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A milder Kamisori

OK, time to lower the tone. Is this an attempt at breaking into the ladies market? Shaving, vibrations, it's a google nightmare! You'll need to call it the Femisori!
You'll need to call it the Femisori!

Egad, BakerAndBadger, you are a marketing genius! With your brains and my creativity, the world will kneel before us! I can see it now... I'm going to pitch a million pieces to Gillette - you know, just spitballing here - and see if they'll buy in. They spent a billion on research and here, us peons in our garages, just came up with the better mousetrap!
Is the nightlight really more like the light on the front of a vacuum cleaner? You know, the one to help you "find dirt better"? Maybe you could swing this to Gillette as the next Big Thing: the addition of a light will help find rouge whiskers! That would mean they could come up with a clear, latherless shave cream so they could make a "System" out of it!
I hate rouge whiskers. I make any woman who has them use my straight. :lol::lol:

Yep. It is scientifically designed and precision focused so it will show hair growth at the optimum angle. That vibrator module (on the tip of the light) redirects the glow to your cheek and causes mini-sprites of light to bounce off the whiskers just before the shaver hits them. First you see them and then you don't. Cavemen would think it is magic.
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I saw your sig a couple of days ago and thought you were joking.
This is the strangest thing I've seen here, the only way you could outweird it would be to make 50 of them and store them in Krodor's revolver box!
I saw your sig a couple of days ago and thought you were joking.
This is the strangest thing I've seen here, the only way you could outweird it would be to make 50 of them and store them in Krodor's revolver box!

I was motivated by Serephim's post that my original had been done before. I thought the original was a weird one and couldn't believe that someone would actually do it commercially. In any case, I couldn't let those Japanese guys outdo me. Just takes a couple of root beers to think something up. A broken cell phone and a pen-light was all that was needed. The soldering of the wires and running the leads was a PITA but sacrifices must be made in the name of science.
A broken cell phone and a pen-light was all that was needed.
So can you make calls from it or is that the Mach 3 version?

I think Gillette could market it as their new Ex-cell and it will give you ex-cell-ent shaves.

Wooooohooo, I'm having a Homer Simpson moment!

Can you fit a laser pointer on one? I think the Gillette Femisori Laser would be a winner.
How about fitting pulsating LEDs to it, David Hasselhof to advertise it - the Knight Shaver.
So, have you shaved with it yet?

Certainly... this is not just a pretty razor... it is functional. Although I only did a couple of strokes to prove it worked... my other razors were starting to get pi**ed.

I like B&B's suggestion of Knight Shaver. Very good. However, Femisori is the corker.

My next step is to modify my Fili 14 so it also has a vibrator. Bet the Japanese haven't thought of that.
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anybody looking for a Hart Steel Kamisori? I have one for sale. Never used. Limited edition.

Put it on B/S/T (got to get a few posts in I believe but that will come). I'm not sure but I believe offers to sell are supposed to go over there. This thread is a spoof - I'm not really selling that kamisori... way too much sentimental value. :biggrin1:

Here is a Hart steel kami (symmetrical) built from a blank: http://www.classicshaving.com/catalog/item/8360186/9217816.htm maybe that is what you have?
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