The Seki Edge Toe Nail Clipper
Do you hear a clicking, somewhat loud sound if you clip your nails?
Do they jump away regularly?
Do you sometimes have to "cut" the same spot multiple times?
Then the Seki Edge Toe Nail Clipper might just be your thing!
The above situation is horrible, and toe nails are even worse then finger nails.
I bought this one first (to test), because a toe nail clipper is large enough to use on you fingers as well, BUT a finger nail clipper is too small to use on your (big) toes.
Since I bought a imported clipper, needless to say, I paid more then residents of North America. That, plus the US has the highest gross national product, always the best bang for the buck. It has sat me back € 25,95 or $37 according to Google's currency converter.
It's a bit heavier then a normal toenail clipper, not much more though.
Certainly not as heavy for it's size as the Groom Mate Platinum XL, which I reviewed here:
The edge is literately hand finished, meaning some ninja or samurai sat there all day sharpening edges on toenail clippers. Can you imagine doing that all day?
And how short their nails are?
It's solidly build, would not say as a tank, but decent.
Better then your few bucks drugstore clipper. The handle also moves smoother and has less play. Has a decent grip, nothing spectacular. The finishing is nice.
It is a satin chrome, goes very well with razors like the Feather AS or Merkur Futur.
The real strength, and why you pay more (that's ok, it also lasts longer), is in it's edge.
So... is it sharp?
Is it that sharp?
Y E S !
It does all it promises. I don't hear the clipping any more, and instead of "squeezing" the nail off, causing it to jump away, it cuts it off. It slices it off. The action is fast and clean , and the result looks different. Also the edge of your nails are left less round then with a cheapo, but since it's much more precise, due to it's sharpness, it a matter of getting used to and "practicing" a bit with it (meaning use it).
The biggest challenge....
The big toes...
Actually very well. Slightly less easy then a finger nail, but very well.
It cuts it pretty fast AND smooth.
This is a good product and I certainly would recommend INVESTING in a good high end clipper one time.
Do note that other high end clippers may have a good quality, fit and finish but may or may not be this sharp.
Try it and you'll never go back.
Made in Japan
Their website: