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3,000th Post PIF, Part 1: Personnas of the Mysteries

Are The American Made Personnas the Same Blade?

  • Yes, the Blue Lab and the Med Prep are the same blade.

  • No, the Blue Lab and the Med Prep are not the same blade.

  • I don't know, but if I win this PIF I'll let you know.

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Didn't like the labby's roughness so much..
I did like the barba's quite a bit though!
Never tried a Med.
I think the IP Red's are the best of Personna, personally.
I'm in!
I’m in! I have some Personna Meds coming from Razor Blades and More. If I like them I plan on ordering a 100 pack of blues.
I do not know if they are the same blade, but from what I’ve read here they appear to be.

Just looking at the economics of running a business what would you do run two lines of basically the same equipment at twice the price for two very similar types of blades or would you run one line and just change out what is printed on the blades?

To me it would makes since to run one line manufacturing your Personna blues your main seller. When you need to you make of run of your Personna Meds as the market demands change out what is printed on the blades and run them through the addition process.
I thought they were the same, but recent shaves say Meds are better. Subjectivity, neh?

I’m in! I have some Personna Meds coming from Razor Blades and More. If I like them I plan on ordering a 100 pack of blues.
I do not know if they are the same blade, but from what I’ve read here they appear to be.

Just looking at the economics of running a business what would you do run two lines of basically the same equipment at twice the price for two very similar types of blades or would you run one line and just change out what is printed on the blades?

To me it would makes since to run one line manufacturing your Personna blues your main seller. When you need to you make of run of your Personna Meds as the market demands change out what is printed on the blades and run them through the addition process.
I'm in.
I think they're identical but the med preps undergo an extra "sterilizing" process (probably an alcohol wash) so they can be stamped for "Hospital Use" and charge the PCM's triple the cost.
I'm out on the road. Had dinner with an old friend at my hotel. I started proselytizing and he went home with all my blades except Med Preps and Gillette Blacks. Blacks are my number 4 or 5 right now, so I'm sticking with the Meds. They're awfully good. I'm home for three days next weekend. Then out again for another 3 weeks. Think I'll take Labs with me for that trip...and Yellows, and Feathers...a man can never have too many blades. :tongue_sm
I'm in!

At one point I did try alternating Labs/Meds to see if I could tell a difference. I have two basically identical Old Types, and so I loaded one with a med and one with a lab, then had someone "randomize" them to different sides of the sink, then shaved for a week, alternating razors. I didn't get stellar shaves from either, and after four shaves I missed my Plantinum Lux blades so badly that I just got angry at the experiment and quit. But, I did not feel they were the same blade. Of course, this is horribly biased, as the razors of course aren't truly identical, and I was sampling just one blade from each line.

The barbers interest me quite a bit! May have to pick some up at some point.
I'm in. I'm in the camp that thinks they are the "same" as in same steel, same plant, same sharpening process, and same quality & sharpness but not "same" as in finishing/sterilization step.
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