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2024 Shave Purchase Sabbatical - The Year of MacGyver

Uberfiltering! You'll be listening to comets pass by. Very nice! My K3 is getting a little long in the tooth these days but is still a solid performer.

After looking at my soaps and blades, I'm going to be giving 2025 a shot. I have a soap rotation now and some of them have dents in them now, after a year or more. A few! Uh, no more soaps Flask.

Happy new year everyone! Congratulations for your restraint for the whole year! And to those that almost made it, you are getting there, smart of you to give it a shot.

Well, maybe not quite that good..... It's a scheme we used in R&D at Ericsson over 20 years ago. It does work well. I have a Kenwood TS-590sg as my main HF radio right now. It operates the same way on the 160m, 80, 40m and 20m bands. One superhet stage with the IF at 8 MHz and then into the DSP. The other bands use two stages with the first going up to 70 MHz and then the second down to 8 MHz and then into the DSP.

I had a nice chat with Elecraft R&D guys at Dayton and got onto a waiting list for a K4HD. They have component acquisition issues and so they can't make the HD units as quickly as they'd like. I could get a K4 now and send it back for the upgrade, but would rather just wait.

Still in and back from Hawaii!

Sorry for the late reply @ChriWilson - our daughter and her family live in Kailua on Oahu. Nice town away from most tourists.

Put away the Mach 3 and had a return shave using Pacific Natural Cream, Game Changer 68-p, a fresh KCG blade and finished with some Duke Cannon ASB. I was a bit dizzy and overly tired from no sleep on the long red-eye flights home, so it was a bit of a daring shave.

During the 12-day visit, I shaved every other day with the Mach 3. My SIL had some Gillette Foamy Sensitive (which I have not used in many years) and I thought I would try it and compare to the Speick cream that I brought with me. Even without a brush, the Speick was so much better to use - more comfortable and closer and just as quick to lather up.

One more shave in 2024!
Lovely part of the island.
Oahu is so dense, you really need to work at it to distance yourself from the tourists, but it can be done…

Me, I am far more likely to buy me a new HF ham rig in the $4k range than anything for shaving.....

My dad had a IC-7800 ... or at least I think it was the one with the matching amplifier and most of the bells/whistles. He became a silent key in September and my brother and I are working on trying to figure out what to do with his ham gear, and his astronomy, metal shop, wood shop, photography, fiber... gear. He had lots of hobbies and tended to upgrade to pretty nice stuff over time.

I managed to "work" him a few times with my lowly kenwood from the 80s. But it is only about 75 miles as the crow flies so... it would be more shocking if it didn't work unless we were trying sub watt QRP. I haven't looked at new gear in a loong time so I have no idea what all the cool kids use nowadays.

My crazy splurge for 2025 or maybe 26, or 27 would be a box truck to facilitate moving about 700 miles down the street in a few years.
Still in and completed my second successful Gruyere, shave 706 on my Feather Hi Stainless. I still have about half the soaps I bought during the restock period, and unless something desirable shows up on the next couple of hours I didn’t even buy my exception thus year. I will be under my own restraint following my own rules this coming year. One frustration I have encountered participating in the yearly and monthly restraints,is getting the scented soaps I want. Mike’s is made in small batches and have a limited availability. The scents I want are almost never available during any restock period or when I can justifiably claim I need to purchase more soap.
The bigger issue is that I have barely taken any time to participate during the past year by interacting on B & B with posts of responses. I may play at home and occasionally drop by to see how you are all doing.


System Generated
Well I'm waitin' on the pardon that'll set me free with 9 more minutes to go...



Is it swell time?
With 2025 officially started the 2024 restraint comes to an end. Official check in has commenced and we will see if we have some last minute casualties. For now I want to congratulate all that made it! Well done! Your restocking period has also begun and you have until 15 January for any items to your liking.

For those that are in the 2025 restraint I will see you in the other thread. For those moving on - feel free to visit us unannounced and check in anytime if you want.

Don’t forget to leave your paperclip on the way out. It has been my pleasure this year and I am looking forward to our joint galactic journey and battle in enjoying what we have!

Cheers and I wish you all a Happy New Year and a prosperous, healthy 2025 full of awesome shaves!
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