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First Shaving Trip - Intro

It’s been about a month now since I’ve returned from my vacation in Europe and although a total newbie I was becoming very enthusiastic with traditional shaving, so this trip to the old continent was like going to Big Boy’s Disneyland.

Much excitement was waiting for me as I searched the old streets of Lisbon and Porto in my quest for Musgo Real, walked the Holy path of Saint James asking for samples and trying out different scents, and of course had my first barber shave at Truefitt & Hill. But that was just the beginning; there was still the opportunity to learn to say badger in different languages (Texugo in Portuguese, Tasso in Italian, a strange word in German that escapes my memory).

There was also the kind lady in a shaving gear shop in Venice that seemed to know her business very well.

If it be your wish, I shall share these adventures with you in three short chapters: “The quest for Musgo Real”, “A pleasant day at Saint James- with pictures” and “shaving tour at the old continent” but if they are not to your liking, just ignore these words and they will fade away like the scent of a Santa Maria Novella soap…

Chapter 1; The Quest for Musgo Real:
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