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2024 best razor blades according to AI

AI can go out and read a bunch of stuff instantly, identify patterns, and give you summaries and simple analysis. I use it with my blade thread quite a bit. It is really useful for answering questions that require sleuthing, and not so useful for questions that require guessing. It will often make bad guesses. Yesterday it made me a chart that was an absolutely useless mess. GhatGPT is a tool like Google search. I would say it is about as important as the change we saw when Google first launched and replaced Yahoo.

It isn't really intelligent and it is not revolutionary to the extent that it can improve itself independently like Skynet. I do think that spark and fire are going to come. That will be the real and revolutionary artificial intelligence. The public AI we have now is not it. If we are smart and lucky it will bring robots and the obsolescence of a lot of human labor, and if we are foolish and unlucky it will destroy humanity.
It is kind of comforting that it manages to get a lot of information so wrong.

Bad news for people who don't know how to work things out for themselves - good news for those of us whose livelihood depends on knowledge, research and creative work of the type that big tech is pushing for AI to replace.

I read an article the other day titled something like, "10 ways you can use AI for incredible analysis". It was pitching it as though it was giving people in my industry access to something that they couldn't have done before - but I already know how to do all that stuff in Excel. And if I do it myself, I know it's done properly!

I have had clients come to me with "insights" from analysis they have done themselves and when I point out that that it's nonsense, it turns out they basically just fed a spreadsheet into an AI because they don't know what questions they need to be asking in the first place. You can't trust this stuff to make decisions that impact your business. The old programmers maxim of "Garbage in, garbage out" still applies.
My face started getting cut with safety razor blades just this summer and, so far, I've found that I like the blades that are ...

(a) consistent,
(b) sharp,
(c) long-lasting.

Wow, shocker!?! right?

I won't name blades: the data is out there. <tips cap to helicopter>



Dances with Wolfs
Blades are the most subjective part of shaving. So looking at any list, AI or human produced, is only for reference and/or entertainment value. I personally have tried hundreds of different blades. And have a stash of thousands that I have collected over the years. And I find that some of the most beloved blades on B&B just give me horrible shaves. In no particular order of horribleness…

Personna Lab Blue
BIC Chrome
German Wilkinson Sword

I have purchased bulk-packs of each of those blades and gave them a real earnest go. I could not get one good shave from any of them. I eventually gave away the balance of what was left in each case.

So looking at top blade lists to find your favorite is futile. Blades are cheap for the most part. They are readily available from a variety of sources around the globe. And there is the blade exchange, RBC, blade challenge PIFs, etc, where you can get blades for free or super cheap to try too. So try them and make decisions for yourself.

And as mentioned above, there is no AI. It’s all false promise at this point in time. AI infers “intelligence”, which is cognitive thought. Which is not what ChatGPT, etc, do. They basically scrape the web and summarize. It’s cool. And it’s useful. But it’s not AI.
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