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B&B's Blade Bonanza - 2025 - Top-Tier Blades Edition

Perma-Sharp blade 1 / shave 2


Today, the Perma-Sharp loaded into the Timeless .95 felt smoother (less blade feel), however, the shave was just as efficient as my Monday shave.
Another very nice outing! 😀👍
Shave #2 - Gillette Perma-Sharp
Assured For Men Razor
Don Marco Soap

It is "Cheapie" Week on the SOTD thread, so I will be using razors $10 or less this week. Today was very low-balling. I whipped out my Assured For Men razor purchased at the ransom price of $1.25 from Dollar Tree. I am a weird one, but these have always been good to me other than the inferior construction materials. The inside threading of the handle is rusty despite me always towel-drying the razor after use.

Nonethless a Perma-Sharp is great in this razor on my face. Sword-like, meting out doom to my whiskers. Love the Perma-Sharp. Do I need to stock up? (LOL)



Born to häckla
Shave #2 - Gillette Perma-Sharp
Assured For Men Razor
Don Marco Soap

It is "Cheapie" Week on the SOTD thread, so I will be using razors $10 or less this week. Today was very low-balling. I whipped out my Assured For Men razor purchased at the ransom price of $1.25 from Dollar Tree. I am a weird one, but these have always been good to me other than the inferior construction materials. The inside threading of the handle is rusty despite me always towel-drying the razor after use.

Nonethless a Perma-Sharp is great in this razor on my face. Sword-like, meting out doom to my whiskers. Love the Perma-Sharp. Do I need to stock up? (LOL)

View attachment 2010362
Woow you voluntarily used one of those torture devices again. You are a brave man.... I might have one of those still in its blister pack in my stash. Not sure I want to open it though. The challenge one I had have long ago "left" my den.
Kicked off the Bonanza testing with the Perma-Sharp today using an R41 GS and my TiThena. Both sides seemed efficient and smooth. When I first shaved, I would have given a BBS- score to both, but the Athena side seems to be seeing the stubble come back sooner. Regardless, the shaves were smooth and close. While not an ideal blade for the Lambda, the blade was an excellent fit for the R41

I used a Smart Helix brush with Batch 4 Sauvage soap today, and finished up with home-made Bay Rum EDC.
Like @cranewarrior I put Permasharp 1(2) in an AFM for the theme week and got an excellent shave.


The horrible problems of a soap maker. Where to dry your soaps.
I have a giant masonry fireplace, one that opened into two rooms with a tunnel through it, which I don't really use. I put curing soap in there because there is some circulation, and it is out of the way.

Wet tubs just get stacked haphazardly in a bathroom cabinet.
Woow you voluntarily used one of those torture devices again. You are a brave man.... I might have one of those still in its blister pack in my stash. Not sure I want to open it though. The challenge one I had have long ago "left" my den.

I asked some friends to be on the lookout for me for these razors. I acquired another one, brand new in the bag. I also have the Gillette Super Blue which is virtually the same razor, perhaps a little bit better constructed? (not really)

These razors work well for me. I'm not sure why people have the horror stories with them that happened. I mean the blades that came with the razor are poor quality certainly, but with a decent quality blade in these Assured razors, I get excellent shaves.
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I asked some friends to be on the lookout for me for these razors. I acquired another one, brand new in the bag. I also have the Gillette Super Blue which is virtually the same razor, perhaps a little bit better constructed? (not really)

These razors work well for me. I'm not sure why people have the horror stories with them that happened. I mean the blades that came with the razor are poor quality certainly, but with a decent blade in these Assured razors, I get excellent shaves.
I get excellent results with it. The AFM blades, not so much. I suspect the reputation has a lot to do with the razor + blades combination. Today's shave with a Perma-Sharp in the AFM is one of the best I've had so far in the Bonanza. Its the same design that Wolfman copied, and it isn't sloppy or loose.


Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Timeless Ti95 SCL
Nacet (9)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (10)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Blissful shave today. The Nacet blades are (finally?) breaking in and the harsh beginnings have been replaced by a smooth and comfortable blade - in three razors so far at least. I will continue using these blades until Sunday when I will switch. Most likely to Wizamets so I can catch up as much as I can for past blades.

Click here for today's notes.

Enjoy your shave today!


Born to häckla
I asked some friends to be on the lookout for me for these razors. I acquired another one, brand new in the bag. I also have the Gillette Super Blue which is virtually the same razor, perhaps a little bit better constructed? (not really)

These razors work well for me. I'm not sure why people have the horror stories with them that happened. I mean the blades that came with the razor are poor quality certainly, but with a decent quality blade in these Assured razors, I get excellent shaves.
I was able to get decent shaves with it too but man did I have to be on my toes with it. One tiny mistake and it would take a chunk out of you. It is the most aggressive razor I have ever used. I am sure there more aggressive but for me it was a bit over the top. I will stick with my Gillette SuperSpeed at the moment thank you very much.


