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365 (Or More) Shaves in 2025

If you shave daily or are interesting in joining a group that does, then this thread is for you.
It could be your first year to log a daily shave or it could be your tenth.

Daily shaving not only gives a nice daily routine which some people thrive on, but it also represents the blessing of health and the luxury of stability in life to be able to do so. You may also be surprised at how much one learns by such intense repetition. Then there is the unstated goals of justifying buying soap more often and experimenting with blades made in China (not required)!

I've been shaving daily since sometime in 2020. It has become second nature to get a smooth face without irritation or red spots which I credit at least partially to the daily ritual.

If you think you're "in," let us know here. The rules are your own to make, but generally guys aim to shave daily unless sickness or travel prohibits it. Sometimes guys make up shaves by shaving twice a day.

Here's to a shave every day in 2025!


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