as there were multiple model names for essentially the same razors but with different cases. It has blade feel to it and it is more effective/aggresive than the NEW as far as I’m concerned. Blade on its second run. Easy peasy. I do notice stubble returning quite early on and today I feel a little of a burn on the cheeks - could be the razor/blade combination, but aftershave sting was also approaching yodelling levels.

Brush and lather. All good in Shavetown. Excellent brush for excellent lather. I have to admit I am not yet as sold on the STF as I currently am on the G5C or my Plissoft brushes.

Technique. Back to our regular scheduled program - and enjoying that pattern very much.


Is it swell time?
Nope, Nope, Nope!!!😂


I shaved a fortune
Watch out for Kamado Joe sales!! Atlanta Grill Company has frequent deals!! I have a Joe Classic and a Joe Jr 😁.
The Kamado Joe grills do look to compete favorably with the Big Green Egg. I have to say, the quality of the Big Green Egg components is outstanding. I've had mine for 5 or 6 years... could be 7.. no rust on the grill or other stainless steel supports, gadgets, etc. I've been quite impressed. I replaced several Weber parts over the years... and had several Webers as they would rust out when we lived in PA.


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
The Kamado Joe grills do look to compete favorably with the Big Green Egg. I have to say, the quality of the Big Green Egg components is outstanding. I've had mine for 5 or 6 years... could be 7.. no rust on the grill or other stainless steel supports, gadgets, etc. I've been quite impressed. I replaced several Weber parts over the years... and had several Webers as they would rust out when we lived in PA.
The Kamado Joe and Big Green Egg share design patents. They were business partners at one point. The accessories are interchangeable between the 2. Kamado Joe has started to diverge, adding innovations, with their KJ II an KJ III iterations.
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