Born to häckla
I get excellent results with it. The AFM blades, not so much. I suspect the reputation has a lot to do with the razor + blades combination. Today's shave with a Perma-Sharp in the AFM is one of the best I've had so far in the Bonanza. Its the same design that Wolfman copied, and it isn't sloppy or loose.
Like I mentioned I did get decent shaves with it and actually with the blade as well, but it only lasted like 1-2 shaves. It is just one that you need to pay attention to. No thoughts drifting off while shaving with that one.
Perma-Sharp in a Henson is a match made in heaven. This pairing is among my favorite. It feels a bit sharper than a Nacet and just lasers through whiskers, given the Henson's rigid blade clamping. I love this combo!

I'm using a Henson medium right now, even though the aggressive is my fave, to see where the medium fits in my den. Also, I'm still in the winter dry-face period, where I prefer a bit milder of a razor. The medium is still nicely efficient, especially with a sharper blade like the Perma-Sharp.



Is it swell time?
365 daily shaves

Razorock Game Changer .84SB
Executive Shaving Outlaw Classic
Nacet (10)Abe’s Brush Works Smokey Bandit
(Aphaveco SilkSmoke knot 24mm)
Cold splash
Mastro Miche preshave
Mark’s Wonderful Fierce 1 (11+12)Cold splash

EffectivenessFacial Impact Score


Splendid shave! Nacet performing at excellent levels at the moment. Slight increase in aftershave feedback, but all under the heading of refreshing.

Click here for today’s highlights.

Enjoy your shave today!


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I completed my first shave with the Gillette Tech and Perma-Sharp yesterday. It was surprisingly better than with my Merkur 38c. It still doesn't feel as sharp as I think it should be. I did not have any issues with the shave.


“I am a well overdue couch potato”
Yesterday's SOTD Blade 1 Shave 1:
Lush Kalamazoo beard and face wash
Proraso Blue Preshave
BSS #3
Clubman Milk
WR1 .67 OC
Permasharp 1
Semogue C7 Mistura

Rating 5/5 Comfortable BBS

The stock I am using for this test has a date stamp of 13/12/21. I found the blade plenty sharp on my cheeks and jawline but it was slightly tuggy around my Adam's Apple. It was ok ATG under my chin where my beard lies flat against the skin, but it was not not entirely effortless. I did have a bit of alum and aftershave feed back on my neck and throat but it was still within acceptable limits. I am sticking with the same blade for 3 shaves.

I ran the Perma-Sharp with a Blackbird light and a Ares today. The Perna-Sharp paired superbly with both razors, though the nod goes to the Blackbird. The ares seems to call for a sharper blade.

The BBLite gave be a solid BBS shave that I expect will last 15 hours. The Ares side was a BBS- shave that I expect to last about 12 (based on my experience on how long it takes my stubble to grow to a DFS- state)

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I have been using a Permasharp in the Gamechanger 0.68 OC for the past couple of shaves, and intend to continue with it for one or two more. That's unusual for me but I think mild OC razors are helping me to get more life out of my blades than I did with more aggressive razors.

The shaves from the Permasharp have been very good, which is expected as I have a decent store of this favourite blade (I thought 300, but it is closer to 350 as I found some tucks I didn't know I had). I have to say that after using some GSB and Nacet for the past few weeks, the recent Permasharp shaves really have seemed like a step up in sharpness. I do wish the blade stock was thicker though - they are a thin blade and that can make them a bit snaggly in razors with larger reveals. I also really notice the thinner stock when loading them into certain types of shavette.

I will check the date code on this particular batch later, but based on the past couple of weeks my current rating for the Gillette big dogs is...

Sharpness: Permasharp > Nacet > GSB
Preference: GSB / Permasharp > Nacet

Where do Platinums come in this I wonder? We haven't included them in the Bonanza, but I understand they are the "premium" Gillette offering for EU markets (or they were before the war) and my recollection is that they shave very similar to Permasharps.
I have been using a Permasharp in the Gamechanger 0.68 OC for the past couple of shaves, and intend to continue with it for one or two more. That's unusual for me but I think mild OC razors are helping me to get more life out of my blades than I did with more aggressive razors.

The shaves from the Permasharp have been very good, which is expected as I have a decent store of this favourite blade (I thought 300, but it is closer to 350 as I found some tucks I didn't know I had). I have to say that after using some GSB and Nacet for the past few weeks, the recent Permasharp shaves really have seemed like a step up in sharpness. I do wish the blade stock was thicker though - they are a thin blade and that can make them a bit snaggly in razors with larger reveals. I also really notice the thinner stock when loading them into certain types of shavette.

I will check the date code on this particular batch later, but based on the past couple of weeks my current rating for the Gillette big dogs is...

Sharpness: Permasharp > Nacet > GSB
Preference: GSB / Permasharp > Nacet

Where do Platinums come in this I wonder? We haven't included them in the Bonanza, but I understand they are the "premium" Gillette offering for EU markets (or they were before the war) and my recollection is that they shave very similar to Permasharps.
Great question! Is there interest in inviting Gillette Platinums to this party? Maybe at the end?
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