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Something else to consider is the Ruger Single Six single action revolver. They can be had with both the Long Rifle and the Magnum cylinder, and mine is sublimely accurate...
I learned to shoot using my dad's .22 Browning Challenger, for some reason it evoked images of a German Luger to me as a kid. I thought it looked very fancy with it's polished wood grips, and golden trigger. When I was younger there used to be a place in the "boonies" to me at least, called "glass mountain" where you'd go plinking and dispatch glass bottles, to your hearts desire.

It was a bit of a drive, and my dad and I woke up very early to get on the road. We always stopped along the way at this ancient donut shop, where'd I see the local old timers shooting the Bull as my dad said. I'd get my chocolate glazed bar, and milk.....and a bit later, on the winding, mountain road, we'd turn the corner and "glass mountain" came into view. The image of the early morning sun glinting off of all that glass seemed to set the mountain on fire, and it was beautiful to me.

My dad and I would always police up our empty shells and extraneous trash, and it was like a game to me to try and find them all. Those times with my dad were priceless to me, and a few years later I "graduated" to being able to shoot my dad's single action .357 Magnum....man, I felt so grown up when I fired that baby.

Since I live in a gun hating, environmentally overzealous nanny-state.....shooting at "Glass mountain" went the way of the do-do bird before I even became a teenager.
To me it's sad, someday I'l be able to take my son shooting, but it won't have the magic that I had with my dad, because it will likely be in an indoor range, and even the donut shop is gone now too. :crying:
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