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1st Resto attempt - Rigo shaving brush

Thanks guys! I was really surprised, and pleased with the bloom on this brush. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed when I opened the TGN envelope and saw the little knot. It looked alright after I set it, but once it bloomed- wow! I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. :) Oh, and yes to wscottb7862, this entire process was fun (with the exception of having the dremel slip, and put the gouge in the face of the brush). And, I not only plan to do many more restorations, I started my second before I even ordered the knot for this one. :) I sense another addiction coming on.

Here's a teaser of what's to come:
$3 teaser.jpg
Horrible isn't it??? I got 2 ready for knots as I type, knots are on their way. And I'm looking everywhere for the next 2.. Pairs keep me busier,ya know!!
Nice looking restore! How is the face feel on the best badger knot in regards to backbone and scritchiness?
Wow that turned out great. I don't know how I missed this the first time. That aluminum handle you are going to restore should polish up like a mirror. There have been plenty of people here to restore them and they look awesome.
Nice restoration. That is a killer handle with the mother of pearl disc on the bottom. Love that. I also like the short lofted TGN best. I put that knot in my first restoration. Just a soft ball of hair that delivers plenty of lather. I think it may be under appreciated! I had the same reaction upon opening the envelope as you did, but it turned out just fine!
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Fantastic job on the Rigo. I'd like to see that aluminum handle polished up. I don't know how much you've fooled with aluminum, but some 0000 steel wool would get out any "rough" spots, followed by Mothers Mag and Aluminum polish. It's hard to believe how aluminum polishes up.
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